(Resp.-Happy are ye whose bodies have been made to shine!)
1. God in His mercy stooped and came down,-to mingle His compassion with the water,-and to blend the nature of His majesty-with the wretched bodies of men.-He made occasion by the water-to come down and to dwell in us:-like to the occasion of mercy-when He came down and dwelt in the womb:-O the mercies of God-Who seeks for Himself all occasions to dwell in us!
2. To the cave in Horeb He stooped and came down,-and on Moses He caused His majesty to dwell ;-He imparted His glorious splendour to mortals.-There was therein a figure of Baptism:-He Who came down and dwelt in it,-tempers within the water-the might of His majesty,-that He may dwell in the feeble.-On Moses dwelt the Breath,-and on you the Perfecting of Christ.
3. That might then none could endure;-not Moses chief of deliverers,-nor Elijah chief of zealots;-and the Seraphin too vail their faces,-for it is the might that subdues all.-His mercy mingled gentleness-in the water and by the oil;-that mankind in its weakness-might be able to stand before Him-when covered by the water and the oil.
4. The captive priests again in the well-hid and concealed the fire of the sanctuary,hyperlink -a mystery of that glorified fire-which the Highpriest mingles in Baptism.-The priests took up of the mire,-and on the altar they sprinkled it;-for its fire, the fire of that well,-with the mire had been mingled;-a mystery of our bodies which in the water-with the fire of the Holy Spirit have been mingled.
5. The famous Three in Babylon-in the furnace of fire were baptized, and came forth;-they went in and bathed in the flood of flame, they were buffeted by the blazing billows.-There was sprinkled on them there-the dew that fell from heaven;-it loosed from off them there-the bonds of the earthly king.-Lo! the famous Three went in and found a fourth in the furnace.
6. That visible fire that triumphed outwardly,-pointed to the fire of the Holy Ghost,-which is mingled, lo! and hidden in the water.-In the flame Baptism is figured,-in that blaze of the furnace.-Come, enter, be baptized, my brethren,-for lo! it looses the bonds;-for in it there dwells and is hidden-the Daysman of God,-Who in the furnace was the fourth.
7. Two words again our Lord spake-which in one voice agree in unison:-He said, "I am come to send fire,"-and again, "I have a baptism to be baptized with."-By the fire of Baptism is quenched the fire,-that which the Evil One had kindled:-and the water of Baptism has overcome-those waters of contention-by which he had made trial-of Joseph who conquered and was crowned.
8. Lo! the pure fire of our Redeemer-which he kindled in mankind of His mercy!-Through His fire He quenched that fire-which had been kindled in the defiled and sinful.-This is the fire wherein the thorns-are burnt up and the tares.-But happy are your bodies-that have been baptized in the fire-which has consumed your thickets,-and by it your seeds have sprung up to heaven!
9. Jeremiah in the womb He sanctified and taught.-But if the lowly bosom of wedlock-was sanctified in conceiving and bringing him forth,-how much more shall Baptism sanctify-its conception and its bringing forth-of them that are pure and spiritual!-For there, within the womb-is the conception of all men;-but here, out of the water,-is the birth whereof the spiritual are worthy.
10. For Jeremiah though sanctified in the womb,-they took up nails and cast him into the pit.-Holy was the prophet in his befoulment,-for clean was his heart though he was in the mire.-Be ye afraid, my brethren-for lo! to-day is washed away-your secret befoulment,-and the abomination of your sins.-Turn not again to uncleanness,-for there is but one cleansing of your bodies!
11. The presumptuous who is baptized and again sins,-is as the serpent that casts its slough and again puts it on, that is renewed and made young, and turns again--putting on anew its skin of old;-for the serpent does not-cast off its nature.-Cast ye off the tempter-the corrupter of souls,-even the old man;-let it not make old-the newness ye have put on!
