16 Matt. xxiii. 9.
17 Rom. viii. 32.
18 Comp. Eph. v. 18.
19 Matt. xxv. 42, 45.
20 St. Jerome (ad Eustoch. Ep. 108 sec. 30) says, "Let others boast of their money, and coin cast into the treasury of God, Funalibusque aureis dona pendentica, `and of their gifts hanging upon golden sconces,
0' or perhaps brackets for lamps, on which the Anathemata, or votive offerings, were suspended." See Bingh. 8,8, 1.
21 Matt. xxvi. 11; John xii. 8.
22 Matt. xxvi. 10.
23 Matt. xxviii. 2*.
24 Luke xi. 41.
25 Hosea vi. 6; Matt. ix. 18.
26 Acts x. 4.