Ecc_1:2 - Ecc_6:9. THE CHIEF GOOD. WHAT IT IS NOT.
Ecc_6:10 - Ecc_12:12. THE CHIEF GOOD. WHAT IT IS.
Ecc_12:13-14. CONCLUSION.
The name of this book comes direct from the Latin Vulgate through the Sept. version. The Hebrew name is KOHELETH = Assembler or Convener (an appellative, not a proper name). It is feminine, to agree with the word Wisdom, which is feminine, and is therefore Wisdom personified (as in Pro_1:20; Pro_8:7, and always with masculine verbs. Cp. Mat_11:19. Luk_7:35; Luk_11:49, Luk_11:50). KOHELETH is from kahal = to call, assemble, or gather together. This is what Solomon did (1Ki_8:1, 1Ki_8:2, 1Ki_8:5). It occurs with a feminine verb in Ecc_7:27. The word Koheleth occurs seven times in the book (Appdx-10): three times at the beginning (Ecc_1:1, Ecc_1:2, Ecc_1:12); three times at the end (Ecc_12:8, Ecc_12:9, Ecc_12:10); and once in the middle (Ecc_7:27).
This book formed part of the Hebrew Bible long before the time of Christ, and is therefore included in His word, "the Scriptures" (Mat_22:29, 2Ti_3:16, &c). It is given in the list of canonical books by Josephus (A.D. 37), and is included in all the Ancient Versions made before Christ. It has been rejected by some, or put to a late date, on account of its alleged Theology. Theology is man''s reasoning about the Word of God, as Science (so called) is man''s reasoning about the Works of God. Because Genesis does not agree with Science that book is rejected by Rationalists. Because Ecclesiastes does not agree with Theology, this book is rejected, as uninspired, even by some Evangelical theologians.
True, the Bible contains an inspired record of what people said and did; and it does not follow that all that they said or did was inspired. Nevertheless, it is inconceivable that this can apply to a whole book, without a word of warning. Those who can imagine such a thing refuse the evidence that Christ in Luk_16:19-30 is using the language of His enemies, and in v. 31 giving His own Divine pronouncement. They strain out the gnat and swallow the camel. They do not see that, if anyone whole book is not apart of "THE ORACLES OF GOD", every Christian doctrine loses its foundation. There could have been in that case no Divine selection or preservation of books, and no Divine CANON OF SCRIPTURE. If ONE book is thus ruled out, then another may be. Doubt is thus cast upon the whole Bible, and we have no "Word of God" at all! If this book be not part of the Word and words of God, then we have no reply to those who reject Genesis, Daniel, Jonah, or the Apocalypse, who do so on the same ground of human reasoning. If the inner consciousness of each individual is to decide what is and what is not "Scripture", there is an end of Divine Revelation altogether.
In any case Solomon''s "wisdom" was given him by God (1Ki_3:5-12; 1Ki_4:29-34), and this "wisdom" was therefore "from above" (Jam_3:17), as Luke''s was (see note on Luk_1:3). Moreover, Solomon did not lose it, for it "remained with" him (Ecc_52:9).
Ecc_1:2 - Ecc_6:9. THE CHIEF GOOD. WHAT IT IS NOT.
Ecc_1:2-11. Man. His labour. Vanity.
Ecc_1:12 - Ecc_2:26. Personal search.
Ecc_3:1-9. Man. Times for his labour.
Ecc_3:10 - Ecc_4:16. Personal Observation.
Ecc_5:1-12. Man. His works.
Ecc_5:13 - Ecc_6:9. Personal Observation.
Ecc_1:2-11. MAN. HIS LABOUR.
Ecc_1:2-7. Transience. "Passeth away".
Ecc_1:8. Dissatisfaction.
Ecc_1:9-10. Recurrence.
Ecc_1:11. Oblivion.
Ecc_1:12 - Ecc_2:26. PERSONAL SEARCH.
Ecc_1:12-15. Labour. Things done.
Ecc_1:16-18. Wisdom.
Ecc_2:1-3. Pleasure sought.
Ecc_2:4-8. Labour. "Great works".
Ecc_2:9. Wisdom.
Ecc_2:10. Pleasure enjoyed.
Ecc_2:11. Labour. "Great works".
Ecc_2:12-16. Wisdom.
Ecc_2:17 -. Pleasure hated.
Ecc_2:17-25. Labour. "All my labour".
Ecc_2:6 -. Wisdom.
Ecc_2:26. Pleasure judged.
Ecc_3:1. Labour. Its appointment.
Ecc_3:2-8. Seasons.
Ecc_3:9. Labour. Its profit.
Ecc_3:10 - Ecc_4:16. PERSONAL OBSERVATION.
Ecc_3:10. Labour. Sons of men.
Ecc_3:11. Wisdom. Man ignorant of God''s work.
Ecc_3:12-13. Pleasure, or enjoyment.
Ecc_3:14-15. Labour. God''s work is forever.
Ecc_3:16-21. Wisdom. Man''s ignorance like beasts''.
Ecc_3:22. Pleasure, or enjoyment.
Ecc_4:1-4. Labour. For others.
Ecc_4:4-5. Wisdom. The fool, none.
Ecc_4:6. Pleasure, or enjoyment.
Ecc_4:7-12. Labour. "For whom".
Ecc_4:13-14. Wisdom.
Ecc_4:15-16. Pleasure, or enjoyment. None.
Ecc_5:1-12. MAN. HIS WORKS.
Ecc_5:1-2. Works.
Ecc_5:3. Reason.
Ecc_5:4-6. Vows.
Ecc_5:7. Reason.
Ecc_5:8 -. Perverting of judgment.
- Ecc_5:8. Reason.
