1 . WRITTEN BY "Judas, a servant of Jesus Christ, and brother of James". This is how he describes himself, and we know nothing more of him, save that in Mat_13:55 and Mar_6:3 "Judas" is mentioned as one of the Lord''s brethren (see Appdx-182). A very early tradition assigns the authorship to Jude. The James to whom he was brother was doubtless the writer of the Epistle of James, the pillar of the church at Jerusalem (see Act_15:13; Gal_2:9).
2 . WRITTEN probably from Palestine to the Hebrew Christians both of the "Dispersion" and those living in Palestine, if we may decide from the Jewish character of the epistle.
3 . THE CONTENTS in part bear a strong resemblance to portions of 2 Peter, but of the originality of both no one need doubt. The tone is one of stern reproof in regard to certain serious evils brought in by men who had professed to receive the grace of God, and he warns of the certainty of the Divine judgment, illustrating from the Old Testament history.
4 . THE DATE can be gauged only approximately, but it is thought to have been very early, perhaps A.D. 41 46. See Appdx-180.
- Jud_1:5-16. RETRIBUTION.
- Jud_1:5-7. Three Classes of apostates. Israelites. Fallen angels. Sodomites.
Jud_1:8. Lawlessness.
Jud_1:9. Judgment denounced. Michael.
Jud_1:10. Corruption.
Jud_1:11. Three individual apostates. Cain. Balaam (the soothsayer). Korah.