Bullinger Companion Bible Notes - Ephesians 4:22 - 4:22

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Bullinger Companion Bible Notes - Ephesians 4:22 - 4:22

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This Chapter Verse Commentaries:

put off = put away. See Rom_13:12.

concerning. App-104.

former. Greek. proteros. Only here as adjective

conversation. Greek. anastrophe. Compare Gal_1:1, Gal_1:13.

the old man. The old (Adam) nature. See Rom_6:6.

man. App-123.

corrupt = being corrupted. Greek. phtheiro. Compare 1Cor. Eph_15:33.

the deceitful lusts = the desires of the deceit (Greek. apate). Here, the desires of the deceiver, as in Eph_4:14 "the error" is used for the cause of it, the devil. Compare Rev_12:9; Rev_20:3, Rev_20:8, Rev_20:10.