Bullinger Companion Bible Notes - Ephesians 4:14 - 4:14

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Bullinger Companion Bible Notes - Ephesians 4:14 - 4:14

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This Chapter Verse Commentaries:

be = maybe.

no more = no longer. Greek. meketi.

children. App-108.

tossed to and fro. Literally "surging about (as waves)". Only here.

carried about = borne hither and thither. See 2Co_4:10.

wind. Greek. anemos.

doctrine = the teaching. Greek. didaskalia. The evil teaching of the ruler of the power of the air and of demons. Compare 1Ti_4:1.

by = (or) by. Greek. en. App-104.

sleight. Greek. kiibeia; hence our "cube". Only here.

and cunning craftiness = with (Greek. en) subtilty. Greek. panourgia. Compare 2Co_11:3.

whereby . . . deceive = with a view to (Greek. pros. App-104.) the wile, or stratagem (Greek. methodeia : only here and Eph_6:11), of the error (Greek. plane). The association of methodeia with Satan (in Eph_6:11) shows that, here, plane = planos; i.e. the method or scheme is that of the devil himself, and not merely error.