Jonathan Edwards Collection: Edwards, Jonathan - Personal Writings: 21a

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Jonathan Edwards Collection: Edwards, Jonathan - Personal Writings: 21a

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On the 29th of June, the secretary of the commissioners in Boston

forwarded, by their direction, to Mr. Edwards and Mr. Hawley, an

official expression of the approbation, entertained by that board, of

the firmness and integrity manifested by them, in their conduct

relative to the Stockbridge mission [52] . The commissioners knew of

the attempt made, to shake their own confidence, and that of the

public, in their agents in that mission; and doubtless intended, by

this prompt and unequivocal act of justice, at once to sustain the

hearts of these gentlemen, under their severe trials, and to make it

manifest to all men, that, notwithstanding that attempt, they

continued to repose in them an undiminished confidence. In his reply,

bearing date Aug. 27, 1752, Mr. Edwards, after returning his thanks to

those gentlemen, for this very decisive expression of their favourable

opinion, made to their secretary his regular report of the state of

the mission.

After observing, that the people of the town, both English and

Indians, notwithstanding repeated and vigorous efforts to break up

their union, and, particularly, to excite a disaffection in them

towards their ministers, were all happily united in opinion and

affection, except one individual and his family; he mentions the

alliance of the resident trustee with his family, which took place

soon after the arrival at Stockbridge of his nephew from Connecticut.

The latter gentleman soon called on Mr. Edwards, and, after alluding

to the fact, that he was opposed to the appointment of his cousin, as

superintendent of the female boarding-school, insisted, as a member of

the society in London, and of the board of commissioners, on knowing

his reasons, and, at the same time, offered to be the instrument of

settling the differences subsisting at Stockbridge. Mr. Edwards,

preferring to answer this demand by letter, declined to make a

representation of the case before him, but offered to join with him,

in an earnest representation to the board of commissioners, that they

would appoint a committee, to come on the spot, to inquire into the

existing difficulties; on the ground, that it was more proper to have

such a committee, as judges or mediators, than an individual, who was

very nearly related to the family chiefly interested in these

contentions; and proposed, that the commissioners, by their committee,

should be desired to look into the management of the affairs at

Stockbridge, from the beginning, by all the living inhabitants and

residents of the town, who had had any hand in them, in any respect;

declaring himself ready to open himself with freedom before such a

committee.--His correspondent, in reply, declined this proposal,

reasserted his right to know the objections to the proposed teacher of

the boarding-school, and intimated the regret which be should feel, if

obliged to inform the society in London of the existing state of

things at Stockbridge.--Mr. Edwards, in his answer, insisted anew on

his former proposal, of referring the case to the commissioners,

declared himself not satisfied, that his correspondent, acting singly,

had authority to demand the reasons of his judgment, as to the teacher

of the female school, whatever the society in London, or their

commissioners in Boston, acting as a body, might have; and concluded,

by referring himself again to the commissioners, who were his

constituents, and who had, a little before, informed him, that they

looked upon their agents as accountable to them only.

The arrival of this gentleman, and the assurances be gave them or his

influence with the society in London, revived for a time the drooping

courage of his friends, particularly of the resident trustee, and of

the agent of Mr. Hollis, who had, just before that event, resolved on

removing from Stockbridge.--Having thus alluded to the mischievous

consequences growing out of this unhappy state of things, Mr. Edwards

proceeds,--"Thus things go on, in a state of confusion, of which those

at a distance can scarcely have any idea. In the mean time, the affair

of the Six Nations is languishing to death. The affair of the Mohawks

is, I fear, past recovery, and in a manner dead. They seem to be

discouraged, are most of them gone, and I do not expect will come up

again; unless it be to get presents, and satisfy their hunger, in the

present time of great scarcity in their own country. They have

apparently very much given up the idea of coming hither for

instruction. The Onohquaugas have not been here so long, to be

discouraged by our management. But if things go on in this manner, it

may be expected that they will be discouraged also. The management of

things has a great while been in wrong hands. They ought to be

conducted exclusively by the commissioners, who have had the care of

Stockbridge affairs; but here are others, who seem to aim to engross

all to themselves, to be indefatigably active in prosecuting their

particular designs, and impatient of every thing that stands in their


Very much depends on the appointment or a teacher of the female

school. If that affair is settled to their minds, their influence here

is well established. They are sensible that affairs depend very much

on this simple point, and therefore this is the point they drive at

with all their might. The wisdom of the commissioners will easily

discover, that this is the juncture, in which the foundation is to be

laid of the future state of things in Stockbridge; of their prosperity

or adversity; and perhaps with no opportunity of future redress. I

look upon myself as called upon to speak somewhat freely at such a

juncture; and therefore I hope my so doing will be candidly

interpreted by the commissioners. I do not think that our affairs will

ever prosper, if they must be under the bands of the resident trustee

and his friends."

In the month of September, Mr. Edwards went into New Jersey, and, on

the 28th of that month, preached a sermon from James ii. 19. before

the synod at Newark, entitled, "True Grace distinguished from the

Experience of Devils," which was published at their request. It is a

clear, condensed, and powerful exhibition of the differences between

real religion and its counterfeits, and will be found eminently

useful, as a criterion of Christian character.

