Bullinger Companion Bible Notes - 2 Corinthians 9:8 - 9:8
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Bullinger Companion Bible Notes - 2 Corinthians 9:8 - 9:8
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This Chapter Verse Commentaries:
able. Greek dunatos, but the texts read the verb dunateo, which ooc. elsewhere only in 2Co_13:3.
all. Notice the four "alls" which, with "every", give the Figure of speech Polyptotan. App-6.
grace. Greek. charis, App-184. 1,
toward = unto. Greek. eis, as in 2Co_9:5.
always . . . things. Greek. panti pantote pasan. Figure of speech Paronomasia.
sufficiency. Greek. avtarkeia. Only here and 1Ti_6:6, every. Greek. pas. Translated "all "above,