Bullinger Companion Bible Notes - Daniel 11:31 - 11:31

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Bullinger Companion Bible Notes - Daniel 11:31 - 11:31

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pollute the sanctuary. By putting up the "abomination" (the Asherah, App-42), which brings on the judgment of "desolation". The end is marked by the "cleansing of the sanctuary" (Dan_8:14; Dan_9:24). App-89.

take away the daily sacrifice. This marks the middle of the "week", or the last seven years. See Dan_8:11, Dan_8:12; Dan_9:27; Dan_12:11; and App-89. From this point he is energized by Satan.

place the abomination, &c. This accompanies the taking away of the daily sacrifice (Dan_8:13; Dan_9:27; Dan_12:11; and App-89). Our Lord refers to this verse in Mat_24:15.