Ecc_5:9-12. Riches.
Ecc_5:13. Self. Labour for.
Ecc_5:14-15. Profitless.
Ecc_5:16. Self. Labour for.
Ecc_5:17. Profitless.
Ecc_5:18-20. Long life.
Ecc_6:1-2 -. Self. Riches for.
Ecc_6:2. Profitless.
Ecc_6:3 -. Self. Children.
Ecc_6:3. Profitless.
Ecc_6:4-9. Long life.
Ecc_6:10 - Ecc_7:14. Man. In himself.
7:15-29. Personal proving.
Ecc_8:1-8. Man. In his wisdom.
Ecc_8:9-10. Personal observation.
Ecc_8:11-13. Man. In his evil-doing.
Ecc_8:14 - Ecc_9:1. Personal observation.
Ecc_9:2-10. Man. In his end.
Ecc_9:11 - Ecc_10:15. Personal inspection.
Ecc_10:16 - Ecc_12:8. Man. In his different portions.
Ecc_12:9-12. Personal information.
Ecc_6:10 - Ecc_7:14. MAN. IN HIMSELF.
Ecc_6:10. Man and God.
Ecc_6:11 - Ecc_7:10. Good. Q. What is it?
Ecc_7:11-12. Good. Ans. What is it?
Ecc_7:13-14. God and man.
Ecc_7:15-16-. Overmuch righteousness.
- Ecc_7:16. Reason.
Ecc_7:17 -. Overmuch wickedness.
- Ecc_7:17-18. Reason.
Ecc_7:19. Overmuch might.
Ecc_7:20. Reason.
Ecc_7:21. Overmuch heed.
Ecc_7:22. Reason.
Ecc_7:23-25. Overmuch wisdom.
Ecc_7:26. Reason.
Ecc_7:27-28 -. Overmuch search.
- Ecc_7:28-29. Reason.
Ecc_8:1-8. MAN. IN HIS WISDOM.
Ecc_8:1-. Wisdom. Happiness of it.
- Ecc_8:1. Reason.
Ecc_8:2-3. King''s commandment.
Ecc_8:4. King''s word.
Ecc_8:5. Wisdom. Strength of it.
Ecc_8:6-8. Reason.
Ecc_8:9-. Observation.
- Ecc_8:9. Result.
Ecc_8:10 -. Observation.
- Ecc_8:10. Result.
Ecc_8:11. Consequences of God''s suspended judgment.
Ecc_8:12 -. Evil-doing prolonged.
- Ecc_8:12. Evil-doers. Well with them.
Ecc_8:13 -. Evil-doers. Evil with them.
- Ecc_8:13 - Evil-doers'' days not prolonged.
- Ecc_8:13. Cause. No fear of God.
Ecc_8:14. Contrariety. Man''s happenings.
Ecc_8:15 -. Mirth commended.
Ecc_8:15. Reason
Ecc_8:16 -. Wisdom. Man''s work on earth.
Ecc_8:16. Reason.
Ecc_8:17 -. Wisdom. God''s work on earth.
Ecc_8:17. Reason.
Ecc_9:1. Contrariety. God''s dealings.
Ecc_9:2-10. MAN. IN HIS END.
Ecc_9:2-3. The dead.
Ecc_9:4-5 -. The living.
- Ecc_9:5-6. The dead.
Ecc_9:7-10. The living.
- Ecc_9:10. The dead.
Ecc_9:11 - Ecc_10:15. PERSONAL INSPECTION.
Ecc_9:11-12-. Wisdom. Unequally requited, &c.
Ecc_9:12. Man snared by ignorance.
Ecc_9:13-15 -. Wisdom. Better than strength.
Ecc_9:15. Man benefits by wisdom of poor.
Ecc_9:16 -. Wisdom. Better than strength.
Ecc_9:16. Man despises wisdom of poor.
Ecc_9:17-18 -. Wisdom. Better than strength.
Ecc_9:18. Man''s folly destroys what is good.
Ecc_10:1. Wisdom. Better than reputation.
Ecc_10:2. Man''s heart betrays his folly.
Ecc_10:3 -. Wisdom of the fool fails him.
Ecc_10:3. Man''s folly declares itself.
Ecc_10:4-5. Wisdom. Better than power.
Ecc_10:6-7. Man''s folly often in high places.
Ecc_10:8-10 -. Wisdom. Better than labour.
Ecc_10:10. Man''s wisdom saves labour.
Ecc_10:11-12 -. Wisdom''s words are gracious.
Ecc_10:12-15. Man''s words destroy himself.
Ecc_11:7 - Ecc_12:8. YOUTH.
Ecc_11:7-8-. Youth. Rejoice.
Ecc_11:8 -. Remembrance. Days of darkness.
Ecc_11:8. Vanity.
Ecc_11:9 -. Youth. Rejoice.
Ecc_11:9. Knowledge. Day of judgment.
Ecc_11:10. Vanity.
Ecc_12:1 -. Youth. Remember.
Ecc_12:1-7. Knowledge. Days of evil.
Ecc_12:8. Vanity.
Ecc_12:1-7. KNOWLEDGE. DAYS OF EVIL. Concerning Death.
Ecc_1:1 The words. Rashi says that, when this expression occurs at the beginning of a book, it shows that the book is meant for reproof, and he gives evidence from Deu_1:1 (Cp. Ecc_32:15). Amo_1:1 (Cp. Ecc_4:1). Jer_1:1 (Cp. Ecc_30:6). David, 2Sa_23:1 (cp. v. Ecc_1:6).
the Preacher. This comes from Luther''s version "Prediger"; but "Koheleth" does not include the idea of preaching. Some of its teaching is individual (Ecc_3:17); and succeeding appeals are in the second person.