0' In the older editions the beginning of Leo's Epist. 97 (ap. Quesn. 134, Baller. 165), runs thus: `Leo Romoe et universalis catholicoeque Ecclesioe Episcopus Leoni semper Augusto salutem.
0' Quesnel and the Ballerini, however, found in all the Codices only, `Leo Episcopus Leoni Augusto.
0' (Giesler's Eccl. Hist., 2nd Period, 1st Division, ch. iii. § 94, note 72).
14 Cf. III. 53, and reff.
15 Sabinianus was at this time the pope's apocrisiarius, or responsalis, at Constantinople.
16 Cum eo procedere, i.e. in effect, to communicate with him. Procedere means to approach the altar for celebration. Cf. III. 57, "ingredientibus diaconibus ut mox procedatur."
17 The ironical allusion here to John the Faster is evident.
18 Cf. V. 18, and note 5.
19 The main purport of this letter to Empress is to induce her to move the Emperor to disallow the title of Universal Bishop assumed by the patriarch of Constantinople; but at the end of the letter he takes occasion to solicit her good offices also in the case of Maximus, bishop of Salona for an account of which, with references to other letters on the subject, cf. III. 47, note 2.