Bullinger Companion Bible Notes - John 20:1 - 20:1

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Bullinger Companion Bible Notes - John 20:1 - 20:1

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This Chapter Verse Commentaries:

The first day of the week = On the first (day) of the Sabbaths (plural) Greek. Te mia ton sabbaton. The word "day" is rightly supplied, as mia is feminine, and so must agree with a feminine noun understood, while sabbaton is neuter. Luk_24:1 has the same. Matthew reads, "towards dawn on the first (day) of the Sabbaths", and Mark (Joh_16:2), "very early on the first (day) of the Sabbaths". The expression is not a Hebraism, and "Sabbaths" should not be rendered "week", as in Authorized Version and Revised Version. A reference to Lev_28:15-17 shows that this "first day" is the first of the days for reckoning the seven Sabbaths to Pentecost. On this day, therefore, the Lord became the firstfruits (verses: Joh_20:10, Joh_20:11) of God's resurrection harvest (1Co_15:23).

Mary. See App-100.

early: i.e. about the ninth or tenth hour (3 to 4am.) See App-165.

unto. Greek. eis. App-104.

sepulchre. See Joh_19:41.

taken away = having been taken away. Greek. airo. See Joh_19:15,

from. Greek. ek. App-104.