0' he distinguishes himself from the false apostles who did not derive their authority from God at all; in the second, `through man,
0' he ranks himself with the twelve who were commissioned directly from God. The singular is used in second clause, `through man,
0' because offices which emanate from a body of men are conferred by their single representative."-Lightfoot
["Paul has in second clause used the singular because the contrast is `through Jesus Christ.
0' "-Meyer.-G. A.]
0' in the A. V., but `tutor
0' in the Rev. Ver.-G.A.]
0' (now to enter more particularly on the subject of my letter) "I make known to you."-So Meyer.-G. A]
4 This digression, and others which follow, were occasioned by the controversies of the day; the Arians and Macedonians denying the co-equality and consubstantiality of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
5 ["To urge this use of dia$ in connection with Son and the Father as direct evidence for the o\moousia of the Father and the Son (as Chrysostom and Theod. ) may perhaps be rightly deemed precarious. Yet there is something very noticeable in this use of a common proposition with both the first and second persons of the Trinity by a writer so cumulative and yet for the most part so exact in his use of prepositions as St. Paul."-Ellicott.-G. A.]
6 [That is, from the order of the three names.-G. A.]
7 [Meyer agrees with Lightfoot and Ellicott in the view that pa9ntej means not all the Christians of the place where he was (probably Ephesus), but only his traveling companions; but he differs from them in holding that "the impressive effect of the epistle could not but be stengthened by indicating that these brethren collectively desired to address the very same instructions, warnings and exhortations to the Galatians."-G. A.]
8 [The word is paidagwgo/j, the same that is used in Gal. 3:24, 25, and translated `school-master
9 ["The Galatians had practically ignored the atoning death of Christ; compare ii:21 and v:4."-Lightfoot.-G. A.]
10 ["The idea of satisfaction is implied not in the preposition u9pe/r but the whole nature of the case."-Meyer.-G.A.]
11 That is, the Manichees, who considered matter intrinsically evil, and paid divine honors to the sun, moon, and stars. Vid. Epiph. Haer. lxvi. [On Mani and the Manichean heresy see Schaff, Church History, Vol. II. pp. 498-508 where a full account of the literature is given also.-G. A.]
12 ["And not by our own merits. cf. tou= kale/santoj, v. 6"-Lightfoot.
"The salvation was willed by God to whom Christ was obedient (Phil. ii: 9)."-Meyer.-G. A.]
13 ["And not by our own merits. cf. tou= kale/santoj, v. 6"-Lightfoot.
"The salvation was willed by God to whom Christ was obedient (Phil. ii: 9)."-Meyer.-G. A.]
14 [This note of time helps to fix the date of the Epistle as being about 56 or 57 during Paul's two years' stay at Ephesus (Ac. 19:10), So most modern expositors, though Lightfoot and some others put it later.-G. A.]
15 [The Revised version brings out the difference of the words for "another." The e#teron, "a different kind of" gospel, the second is a@llo, "another," simply. "To a different sort of gospel,-nay, it is not another gospel. There cannot be two gospels. Only certain men are troubling you and trying to pervert the gospel of Christ. But a perverted gospel is no gospel at all."-G. A.]
16 Marcion flourished about a.d. 120-130, His doctrine was a compound of various preceding theologies, chiefly the Gnostic. He received only a part of St. Luke's Gospel. Tertull. in Marc. iv. 2-4. He it was who on asking Polycarp to "acknowledge" him, received for answer, "I acknowledge thee as the first-born of Satan."
17 [qe/lontej: On this word Jerome aptly says, Volunt sed non valent. The troubling of the Galatians, however, did actually take place.-G. A.]
18 [There is an eloquent passage on this same subject of foolish and sinful superstitions among Christians in Homily xii. on Ephesians, near the end.-G. A.]
19 [Though this view of Chrysostom that the proeirh/kamen refers to what immediately precedes is held by many others, it is not tenable for two reasons; 1. St. Paul would have used the singular proeirhka, as he does in le/gw, immediately following. 2 The pro/ in composition, and the kai/ a@rti, both, mark some greater distinction of time than this would allow.-G. A.]
20 ["I speak thus strongly, for my language shall not be misconstrued. Will any one now say that careless of winning the favor of God, I seek to ingratiate myself with men?" Lightfoot.-G. A.]
21 "xristou= dou=loj should not be taken in an historical sense, as Chrysostom. This would be feeble and lacking in depth of thought. No, it is to be taken in its ethical character."-Meyer.-G. A.]
22 [The reading ga/r (Rev. Ver. W. H.) gives a reason for what is implied in the sentence preceding, while de/, an inferior reading, means `but,
23 ["He begins here the historical proof that he was indebted for his gospel to the revelation he had mentioned."-Meyer.
"My early education was such that no human agency could have brought the change (from Judaism to Christianity). It required a direct interposition from God."-Lightfoot.-G. A.]
24 [Chrysostom's interpretation of this passage is hardly sustained by the context. It is not a proof of his sincerity that he is adducing; he is continuing and completing the statement that his former manner of life was proof that he could not have received the Gospel from man.-G. A.]