In the unhappy controversy, between Mr. Woodbridge and his opponent,

perhaps no one circumstance had been more mortifying to the latter, or

had had a more direct tendency to defeat all ins measures, than the

fact, that the white inhabitants of the town, (his own immediate

family connexions excepted,) as well as the Indians of both nations,

were, to a man, opposed to himself, and friendly to his antagonist.

This rendered his daily life uncomfortable; it discouraged every

attempt to forward his plans at the public meetings of the town; and

when any point in controversy was to be decided, or any measure

attempted, at Boston, he found that Mr. Woodbridge had a host of

substantial witnesses on the spot, who gave in their testimony without

fear. In this way, hitherto, every important design had been


The winter, that was approaching, was regarded by both parties as a

most important and interesting period; during which, in all

probability, the affairs of the mission, and of the town, would be

brought to a crisis. Those opposed to Mr. Woodbridge, were not

ignorant, that, if Mr. Edwards were continued as the missionary at

Stockbridge, such was his influence at Boston, and his general weight

of character, there was too much probability, that Mr. Woodbridge

would be continued the school-master of the Housatonnucks, and Mr.

Hawley of the Iroquois. In that case, there was but little chance of

the female school being placed in the desired hands; if that faded,

the stewardship of all the schools would fail; and then the whole

system of measures, apparently so happily conceived, would be

defeated. But if Mr. Edwards could be removed from Stockbridge, the

removal of Mr. Woodbridge would be attended with less difficulty; that

of Mr. Hawley, a young man, would follow of course, which would make

way for the son of the resident trustee: these changes would almost

necessarily insure the female school, as well as the stewardship and

agency, in the family; and then the other objects in view could

scarcely fail to be accomplished. As so much depended on the fact,

whether Mr. Edwards was continued at Stockbridge, or not; there seemed

to be held out, to minds capable of being influenced by them, very

strong inducements to make one vigorous effort to effect his removal.

This was accordingly resolved on, and, by some of the persons

concerned, incautiously proclaimed.

One of the steps taken to accomplish this so desired object, is

mentioned in the following letter. Whether it was one of the measures

concerted, or was the self-suggested plan of the individual, who

attempted to execute it, does not certainly appear. Could he have

succeeded, could the English inhabitants of the town have been

changed, and a new set of inhabitants have been introduced, all of

them his adherents; no event probably would have so much furthered the

objects in view. The almost utter impossibility of its success,

connected with its total and immediate discomfiture, rendered the

attempt supremely ridiculous, and covered the individual making it,

and his party, with confusion.

"To Andrew Oliver, Esquire.

Stock bridge, Oct. 1752.


Since my letter of Aug. 27, various things have occurred among us, of

which it may not be improper to inform you. It seems as though there

was a resolution, in the people on the hill, to carry their schemes

into effect, though the earth should be removed for it. The opponent

of Mr. Woodbridge has lately made a vigorous and vehement attempt,

suddenly to change the English inhabitants of the town, by buying out,

at once, the old inhabitants in general. To thus end, he arose very

early in the morning, and went out before day, and called some of them

out of their beds, offering to buy their farms. In this manner, he

went from one to another, until he had been to almost all the

inhabitants in that forenoon; offering very high prices, and cash in

hand; vehemently pressing that the bargain should be immediately

closed, and the writings drawn, and the affair completed, without

delay; urging it most pressingly on each one. One of the inhabitants

completed and finished the affair with him. Some others came to a

verbal agreement, on conditions. But, notwithstanding the great and

extraordinary vigour, with which this matter was carried on, yet the

design was discovered, before it could be completed, and so

disappointed; and then his friends, and he himself too, were glad to

lay this conduct to distraction.

A scheme is plainly laid, entirely to thrust Mr. Hawley out of the

schools; let his friends and constituents do what they will to prevent

it. The resident trustee has told Mr. Hawley, that it is the design of

Mr. Hollis's former school-master, to set up a distinct independent

school, under another teacher, whom he shall provide to keep the

school on Mr. Hollis's behalf, and that he intends to take up all boys

who come, to board them and clothe them well, better than heretofore.

Probably he presumes, that the clothing and presents that will be

offered, will tempt them all to subject themselves to himself, rather

than to Mr. Hawley.

I have lately been a journey to Newark, in New Jersey, where I saw Mr.

Hazzard, a merchant in New York, who told me that he, the last June,

received and answered two bills from him, drawn on Mr. Hollis, of £80

sterling apiece. By this, it appears, that he has drawn full pay from

Mr. Hollis, for the two years past, as much as he had in the preceding

years, without clothing the boys in the least, imposing on Mr. Hollis,

in an almost unprecedented manner, considering the greatness of the

injury, the plainness of the case, and the obstinacy with which he has

proceeded to such a step, after this part of the country had been, so

long a time, so full of objections to his being here at Mr. Hollis's

expense, without being engaged in the business to which Mr. Hollis

appointed him, and for which he agreed to send him his money. In the

beginning of the year before last, he professedly threw up Mr.

