Bullinger Companion Bible Notes - Isaiah 9:3 - 9:3

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Bullinger Companion Bible Notes - Isaiah 9:3 - 9:3

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This Chapter Verse Commentaries:

Thou: i.e. Jehovah*

hast. This is the Figure of speech Prolepsis, by which the future is prophetically spoken of as present, or past.

and not increased the joy. The difficulty is not removed by reading lo, "to him", instead of l'o, "not" (which is the marginal reading of Hebrew text, and is followed by the Revised Version. Dr. C. D. Ginsburg suggests that the word in question, haggil'o, was wrongly divided into two words, and the last syllable (l'o) was treated as a separate word. Read as one word, the four lines form an Introversion, thus: Thou hast multiplied the exultation, Thou hast increased the joy: They joy before Thee according to the joy in harvest.