Anthology of 3,000+ Classic Sermons: GC Morgan - A News Article Resulting from an Interview with Dr. Morgan

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Anthology of 3,000+ Classic Sermons: GC Morgan - A News Article Resulting from an Interview with Dr. Morgan

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(A News Article Resulting from an Interview with Dr. Morgan)

Since the Rev. G Campbell Morgan, D.D. of London England entered upon his Los Angeles mission the question has been upon many lips, "What are the secrets of his power?"

Other men more eloquent, in the general acceptation of the term, preach to empty benches; good men and earnest spend their days in "beating the air," and their words return to them void- because the utterance is theirs and not the divine message.

Some account for their appreciation of Dr. Morgan on the score that he is an extraordinary man- one in a thousand. The same could be said of Moody. Two extraordinary men indeed, but if their testimony is to be credited the same sources of strength and efficiency that have enabled these two heralds to sway men is within the reach of every consecrated individual.

In conversation with Dr. Morgan yesterday he made plain to a Times man why men respond to his ministry. He summed it all up in one sentence, in reply to the query, "why is it the masses neglect the church?" The unhesitant response was characteristic of the man "put a man in the pulpit that has a definite, authoritative message and the people will soon find him out."

Continuing Dr. Morgan said: "busy men of the world have to desire to file into a dingy and often poorly ventilated auditorium and devote an hour to listening to a man who only has doubts to air, it's fair to presume, and from this we may conclude are phrases characteristic of much preaching. What men want is an authoritative statement "Thus saith the Lord," uttered with a positive conviction of the truth contained in the utterance, cannot fail to inspire and uplift. Many fail in there efforts to preach Christ because they do not know Christ. As repugnant as may be Dowie's, he reaches men and only because of his dogmatic positiveness.


"But what of the church?" was asked.

"Too much organization," replied Dr. Morgan, "and too little consecration." With the advance of years, machinery has been added to the church, but there has been no proportionate increase of power. Its like establishing a great machine shop with no one to man the machines. -------------------------- substitutes form and organization for personal consecration privilege is being scorned and duty evaded. Again I contend that the church should care for it's poor. What a travesty upon the Church of Christ when the poor of the fold are turned over to the state for care and protection. I don't wish to be misunderstood. I don't think the church should encourage laziness. If a man won't work then he should not eat, the worthy poor are the especial charge of the church of their choice and their care should be accepted as a sacred charge and precious privilege.

In England the Wesleyan Methodists have a rule that from the time of its adoption that no dependent member of the church shall ever be allowed to become a government charge.


When Dr. Morgan concludes his Pacific Coast ministry it is his purpose to return to London where he has been called to the Westminster Congregational Church- the largest in the world's metropolis.

"In returning to England," said Dr. Morgan, "I am deeply concerned in three question touching the mother country vitally. One is the Educational Bill. I can only see in it a backward step- a return to 'priestism' it's whole spirit is retroactive. Then there is Joseph Chamberlain's financial scheme carrying with it the idea of protection . England can never maintain other than a free trade policy. In support of the bill the benefits of protection as exemplified in the United States are cited, but the situations are not identical. Each one of your States is a principality and between the several States free trade exists. It is claimed that similar relations can be established between England and her colonies, but such a consummation is among the possibilities.

"But one of the most alarming situations is found in the veiled slavery so faithfully portrayed by cartoon in the Times this morning. It simply means that about five capitalists have found that contract ecolle labor is cheaper than that at their command and their power is such as to enable them to induce the government to reverse the decree years a-gone, and stultify before the world a nation that has stood for enlightenment and liberty. Only another evidence of the retroactive tendency. The whole trends seems to be backward- back to the control of the aristocratic few- away from the true democracy. I return to my native land with the profound conviction that she needs the help of every consecrated soul, the benefits of every fearless voice to protest against the backward tendency.

Why does this man, foremost as a preacher of the gospel, attract men? The answer is easy to find. Isn't it that he is simply and at all times a man in touch with the world at every point?
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