Hollis's school, and dismissed all his boys, supposing that Mr. Hollis

was dead; it having been long since he heard any thing from him. In

what he did afterwards, in teaching the Mohawks, he did not pretend to

proceed on Mr. Hollis's plan, or with any expectation of any pay from

him. And he never pretended to take up any boys on Mr. Hollis's

account, till about a year afterwards, viz. The last autumn after he

had received a letter from Mr. Hollis; and it is but little he has

done since. The charge he has been at, in clothing the boys, is but a

trifle. He has never really kept any school at all, though sometimes

he has pretended to teach some children to read, in a most confused

manner. But, through a great part of the last year, he has not done

even that. He has been absent, at least one third of the year, and the

greater part of the time that he has been here, he has not had so much

as the shadow of a school, nor been in any business whatsoever.

I some time ago wrote a letter to Mr. Hollis, giving him some account

of the state of his affairs here, accompanied with letters from some

of the inhabitants of Stockbridge. I desired Mr. Prince to show those

letters to some of the commissioners.

One of the trustees has lately been here, but staid only two or three

days. While he was here, there was little else but altercation, and

warm contest, between his colleague and him, concerning the mode of

managing affairs, and concerning the female school. And he is gone

away entirely discouraged, with a resolution to have no more to do

with the affairs of Stockbridge, which, he says, are blown up already.

If it be not altogether so, yet I think it is high time the honourable

commissioners had full information of the state of things among us. We

have long waited for an opportunity to send, but none has presented.

Mr. Hawley meets with many things to discourage him; his circumstances

here are very difficult and precarious; he greatly needs the advice of

the commissioners; he has a strong inclination to see the

commissioners himself, and to confer with them, freely and fully,

about the affairs in which he is concerned, and it appears to me

necessary that he should do this, both for the public interest, and on

his own account. He is kept out of business, and probably very good

business, in which he might settle elsewhere, and I do not wonder that

he is uneasy, and thinks it necessary to talk with the commissioners.

We have had thoughts of his staying, until Mr. Woodbridge went to the

general court, the necessity of whose going appears more and more

apparent; but the court being prorogued, and we not knowing for how

long a time and the important matters of intelligence to the

commissioners, and to Mr. Hollis, having been so long delayed for want

of opportunity, which so much require their speedy notice; our

calamities also continuing, and growing worse and worse; and it being

now a time, wherein most of the Mohawks are gone, and so a time in

which Mr. Hawley can be absent, with far less inconvenience than some

time hence, when many of the Mohawks are expected down, in consequence

of the want of provisions in their own country; and considering that

probably the commissioners might have a more free opportunity to hear

and consider Mr. Hawley's representations now, than in the time of the

sitting of the court, and likewise, that it might be some convenience

to the commissioners, to have notice of the state of our affairs, so

as to ripen their thoughts with regard to them, before the sitting of

the court;--I say, considering these things, it was thought advisable

for Mr. Hawley not to delay his journey. That the Most High would give

wisdom, and counsel, and success to the commissioners, in their

consultations on our affairs, and direct and aid those who are here

employed, in so important a service, is the humble and earnest prayer


Their most obedient servant,

jonathan edwards

From these scenes of unsuccessful intrigue, and disappointed avarice,

all notice of which, could the life of Mr. Edwards, as a missionary at

Stockbridge, have been fairly exhibited without thus detailing them,

would have been most gladly dispensed with; the reader will turn with

pleasure, even for a short interval, to communications prompted by

friendship, and relating to the more general interests of the church.

Some years before this, through the kindness of Mr. Erskine, he had

received the writings of some of the more considerable Arminian

writers, particularly of Dr. Taylor of Norwich, and Dr. Turnbull;

which, with of Dr. Whitby and those of Chubb and Tindal, already in

his possession, furnished him with the means of examining their whole

system. This examination he commenced, in form, a considerable time

before he left Northampton; and in the summer of 1747, as we have

already seen, he announced, in his first letter to Mr. Erskine, the

general plan of a Discourse on the Freedom of the Will, and Moral

Agency. This subject drew his attention, even while he was a member of

college; and, from an investigation of the nature of Power, to which

he was led by reading the article, in the Essay on the Human

Understanding, relating to that subject, he derived the all-important

principle, that men, in a proper sense, may be said to have power to

abstain from sin, and to repent, to do good works, and to live holily;

because it depends on their will.--After Mr. Edwards had thus

announced his plan, his attention was necessarily diverted from its

execution, during his residence in Northampton, by the controversy

respecting the Qualifications for Communion, his Treatise on that

subject, and the many perplexities and embarrassments, which

terminated in his dismission. His removal from Northampton, the

establishment of his family at Stockbridge, the Answer to Mr. Williams

and his ordinary duties as minister and missionary, and the unhappy

controversy subsisting respecting the mission, engrossed his whole

time, until July, 1752. In August following, he entered upon the work,

and pursued it a short time; but the violence of that controversy, and

the attempts of the party hostile to Mr. Woodbridge, to force him from

Stockbridge, compelled him to intermit his labours. Some of these

circumstances are alluded to, in the following letter to Mr. Erskine,

in which the reader will also find some interesting details, relative

to the Dutch church, and to the state of religion in New Jersey.

