0'" Hom. in Genesin xvii. § 6.
4 Cf. Serm. XXXI. chap. 2, above.
5 Rom. ii. 25.
6 Gen. xxv. 23.
7 Or "will" (testamenti, diaqh/khj).
8 Cf. Sermon XXXI. chaps. i. and ii.
9 Ps. lxxvi. 1.
10 Coede generali universoe civitatis illius ; as the context shows, this phrase is rhetorically exaggerated.
11 Cf. Sermon XXXII. chap. 1, Tunc autem Aegypto Salvator illatus est, ut gens antiquis erroribus dedita, iam ad vicinam salutem per occultam gratiam vocaretur; et quoe nondum eje cerat ab animo superstitionem, iam reciperet veritatem.
12 Col. i. 12, 13.
13 Is. ix. 2.
14 Ib. lv. 5.
15 S. John viii. 56.
16 Rom. iv. 21.
17 Ps. lxxxvi. 9.
18 Ps, xcviii. 2.
19 Both Quesnel and the Ballerinii condemn this passage inclosed in brackets as spurious. The former thinks it has crept into the text ex annotatione marginali alicuius astrologioe plus oequo dediti. It is wanting in all the mss. melioris notoe.
20 Col. iii. 2.