Bullinger Companion Bible Notes - Galatians 4:24 - 4:24
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Bullinger Companion Bible Notes - Galatians 4:24 - 4:24
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an allegory. Literally allegorized. Greek. allegereo. Only here. Compare: 1Co_10:11
these. Supply the Ellipsis by "two women are, i.e. represent. Figure of speech Metaphor, App-6. Compare Joh_6:35; Joh_10:9.
covenants. Greek. diatheke. Seo Mat_26:28.
the one = one indeed.
from. Greek. apo. App-104.
Sinai. See Exo_16:1.
gendereth = heareth children. Greek. gennao, as Gal_4:23.
to. Greek. eis, as: Gal_4:6, Gal_4:11.
bondage. Greek. douleia, App-190.
Agar = Hagar. In Arabic, Hagar (a stone) is a name for Mt. Sinai.