12. Elisha cast the wood into the water, and made the heavy float and the light sink:-their natures were exchanged in the water.-There a new thing came to pass not according to nature.-How much easier then, O Lord,-is this for Thy grace; that in the water should sink-transgression which is heavy,-but that the soul which is light-should be drawn forth and raised up on high!
13. Joshua, son of Nun, on Jericho-laid a curse on its walls and a doom on its fountains.-They whom Joshua cursed to their destruction,-again in the mystery of Jesus have been blessed.-There was cast into them salt,-and they were healed and sweetened:-a mystery of this salt,-the sweet salt that came from Mary,-that was mingled in the water,-whereby was healed the noisomeness of our plagues.
14. Lo! quiet waters are before you,-holy and tranquil and pleasant;-for they are not the waters of contention-that cast Joseph into the dungeon;-nor yet are they the waters,-those waters of strife,-beside which the people strove,-and gainsaid in the wilderness.-There are waters whereby-there is reconciliation made with Heaven.
15. Hagar saw the spring of water,-and from it she gave drink to her forward son, him who became as a wild ass in the wilderness.-Instead of that fountain of water is Baptism.-In it are baptized the sons of Hagar,-and are become gentle and peaceful. Who has seen ramshyperlinklike these,-that are yoked, lo! and labour-along with tame bullocks,-and the seed of their tillage is reaped an hundredfold!
16. In the beginning the Spirit that brooded-moved on the waters; they conceived and gave birth-to serpents and fishes and birds.-The Holy Spirit has brooded in Baptism,-and in mystery has given birth to eagles,-Virgins and Prelates;-and in mystery has given birth to fishes,-celibates and intercessors; and in mystery of serpents,-lo! the subtle have become simple as doves!
17. Lo! the sword of our Lord in the waters!-that which divides sons and fathers:-for it is the living sword that makes-division, lo! of the living from the dying.-Lo! they are baptized and they become-Virgins and saints,-who have gone down, been baptized, and put on-the One Only begotten.-Lo! many have come boldly to Him!
18. For whoso have been baptized and put on Him-the Only begotten the Lord of the many,-has filled thereby the place of many,-for to him Christ has become a great treasure:-for He became in the wilderness-a table of good meats,-and He became at the marriage feast-a fountain of choice wines.-He has become such to all in all things,-by helps and healings and promises.
19. Elisha was the equal of the Watchers-in his doings, glorious and holy.-The camp of the Watchers was round about him;-thus let Baptism be unto you,-a camp of guardians,-for by means of it there dwells in the heart-the hope of them that are below-and the Lord of them that are above.-Sanctify for Him your bodies,-for where He abides, corruption comes not near.
20. They are no more, the waters of that sea-which by its billows preserved the People,-and by its billows laid low the peoples.-Of contrary effect are the waters in Baptism.-In them, lo! the people have life;-in them, lo! the People perishes:-for all that are not baptized,-in the waters that give life to all,-they are dead invisibly.
21. They are no more, the waters of that sea-which were tempestuous, and boiled against Jonah,-and plunged into the depths the Son of Amittai.-Though he fled he was bound in the prison-house;-God cast him in and bound him-in dungeon within dungeon;-for he bound him in the sea.-and He bound him in the fish.-For him Grace stood surety,-and she opened the prison and brought forth the preacher.
22. The Prophets have called the Most High a fire,-" a devouring fire," and "who can dwell with it?" -The People were not able to dwell in it;-its might crushed the peoples and they were confounded.-In it, with the unction ye have been anointed;-ye have put Him on in the water;-in the bread ye have eaten Him;-in the wine ye have drunk Him;-in the voice ye have heard Him;-and in the eye of the mind ye have seen Him!
(Resp., Blessed is He Who came down, and sanctified water for the remission of the sins of the children of Adam!)
1. O John, who sawest the Spirit,-that abode on the head of the Son,-to show how the Head of the Highest-went down and was baptized-and came up to be Head on earth!-Children of the Spirit ye have thus become,-and Christ has become for you the Head:-ye also have become His members.
