Murray Andrew Collection: Murray, Andrew - Holy In Christ: 00 Title

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Murray Andrew Collection: Murray, Andrew - Holy In Christ: 00 Title

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on tbe Calling of God's Children to be Holy as He is

by Rev. Andrew Murray,


'I am holy : ye shall be holy.'

Author: Murray, Andrew, 1828-1917







THERE is not in Scripture a word more distinctly

Divine in its origin and meaning than the word

holy. There is not a word that leads us higher

into the mystery of Deity, nor deeper into the

privilege and the blessedness of God's children.

And yet it is a word that many a Christian has

never studied or understood.

There are not a few who can praise God that

during the past twenty years the watchword BE

HOLY has been taken up in many a church and

Christian circle with greater earnestness than

before. In books and magazines, in conventions

and conferences, in the testimonies and the lives

of believers, we have abundant tokens that what is

called the Holiness-movement is a reality.

And yet how much is still wanting ! What

multitudes of believing Christians there are who

have none but the very vaguest thoughts of what

holiness is ! And of those who are seeking after it


how many who have hardly learnt what it is to

come to God's Word and to God Himself for the

teaching that can alone reveal this part of the

mystery of Christ and of God ! To many, holiness

has simply been a general expression for the

Christian life in its more earnest form, without

much thought of what the term really means.

In writing this little book, my object has been to

discover in what sense God uses the word, that so

it may mean to us what it means to Him. I have

sought to trace the word through some of the most

important passages of Holy Scripture where it

occurs, there to learn what God's holiness is, what

ours is to be, and what the way by which we attain

it. I have been specially anxious to point out how

many and various the elements are that go to make

up true holiness as the Divine expression of the

Christian life in all its fulness and perfection. I

have at the same time striven continually to keep

in mind the wonderful unity and simplicity there

is in it, as centred in the person of Jesus. As I

proceeded in my work, I felt ever more deeply how

high the task was I had undertaken in offering to

guide others even into the outer courts of the Holy

Place of the Most High. And yet the very difficulty

of the task convinced me of how needful it was.

I fear there are some to whom the book may


be a disappointment. They have heard that the

entrance to the life of holiness is often but a

step. They have heard of or seen believers who

could tell of the blessed change that has come over

their lives since they found the wonderful secret of

holiness by faith. And now they are seeking for

this secret. They cannot understand that the

secret conies to those who seek it not, but only seek

Jesus. They might fain have a book in which all

they need to know of Holiness and the way to it is

gathered into a few simple lessons, easy to learn, to

remember, and to practise. This they will not find.

There is such a thing as a Pentecost still to the

disciples of Jesus ; but it comes to him who has

forsaken all to follow Jesus only, and in following

fully has allowed the Master to reprove and instruct

him. There are often very blessed revelations of

Christ, as a Saviour from sin, both in the secret

chamber and in the meetings of the saints ; but

these are given to those for whom they have been

prepared, and who have been prepared to receive.

Let all learn to trust in Jesus, and rejoice in Him,

even though their experience be not what they

would wish. He will make us holy. But whether

we have entered the blessed life of faith in Jesus

as our sanctification, or are still longing for it from

afar, we all need one thing, the simple, believing,


and obedient acceptance of each word that our God

has spoken. It has been my earnest desire that I

might be a helper of the faith of my brethren in

seeking to trace with them the wondrous revelation

of God's Holiness through the ages as recorded in

His blessed Word. It has been my continual

prayer that God might use what is written to

increase in His children the conviction that we

must be holy, the knowledge of how we are to be

holy, the joy that we may be holy, the faith that

ve can be holy. And may He stir us all to cry

day and night to Him for a visitation of the Spirit

and the Power of Holiness upon all His people,

that the name of Christian and of saint may be

synonymous, and every believer be a vessel made

holy and meet for the Master's use.

A. M.

WELLINGTON, IQth November 1887.


1. God's Call to Holiness 1 Pet. 1. 15, 16

2. God's Provision for Holiness 1 Cor. 1. 2

3. Holiness and Creation Gen. 2:3

4. Holiness and Revelation Ex. 3:4-6

5. Holiness and Redemption Ex. 13:2

6. Holiness and Glory Ex. 15:11-17

7. Holiness and Obedience Ex. 19:5, 6

8. Holiness and Indwelling Ex. 25:8

9. Holiness and Meditation Ex. 28:36-38

10. Holiness and Separation Lev. 20:24, 26

11. The Holy One of Israel Lev, 11:45

12. The Thrice Holy One Isa. 6:1-3

13. Holiness and Humility Isa. 57:15

14. The Holy One of God John 6:69

15. The Holy Spirit John 7:39

16. Holiness and Truth John 17:17

17. Holiness and Crucifixion John 17:19

18. Holiness and Faith Acts 26:18

19. Holiness and Resurrection Rom. 1:4

20. Holiness and Liberty Rom. 6:18-22

21. Holiness and Happiness Rom. 14:17

22. In Christ our Sanctification 1 Cor. 1. 30, 31

23. Holiness and the Body 1 Cor. 3:16

24. Holiness and Cleansing 2 Cor. 7:1

25. Holiness and Blamelessness 1 Thess. 3:12, 13

26. Holiness and the Will of God 1 Thess. 4:3

27. Holiness and Service 2 Tim. 2:21

28. The "Way into the Holiest Heb. 10:19

29. Holiness and Chastisement Heb. 12:10, 14

30. The Unction from the Holy One 1 John 2:20, 27

31. Holiness and Heaven 2 Pet. 3:11

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