Bullinger Companion Bible Notes - Genesis 26:34 - 26:34

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Bullinger Companion Bible Notes - Genesis 26:34 - 26:34

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These names exhibit the Figure of speech. Polynyrmia. App-6.

Judith, She had a second name, Aholibamah (Gen_36:5, Gen_36:14, Gen_36:25).

Beeri. His name was also Anah, but he had acquired the name "Beeri" (or the spring-man) from his having discovered the hot springs. See on Gen_36:24.

Hittite = the general name. See note on 1Ki_10:29.

Bashematti had a second name, Adah. The name Bashemath dropped in Gen_36:2 to avoid confusion with the daughter of Ishmael. In Genesis 26: we have general history, but in Genesis 36 precise genealogy.