2. Consider and see how exalted ye are;-how instead of the river Jordan-ye have glorious Baptism, wherein is peace;-spreading her wings to shade your bodies.-In the wilderness John baptized:-in Her pure flood of Baptism,-purely are ye baptized therein.3. Infants think when they see its glory,-that by its pomp its might is enhanced.-But it is the same, and within itself-is not divided.-But the might which neverwaxes less or greater-in us is little or again great;-and he in whom is great under-standing,-great in him is Baptism.4. A man's knowledge, if it be exalted,-exalted also is his degree above his brethren;-and he whose faith is great,-so also is his promise;-and as is his wisdom, so also his crowning.-As is the light, which though it be all goodly-and equal all of it with itself,-yet goodlier is one eye than another.5. Jesus mingled His might in the water:-put ye Him on my brethren as discerning men!-For there are that in the water merely-perceive that they are washed. With our body be our soul washed!-The manifest water let the body perceive,-and the soul the secret might;-that both to the manifest and to the secret ye may be made like!6. How beautiful is Baptism-in the eye of the heart; come, let us gaze on it!-Like as by a seal ye have been moulded;-receive ye its image,-that nought may be lacking to us of our image!-For the sheep that are white of heart-gaze on the glory that is in the water:-in your souls reflect ye it!7. Water is by nature as a mirror,-for one who in it examines himself.-Stir up thy soul, thou that discernest,-and be like unto it!-For it in its midst reflects thy image;-from it, on it, find an example;-gaze in it on Baptism,-and put on the beauty that is hidden therein!8. What profits it him that hears-a voice and knows not its significance?-Whoso hears a voice and is devoid-of the understanding thereof,-his ear is filled but his soul is empty.-Lo! since the gift is abundant,-with discernment receive ye it.9. Baptism that is with understanding-is the conjunction of two lights,-and rich are the fountains of its rays.- ......-And the darkness that is on the mind departs,-and the soul beholds Him in beauty,-the hidden Christ of glory,-and grieves when the glory fails.
10. Baptism without understanding-is a treasure full yet empty;-since he that receives it is poor in it,-for he understands not-how great are its riches into which he enters and dwells.-For great is the gift within it,-though the mean man perceives not-that he is exalted even as it.
11. Open wide your minds and see, my brethren,-the secret column in the air, whose base is fixed from the midst of the water-unto the door of the Highest Place, like the ladder that Jacob saw.-Lo! by it came down the light unto Baptism,-and by it the soul goes up to Heaven,-that in one love we may be mingled.
12. Our Lord when he was baptized by John-sent forth twelve fountains;-and they issued forth and cleansed by their streams-the defilement of the peoples.-His worshippers are made white like His garments,-the garments in Tabor and the body in the water.-Instead of the garments the peoples are made white,-and have become for Him a clothing of glory.
13. From your garments learn, my brethren,-how your members should be kept.-For if the garment, which ever so many times-may be made clean,-is duly kept for the sake of its comeliness,-the body which has but one baptism-manifold more exceeding is the care of its keeping,-for manifold are its dangers.
14. Again the sun in a house that is strait,-is straitened therein though he be great: -but in a house that is goodly and large,-when he rises thereon-far and wide in it he spreads his rays;-and though the sun is one and the same in his nature,-in divers houses he undergoes changes:-Even so our Lord in divers men.
X.(Resp.-Glory to Him Who came and restored it!)
1. Adam sinned and earned all sorrows;-likewise the world after His example, all guilt.-And instead of considering how it should be restored,-considered how its fall should be pleasant for it.-Glory to Him Who came and restored it!
2. This cause summoned Him that is pure,-that He should come and be baptized, even He with the defiled,-Heaven for His glory was rent asunder.-That the purifier of all might be baptized with all,-He came down and sanctified the water for our baptism.
3. For that cause for which He entered into the womb,-for the same cause He went down into the river.-For that cause for which He entered into the grave,-for the same cause He makes us enter into His chamber.-He perfected mankind for every cause.
