Bullinger Companion Bible Notes - 2 Corinthians 9:13 - 9:13
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Bullinger Companion Bible Notes - 2 Corinthians 9:13 - 9:13
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This Chapter Verse Commentaries:
experiment = proof. Greek. dokime. See 2Co_2:9.
ministration. Same as "ministering", 2Co_9:1.
for = upon. Greek. epi, App-101.
your professed subjection = the subjection of your confession, i. e, produced by your confession.
confession. Greek. homologia. Occurs elsewhere, 1Ti_6:12, 1Ti_6:13. Heb_3:1; Heb_4:14; Heb_10:23,
subjection. Greek. hupotage, Occurs elsewhere Gal_1:2, Gal_1:5. 1Ti_2:11; 1Ti_3:4.
gospel. App-140.
Christ. App-98.
liberal distribution = the bountifulness (Greek. haplotos, as in 2Co_9:11) of your distribution.
distribution = fellowship. Greek. koinbnia,