Stockbridge, November 23, N. S. 1752.

rev. and dear brother,

In August last I wrote to you, and sent away the letter, (with letters

to some of my other correspondents,) to Boston, to be conveyed to

Scotland. Therein I acknowledged the receipt of two letters from you,

one of July 17,1751: another of Feb. 11,1752; with the pamphlets, put

with the last letter, and now acknowledge the receipt of another

letter from you of May 14, 1752; and the pamphlets you sent with the

last. The letter I received the latter end of September: the pamphlets

I did not receive till very lately: they were forgotten by Mr. Prince.

The Treatise against Fanaticism I shall have no benefit from, because

I am not acquainted with the French language. What the Jewish convert

has published of his conversion, &c is very agreeable. And I now

heartily thank you for this letter and packet. I am very glad to see

what you write concerning the state of religion in the Netherlands.

But I believe there is more of a mixture of what is bad with the good,

that appears in that land, than Mr. Kennedy, and many other ministers

there, are aware of, and that they will find, that the consequences of

their not carefully and critically distinguishing between the good and

bad, and guarding with the utmost caution and diligence against the

latter, will prove worse than they now conceive of. By your account,

it is now exactly with Mr. Kennedy, as it was with many pious

ministers in America, in the time of the great religious moving here.

They looked upon critical inquiries, into the difference between true

grace and its counterfeits, or at least a being very busy in such

inquiries, and spending time in them, to be impertinent and

unseasonable; tending rather to damp the work of the Spirit of God,

than promote it; diverting their own minds, and the minds of others,

as they supposed, from that to which God, at such an extraordinary

time, did loudly call them more especially to attend. The cry was, O,

there is no danger, if we are but lively in religion, and full of

God's Spirit, and live by faith, of being misled! If we do but follow

God, there is no danger if being led wrong! 'Tis the cold, carnal and

lifeless, that are most likely to be blind, and walk in darkness. Let

us press forward, and not stay and hinder, the good work, by standing

and spending time in these criticisms and carnal reasoning! &c. &c.

This was the language of many, till they ran on deep into the

wilderness, and were taught by the briers and thorns of the

wilderness. However, `tis no wonder that divines in Europe will not

lay very much weight on the admonitions they receive from so obscure a

part of the world. Other parts of the church of God must be taught as

we have been; and when they see and feel, then they will believe. Not

that I apprehend there is in any measure so much enthusiasm and

disorder, mixed with the work in Holland, as was in many parts of

America, in the time of the last revival of religion here. But yet I

believe the work must be more pure, and the people more thoroughly

guarded from his wiles, who beguiled Eve through his subtlety, and who

corrupts the minds of zealous people from the simplicity that is in

Christ, before the work goes on to a general conquest, and is

maintained in its power and glory for a great length of time. But God

will have his own way --`Who, being his counsellor, hath taught Him?'

We must expect confusion and uproar, before we have that abundance of

peace and truth, which the Scriptures speak of: many must run to and

fro, and knowledge will be increased.

The Dutch ministers in America, whom you mention, whom I have

acquaintance with, are some of the younger ministers, and such as were

born in America, though several of them have had part of their

education in Holland. I have not acquaintance enough with them, to

know their sentiments, particularly, about those corrupt mixtures

above mentioned, and the care which is to be used in guarding against

them. However, `tis not very likely, if some of them should write to

their brethren in Holland, that their letters would have more

influence upon them than letters from you, and some others of the

ministers of Scotland. Nevertheless, there is a prospect, that there

will in time be very happy effects of the growing acquaintance and

union, there is between a very considerable number of very hopeful and

pious Dutch ministers, in the province of New York and New Jersey, and

many English and Scotch ministers in America. The number of well

disposed Dutch ministers in these provinces, has of late remarkably

increased; so that I think when they meet together in their Coetus,

they make the major part. Some of the elder ministers seem to be of

quite contrary sentiment and disposition, not appearing friendly, as

the others, to what they esteem the power of religion, nor approving

of awakening, searching, strict, and experimental preaching; which has

occasioned various contests among them. However, the stricter sort

being the prevailing part, are like to carry the day.

The Dutch churches in these provinces have hitherto been so dependent

on the Classis in Holland, that, whenever any among them have been

educated for the ministry, and any churches have been desirous of

their administrations, they could not receive their orders on this

side of the water, but have been obliged to go to Holland for

ordination; which has been a great encumbrance, that has attended the

settlement of ministers among them, and has undoubtedly been one

occasion of such multitudes of the Dutch being wholly without

ministers. Application was made not long since, through the influence

of the forementioned serious young ministers, (as I take it,) by the

Coetus here, to the Classis in Holland, for their consent, that they

might unite themselves to the Presbyterian synod of New York, which

now consists of English and Scotch. But the success of their

application was prevented, by a letter written by one of the elder

ministers, remonstrating against it, very falsely representing the New

York synod, as no proper Presbyterian synod, but rather a company of

independents. On which, the Classis of Holland advised them, by no

means, to unite themselves with that synod.

