0' That great confession, however, was not maintained for long. Partly overawed by the Emperor partly deceived by the Arians, the Bishops agreed to strike out the words `substance
0' and `consubstantial.
0' After this came the `correction,
0' which Ambrose calls the `second,
0' being made either by those Bishops who, recognizing their error, withdrew the decrees of the Council held at riminum, or by the Councils that followed-namely, the Councils of Alexandria (presided over by Athanasius), of Paris (362 a.d.), and of Rome (held under Pope Damasus, in a.d. 369)."
217 S. John i. 1-3.
218 Acts i. 18. Arius seems to have been carried off by a terrible attack of cholera or some kindred malady. See Newman, Arians of the Fourth Century, Ch. 3. §2, and Robertson, History of the Christian Church, vol 1. pp. 301-2, ed. 1875.
219 (1) "the word spoken," etc.-Ps. xlv. 1. Eructavit cor meum verbum bonum.-Vulg. echreucato h kardia mou logon agaqon.-LXX. (2) "sons by adoption."-Gal. iv. 4, 5.
220 S. John viii. 14.
221 St. Ambrose' version differs in expression from the Vulg.-Ego enim Dominus et non mutor (Mal. iii. 6)-but not in substance, for Ego sum Dominus and "I am the Lord" both mean "I am He who is"-(o wn)-which is very well represented by Ego sum, Ego sum-"I am, I am."-Cf. Ex. iii. 14.
222 Is. vi. 5. Contrast the Vulgate-Vae mihi, quia tacui, quia vir pollutus labiis ego sum, et in media papuli polluta labia habentis ego habito, et regem, Dominum exercituum vidi oculis meis; and the LXX.-w talaz egw oti katanenugmai (compuncto corde sum) oti anqrwpoz wn kai akaqarta xeilh exwn ...k. t. l. . ...kai ton basilea kurion sabawq cido/ toiz ofqalmoiz mou." A.V. 1611-"Woe is me, for I am undone. ...and mine eyes have seen the King, the Lord of Hosts.
223 Ps. xxxix. 1, Ps. xxxix. 2; Ps. cxli. 3, Ps. cxli. 4.
224 St. Ambrose contrasts the appearance of the Seraph to Isaiah in a vision with our Lord's appearance to men in everyday life, in the flesh, see Is. vi. 6, 7, and 1 Tim. iii. I6.
225 Ps. lxxi. 22, Ps. lxxi. 23.
226 Is i. 18.
227 i.e., not of the old Dispensation-not provided for in the Mosaic ritual; also, not belonging to the old Creation, but a pledge and premonition of the new (Rev. xxi. 5).
228 Cf. S. John vi. 32, John vi. 50-51.
229 Judg. ix. 13.
230 St. Ambrose seems to refer to the phenomena of narcosis rather than those of alcoholic inebriation.
231 Cf. 1 Tim. v. 22: mhde koinwnei amartiaiz allotriaij.
232 S. Matt. xix. 21.