0' Haec velut stellae exsiliunt et transvolant." This and much else, in the preceding and following notes to this treatise, is taken from those of Fronto Ducaeus, printed in the Paris Edit. The Paris Editors, Fronto Ducaeus and Claude Morell, used Livineius' edition (1574) of this treatise, which is based on the Vatican Cod. and Bricman's (of Cologne); and they corrected from the Cod. of F. Morell, Regius Professor of Theology; and from the Cod. Regius.
62 S. Matt. xiii. 43.
63 S. John ix. 5; John i. 9.
64 ta en tw ouranw thlaugwj kaqoratai. The same word in S. Mark viii. 25 ("clearly") evidently refers to the second stage of recovered sight, the power of seeing the perspective. The mss. reading is en tw agiw, for which aeri and hliw have been conjectured: ouranw is due to Galesinius; there is a similar place in Dio Chrys. (de regno eg tyrann.): "impaired sight," he says, "cannot see even what is quite close, ugiej de ousa mexrij ouranou te kai asterwn ecikneitai, i.e. the distant sky. Just above, aporruyamenw (purged) is a better reading than aporriyamenw, and supported by F. Morell's ms.
65 monwj.
66 Gen. v. 24; Gen. vi. 9.
67 Gen. i. 27.
68 upenantiwj; i.e. even as a sub-contrary.
69 argein.
70 skotouj energeian.
71 1 Tim. iv. 4;Gen. i. 31.
72 katemelanqh.
73 Cf. Prov. xx. 6. mega anqrwpoj; and Ambrose (de obitu T eodosii), "Magnum et honorabile est homo misericors;" and the same on Ps. cxix. 73, "Grande homo, et preciosum vir misericors, et vere magnus est, qui divini operis interpres est, et imitator Dei."
74 thj politeiaj: used in the same sense in "On Pilgrimages."
75 S. Luke xvii. 21.
76 o logoj, i.e. Scripture. So to logion in Gregory passim, and Clement. Alex. (Siromata).
77 S. Luke xv. 8.
78 nun.
79 eneshmhnato <\[_th draxmh.
80 Rom. vi. 13.
81 Gen. iv. 1.
82 Gen. iii. 16.
83 Philip. i. 23.
84 2 Cor. iv. 2.
85 Gen. ii. 17.
86 2 Cor. xii. 4.