0'just doing enough to come without scruple." Vid. Suicer in verb. who quotes St. Chrys.on Ps.41. "Let us not come in hither anyhow nor make our responses a0fosiou/menoi, just well enough to keep off a curse" (i. 617. Sav..) Also Hom. XXIX. on Acts, t. iv. p.777. "How may one form a judgment of a church? If we go away daily with some profit, great or small, not simply satisfying a rule and a0fosiou/menoi, quitting ourselves of a Scruple." Again, ibid. "What we do, is turned into a mere regulation and j0fosi/wsij, a formal deprecation of a curse." Cf. Is'us de Appollodorii Hered. p. 185. Ed. Reiske, "not a0fosiou/menoj, but preparing himself as well as possible".
44 The women in plays were personated by men: those mentioned below were singers; the slave's part is described in the next sentence.
45 i. e., to tyrants, such as Pisistratus and others.
46 Gen. xxxix. 12.