The last September I went a journey into New Jersey, and had

opportunity, in my journey, of seeing some of these young ministers,

and conversing with them on the subject They seem resolved, by some

means or other, to disengage themselves and their churches from the

forementioned great encumbrance, of being obliged to cross the ocean

for the ordination of every minister. I was much gratified, during the

little opportunity I had, to observe the agreeable disposition of

these ministers.

There were, also, many other things I had opportunity to observe in

those parts, which were very agreeable. I was there, at the time of

the public commencement in the college, and the time of the meeting of

the trustees of the college, the time of the meeting of the

correspondents of the society for propagating Christian knowledge, and

the time of the meeting of the New York synod; so that I had

opportunity to converse with ministers from Long Island, New York, New

Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Virginia The college is in flourishing

circumstances; increases apace; and is happily regulated. The trustees

seem engaged to their utmost to promote learning, virtue, and true

religion, in it; and none more so than Governor Belcher; who is the

president of the trustees, and was at the commencement, and at the

trustees' meeting. But they very much want further supplies, for the

convenient support of the college. I had considerable opportunity to

converse with Governor Belcher, and was several times at his house at

Elizabeth-town. He labours under many of the infirmities of age, but

savours much of a spirit of religion, and seems very desirous of doing

all the good he can, while he lives. The New York synod is in

flourishing circumstances: much more so than the Philadelphia synod.

They have the greatest body of ministers now, and increase much faster

than the other. They are in higher credit with the people in almost

all parts, and are chiefly sought to for supplies by distant


With respect to the proceedings of the correspondents, they have

dismissed Mr. Horton from his mission on Long-Island, and he is about

to settle in a congregation in New Jersey. He was dismissed by reason

of his very much failing of employment: many of the clans of Indians,

he used to preach to, having dwindled away, by death or dispersion,

and there being but little prospect of success among others that

remain, and some being so situated, that they may conveniently be

taken care of by other ministers. The correspondents have it in their

view to employ the money, by which he used to be supported, to support

a mission among the Six Nations; after they have found a suitable

person to undertake the business of such a mission, and he is fitted

for it by learning the language. They used endeavours to obtain a

suitable person for the business, in New Jersey; but, meeting with no

success, they voted to empower Mr. Bellamy, Mr. Hopkins of Sheffield,

and myself; to procure a suitable person, if we can find such an one,

in New England, for the present, to come and live at Stockbridge, to

be here learning the Mohawk language with Mr. Hawley, our

school-master for the Mohawk; to fit him for the mission. Persons

proper to be employed, and such as may be obtained, are very scarce;

and `tis doubtful whether we shall be able to obtain one.

There is a very dark cloud, that at present attends the affair,

relating to the Indians at Stockbridge, occasioned very much by one of

the agents of the province, (who lives at Stockbridge,) pursuing

measures very contrary to the measures of the commissioners of the

society in London. The opposition is maintained, not with a small

degree of stiffness and resolution; and the contest is become so great

that it has brought things into very great confusion. This gentleman

is a man of some role; and his wife's relations earnestly engage with

him, and many of them are persons of considerable figure in the

country. The commissioners all very much dislike his conduct. This

contest occasions no misunderstandings among the people in

Stockbridge, in general: all, excepting those nearly related to the

family, both English and Indians, are happily united to me and my

family. It would be very tedious for me to write, and for you to read,

all the particulars of this uncomfortable affair. The commissioners

are exerting themselves to relieve us of this calamity; and it is

probable they will be successful.

I thank you for the account you give of some valuable books published:

I desire you would continue to favour me in this manner. I began the

last August to write a little on the Arminian controversy, but was

soon broke off: and such have been my extraordinary avocations and

hinderances, that I have not had time to set pen to paper about this

matter since. But I hope that God, in his providence, will favour me

with opportunity to prosecute the design. And I desire your prayers,

that God would assist me in it, and in all the work I am called to,

and enable me to conduct my life to his glory and acceptance, under

all difficulties and trials.

My wife joins with me in most hearty and affectionate salutation to

you, and Mrs. Erskine.

I am, dear Sir,

Your affectionate and obliged

Brother and servant.

jonathan edwards."

"P. S. I propose with this, to send you Mr. Hobart's second address to

the members of the episcopal church in New England, and my answer to

Mr. Williams, which I would desire you to give your neighbours, my

correspondents, opportunity to read, if they desire it."

