Bullinger Companion Bible Notes - Genesis 13:7 - 13:7

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Bullinger Companion Bible Notes - Genesis 13:7 - 13:7

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This Chapter Verse Commentaries:

strife. The first step in Lot's downward course. Note Lot's six downward steps: Gen_13:7, "strife"; Gen_13:10, "beheld"; Gen_13:11, "chose": Gen_13:12, "pitched toward"; Gen_14:12, "dwelt in": Gen_19:1, "sat in its gate", as a ruler and citizen. See App-10.

Canaanite and Perizzite. See on Gen_12:6. These were the Nephilim. See App-23.

dwelled. Hebrew were dwelling.

then = already. See note on Gen_12:6.

in the land. Occupying it in advance, and spreading later to "the giant cities of Bashan".