. ""Now the virginity of Mary, and her delivery, was kept in secret from the prince of this world, as was also the Lord's; death three most notable mysteries, yet done in Secret of God." [See Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. I., p. 57 The Greek given in this note is from the "briefer" form of the Ignatian Epistles. But the "longer" form differs very little, and the Syriac version, brief as it is, contains this sentence.-R.] And Origen, 6th Homily on St. Luke, says, "It has been well written in one of the epistles of a certain martyr, I mean Ignatius, the next Bishop of Antioch after the blessed Peter, him who fought with wild beasts in the persecution at Rome, `Now the virginity of Mary was kept in secret from the prince of this world.
0' It was concealed because of Joseph, becaus