The correspondence of Mr. Edwards and the Rev. Thomas Gillespie of

Carnock, in Scotland, has already interested the attention of the

reader. This gentleman was born in 1708, pursued his theological

studies under Dr. Doddridge, and was ordained and settled in the

parish of Carnock, in 1741. He was a faithful and indefatigable

minister.--"I never (says Dr. Erskine, who was several months his

stated hearer at Carnock, and often heard his occasional efforts in

other places) sat under a minister better calculated to awaken the

thoughtless and secure, to caution convinced sinners against what

would stifle their convictions and prevent their issuing in

conversion, and to point out the differences between vital

Christianity and specious, counterfeit appearances of it."--His

popularity and usefulness were very great, not only in his own parish,

but in Edinburgh and the west of Scotland. In 1752 an event occurred,

which forms an era in the ecclesiastical history of that country. The

Rev. Andrew Richardson of Broughton was presented to the charge of the

town of Inverkeithing, by the lay patron of the parish--the individual

who had that living in his gift.--The inhabitants refused to receive

him as their minister. The case was appealed from court to court,

until the General Assembly, in May, 1752, directed the presbytery of

Dunfermline to admit Mr. R. to the charge of Inverkeithing, and

appointed Mr. Gillespie to preside on the occasion. Mr. Gillespie, and

several others in the presbytery, had conscientious scruples on the

subject of lay patronage, and fully believed that no one, on the

principles of the gospel, could have any right to place a clergyman

over a parish but the people themselves [53] . He therefore, and those

who thought with him, declined obedience to the mandate: and while

they were subjected to various ecclesiastical censures, he was deposed

from the ministry, and removed from the parish of Carnock. When called

to the bar to receive his sentence, he replied," Moderator, I receive

this sentence of the General Assembly with reverence and awe. But I

rejoice that it is given to me, on the behalf of Christ, not only to

believe on his name, but to suffer for his sake"

For about a year he preached to his people out of doors, hoping that

the sentence would be reversed; at the close of which, a church having

been purchased for him in Dunfermline, a short distance from Carnock,

he preached there, as an independent, about six years, unconnected

with any associate in the ministry. In 1758 he united with the Rev.

Thomas Boston, Jr., and formed a new establishment, called, The

Presbytery of Relief; to which some dissenting ministers of England

soon acceded. The congregations at present connected with them, and

known, as an ecclesiastical body, by the name of the relief, are 65 in

number, are found in all the principal towns, and many of the country

parishes, of Scotland, and are computed to consist of towards 60,000

individuals [54] . They provide ministers for the inhabitants of those

parishes, which do not submit to ministers introduced by lay

patronage; and readily admit to ministerial and church communion,

evangelical ministers of the church of Scotland, and of the church of


The correspondents of Mr. Edwards had forwarded to him various

publications relative to the deposition of Mr. Gillespie; and the

views which he formed with regard to it, as expressed in the following

letter, while they must, at the time, have been consoling and

supporting to the excellent man to whom they were sent, will also

probably harmonize with those of every reader of these pages.

"To the Rev. Thomas Gillespie, Carnock.

Stockbridge, Nov. 24, 1752.