4. His Conception is the store of our blessings;-His Birth is the treasury of our joys;-His Baptism is the cause of our pardon;-His Death is the cause of our life.-Death He alone has overcome in His Resurrection.
5. At His Birth a star of light shone in the air;-when He was baptized light flashed from the water;-at His Death the sun was darkened in the firmament;-at His Passion the luminaries set along with Him;-at His Epiphany the luminaries arose with Him.
6. Revealed was His Glory because of His Majesty;-revealed was His Passion because of His Manhood;-revealed was His Love because of His Graciousness;-revealed was His Judgment because of His Justice.-He has poured forth His attributes, on them that were His.
7. That whoso has looked on His Glory and despised Him,-may look again on His Glory and worship Him;-and whoso has scorned to taste of His Graciousness,-may fear lest he be made to feel His justice;-He has poured forth His helps on His worshippers.
8. Lo! the East in the morning was made light!-lo! the South at noonday was made dark!-The West again in turn at eventide was made light.-The three quarters represent the one Birth;-His Death and His Life they declare.
9. His Birth flowed on and was joined to His Baptism;-and His Baptism again flowed on even to His Death;-His Death led and reached to His Resurrection,-a fourfold bridge unto His Kingdom; and lo! His sheep pass over in His footsteps.
10. And like as, save by the door of birth,-none can enter into creation;-so, save by the door of resurrection,-none can enter into the Kingdom,-and whoso has cut off his bridge, has brought to nought his hope.
I. He put on His armour and conquered and was crowned;-He left His armour on earth and ascended,-that if any man desires the crown,-he may resort to the armour and win by it-the crown of victory which he yearns after.
12. He fulfilled righteousness on earth, and ascended.-But if He, the All-cleanser, was baptized,-What man is there that shall not be baptized?-for grace has come to baptism-to wash away the foulness of our wound.
13. The compulsion of God is an all-prevailing force;-[but that is not pleasing to Him which is of compulsion,]hyperlink -as that which is of discerning will.-Therefore in our fruits He calls us-who live not as under compulsion, by persuasion.
14. Good is He, for lo! He labours in these two things;-He wills not to constrain our freedom-nor again does He suffer us to abuse it.-For had he constrained it, He had taken away its power;-and had He let it go, He had deprived it of help.
15. He knows that if He constrains He deprives us;-He knows that if He casts off He destroys us;-He knows that if He teaches He wins us.-He has not constrained and He has not cast off, as the Evil One does:-He has taught, chastened, and won us, as being the good God.
16. He knows that His treasuries abound:-the keys of His treasuries He has put into our hands.-He has made the Cross our treasurer-to open for us the gates of Paradise,-as Adam opened the gate of Gehenna.
(Resp.-Let the bodies rejoice which the Evil One had made naked, that in the water they have put on their glory!)
1. Give thanks, O daughter, that thy crownings have been doubled;-for lo! thy temples and thy sons rejoice.-The dedication of thy temples is in the ministration;-The dedication of thy sons is in the anointing.-Blessed art thou that at once ......-...... the tabernacle for them that dwell in thee,-and the Spirit has abode upon thy sons!
2. Our Lord opened up Baptism-in the midst of Jordan the blessed river.-The height and the depth rejoiced in Him;-He brings forth the first fruits of His peace from the water,-for they are first fruits, the fruits of Baptism.-The good God in His compassion will bring to pass-that His peace shall be first fruits on earth.
3. Moses stretched out the temporal Tabernacle;-the priests bathed themselves in water,-and went in and ministered; and were stricken and punished,-because their heart within was not cleansed.-Blessed art thou that in the Passover of the great Passion,-the priests by the savour of their oblations,-lo! are cleansing souls in thee!
4. Great was the mystery that the Prophet saw,-the torrent that was mighty.-Into its depths he gazed and beheld-thy beauty instead of himself; thee it was he saw, for thy faith passes not away,-thou whose flood unseen shall overwhelm-the subtle-ties of idolatry.
5. