all, &c. = as many as are the promises of God, in Him they are. and in Him. The texts read" Wherefore also through (App-104, 2Co_1:1) Him they are. "Amen, This Hebrew word is translated "verily" in the Gospels, except in Mat_6:13 at the end of the Lord's Prayer, and at the close of each Gospel, It does not nec. in the Acts. In the Epistles it comes at the close of benedictions and doxologies. In the Revelation occasionally at the beginning. There are three exceptions, here, 1Co_14:16, and Rev_3:14. In the last passage it is a title of the Lord. It means "truth", and He is the Truth (Joh_14:6). Compare Isa_65:16, where "the God of truth" is "the God of Amen",