rev. and dear brother,

In letters and pamphlets lately forwarded to me, by some of my

correspondents in Scotland, I have received the affecting and

surprising account of your deposition, for not assisting in the

settlement of Mr. Richardson, at Inverkeithing. The circumstances of

which affair seem to be such, as abundantly manifest your cause to be

good; at the same time that they plainly show the persecuting spirit

with which you have been proceeded against. It is strange, that a

protestant church should condemn and depose one of her ministers, for

conscientiously declining to act in a forced settlement of a minister,

over a congregation that have not chosen him as their pastor, but are

utterly averse to his administrations, at least as to a stated

attendance upon them. It is to be wondered at, that such a church, at

this time of day, after the cause of liberty in matters of conscience

has been so abundantly defended, should arrogate to herself such a

kind of authority over the consciences of both ministers and people,

and use it in such a manner, by such severity, to establish that,

which is not only contrary to the liberty of Christians, wherewith

Christ has made them free; but so directly contrary to her own

professed principles, acts, and resolutions, entered on public record

The several steps of this proceeding, and some singular measures

taken, and the hastiness and vehemence of the proceeding, are such, as

savour very strongly of the very spirit of persecution, and must be

greatly to the dishonour of the church of Scotland; and are such, as

will naturally engage the friends of God's people, abroad in the

world, in your favour, as suffering very injuriously. It is wonderful,

that a church, which has itself suffered so much by persecution,

should be guilty of so much persecution. This proceeding gives reason

to suspect, that the church of Scotland, which was once so famous, is

not what it once was. It appears probable to me, at this distance,

that there is something else at the bottom, besides a zeal to uphold

the authority of the church. Perhaps many of the clergy of the church

of Scotland have their minds secretly infected with those lax

principles of the new divinity, and have imbibed the liberal

doctrines, as they are accounted, which are so much in vogue at the

present day, and so contrary to the strict, mysterious; spiritual,

soul-humbling principles of our forefathers. I have observed, that

these modern fashionable opinions, however called noble and liberal,

are commonly attended, not only with a haughty contempt, but an inward

malignant bitterness of heart, towards all the zealous professors and

defenders of the contrary spiritual principles, that do so nearly

concern the vitals of religion, and the power of experimental

godliness. This, be sure, has been the case in this land. I have known

many gentlemen, (especially in the ministry,) tainted with these

liberal principles; who, though none seem to be such warm advocates as

they, for liberty and freedom of thought, or condemn a narrow and

persecuting spirit so much as they; yet, in the course of things, have

made it manifest, that they themselves had no small share of a

persecuting spirit. They were, indeed, against any body's restraining

their liberties, and pretending to control them in their thinking and

professing as they please; and that is what they mean, truly, when

they plead for liberty. But they have that inward enmity of spirit

towards those others mentioned, that, if they see an opportunity to

persecute them under some good cloak, and with some false pretext,

they will eagerly embrace it, and proceed with great severity and

vehemence. Thus far, perhaps, if the truth were known, it would

appear, that some of your most strenuous persecutors hate you much

more for something else, than they do for your not obeying the orders

of the general assembly. I do not pretend to know how the case is. I

only speak from what I have seen and found, here in America, in cases

somewhat similar. However, it is beyond doubt, that this proceeding

will stand on the records of future time, for the lasting reproach of

your persecutors; and your conduct, for which you have suffered, will

be to your lasting honour in the church of God. And what is much more,

that, which has been condemned in you by man, and for which you have

suffered from him, is doubtless approved by God, and I trust you will

have a glorious reward from him. For the cause you suffer in, is the

cause of God; and if God be for us, who can be against us? If he

justifies, what need we care who condemns? Not only is the mercy of

God, dear brother, manifested, in its being granted you to suffer for

his sake, but his mercy is to be taken notice of, in many of the

circumstances of this suffering. Particularly, that he has excited so

many to appear for you: that you had the major part of the presbytery,

which you belong to, with you in the affair, though God has honoured

you above all the rest, in calling you to suffer for his name: that

the major part of the commission of the General Assembly did in effect

approve of the conduct of the presbytery, judging it no censurable

fault: that no greater part of the Assembly had a hand in your

deposition: that so many of God's, people have, on this occasion, very

boldly appeared to befriend you, as suffering in a righteous cause,

openly condemning the conduct of your most bitter prosecutors, and

testifying an abhorrence of their conduct: and that many have

appeared, liberally to contribute to your outward support; so that, by

what I understand, you are likely to be no loser in that respect; by

which, your enemies will, perhaps, be entirely disappointed. And,

above all, that you have been enabled, through the whole of this

affair, to conduct yourself with so much Christian meekness, decency,

humility, proper deference to authority, and composure and fortitude

of mind; which is an evident token that God will appear for you, and

also, that he will appear against your enemies. When I received your

kind letter, soon after my dismission from Northampton, so full of

expressions of sympathy towards me under what I suffered, I little

thought of your being brought so soon under sufferings so similar.

But, seeing God has so ordered it in his providence, my prayer and

hope is, that he would abundantly reward your sympathy in my case.

'Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.'

As to myself, I still meet with difficulties in my new station, which

arrive partly from private views (as it is to be feared) of some

particular persons of some note and distinction, who are concerned

with the affair of the Mohawks here, and partly from the same spirit

and the same persons, and others nearly related to them, who fomented

the contention with me at Northampton. However, all the people, both

Indians and English, except the very few of the above-mentioned

connexion, are firmly united to me: and the commissioners in Boston,

who are my constituents, and from whom I have my support, are

altogether on my side; and are endeavouring to the utmost to remove

the difficulties that attend our affairs, by which the cause of

religion here, especially among the Mohawks, suffers much more than I

do, or am like to do, in my personal and temporal interests. These

difficulties which have arisen, have, indeed, almost brought the

Mohawk affair to ruin, which the last year was attended with so

glorious a prospect It would be very tedious to relate the particulars

of this unhappy affair. I think that God, by these sufferings, calls

me to expect no other than to meet with difficulties and trials while

in this world. And what am I better than my fathers, that I should

expect to fare better in the world, than the generality of Christ's

followers in all past generations. May all our trials be for our

justification, and our being more and more meet for our Master's use,

and prepared to enter into the joy of our Lord, in a world where all

tears shall be wiped from the eyes of God's people. Let us, dear Sir,

earnestly pray one for another, that it may be thus with us; and that,

however we may be called to labour and to suffer, we may see peace on

God's Israel, and hereafter eternally glory and triumph with his

inheritance. God has of late mercifully preserved my wife and youngest

daughter, in time of very sore and dangerous sickness, and restored

them again. My eldest daughter has also been sick, and is restored in

a considerable degree.

The Northampton people remain in sorrowful circumstances, destitute of

a settled minister, and without any prospect of a settlement; having

met with many disappointments. But all don't as yet seem to be

effectual, to bring them to a suitable temper of mind. I much desire

to hear from you, and to be informed of your present circumstances.

I am, dear Sir,

Your affectionate brother in the gospel,

brother in the gospel,

jonathan edwards."

With the preceding letter was sent the following to Mr. M'Culloch.

"Stockbridge, Nov 24, 1752.

rev. and dear sir,

I thank you for your letter of March 3, 1752, which I received this

fall. I thank you for your friendly and instructive observations, on

God's dealings with me and my family. Though God's dispensations

towards me, have been attended with some distinguishing trials, yet

the end of the Lord has been very gracious. He has ever manifested

himself very pitiful and of tender mercy, in the midst of difficulties

we have met with, in merciful circumstances with which they have been

attended, and also in the event of them. Our circumstances, here at

Stockbridge, are in many respects comfortable. We here live in peace

and friendship, with the generality of the people. But we are not

without our difficulties and troubles here. The Indian affair, which

the last year was attended with so pleasing and glorious a prospect,

has since been unspeakably embarrassed, through the particular schemes

of certain individuals, who are opposed, in their counsels and

measures, to the commissioners of the Society in London, and are, to

their utmost, striving to accomplish their designs in opposition to

them; and in this great contest I am looked on as a person not a

little obnoxious. They belong to a family of some note, who vigorously

abetted and set forward my opposers at Northampton, and were a chief

occasion of my removal from that town; to whom my settlement at

Stockbridge was very grievous; who now take occasion to exert

themselves to the utmost to weaken my interest and influence: and I

have all reason to think, would, if it were possible, undermine me,

and procure my removal far hence. Many endeavours have been used to

disaffect my people towards me, but all in vain. They are all firmly

united to me, excepting the forementioned family. Endeavours have been

used, also, to disaffect some of the commissioners; but wholly in

vain. They seem to have their eyes very wide open, as to their

particular designs and schemes, and the true spring of their

opposition. We hope for an end of this lamentable contest before long.

But its effects hitherto have been very sorrowful, especially with

regard to the Mohawks. Some other things have happened, which have

much prejudiced the cause of religion among the Indians; and among

other things, the discovery of the famous Tartarian root, described in

Chambers's dictionary, called Ginseng, which was found in our woods

the last summer, and is since found in the woods in many of these

western parts of New England, and in the country of the Six Nations.

The traders in Albany have been eager to purchase all that they could,

of this root, to send to England; where they make great profit by it.

This has occasioned our Indians of all sorts, young and old, to spend

abundance of time in wandering about the woods, and sometimes to a

great distance, in the neglect of public worship, and of their

husbandry; and also in going much to Albany, to sell their roots,

(which proves worse to them than their going into the woods,) where

they are always much in the way of temptation and drunkenness;

especially when they have money in their pockets. The consequence has

been that many of them have laid out their money, which they have got

for their roots of Ginseng, for rum; wherewith they have intoxicated


God has been very gracious to my family of late, when some of them

have been visited with sore sickness. My wife has lately been very

dangerously sick, so as to be brought to the very brink of the grave.

She had very little expectation of life, but seemed to be assisted to

an unweaned resignation to the Divine will, and an unshaken peace and

joy in God, in the expectation of a speedy departure. But God was

pleased to preserve her, and mercifully to restore her to a pretty

good state of health. My youngest daughter also, who has been a very

infirm child, was brought nigh unto death by a sore fit of sickness,

and is now also restored to her former state. My daughter Parsons, my

eldest daughter, who with her husband has removed from Northampton,

and dwells in Stockbridge, has also very lately been very sick, but is

in a considerable measure restored. My daughter Esther's marriage with

President Burr, of Newark, seems to be very much to the satisfaction

of ministers and people in those parts, and also of our friends in

Boston, and other parts of New England.

As to the state of religion in America, I have but little to write

that is comfortable; but there seems to be better appearances in some

other colonies than in New England. When I was lately in New Jersey,

in the time of the synod there, I was informed of some small movings

and revivals in some places on Long-Island and New Jersey. I there had

the comfort of a short interview with Mr. Davies of Virginia, and was

much pleased with him and his conversation. He appears to be a man of

very solid understanding, discreet in his behaviour, and polished and

gentlemanly in his manners, as well as fervent and zealous in

religion. He gave an account of the probability of the settlement of a

Mr. Todd, a young man of good learning and of a pious disposition, in

a part of Virginia near to him. Mr. Davies represented before the

synod, the great necessities of the people in the back parts of

Virginia, where multitudes were remarkably awakened and reformed

several years ago, and ever since have been thirsting after the

ordinances of God. The people are chiefly from Ireland, of Scotch

extraction. The synod appointed two men to go down and preach among

these people; viz. Mr. Henry, a Scotchman, who has lately taken a

degree at New Jersey college, and Mr. Greenman, the young man who was

educated at the charge of Mr. David Brainerd.

The people of Northampton are in sorrowful circumstances, are still

destitute of a minister, and have met with a long series of

disappointments in their attempts for a resettlement of the ministry

among them. My opposers have had warm contentions among themselves, Of

late, they have been wholly destitute of anybody to preach steadily

among them. They sometimes meet to read and pray among themselves, and

at other times set travellers or transient persons to preach, that are

hardly fit to be employed.

My wife joins with me in most respectful salutations to you and yours.

Desiring your prayers, that God would be with us in all our wanderings

through the wilderness of this world,

I am, dear Sir,

Your most affectionate brother,

In the labours of the gospel,

jonathan edwards."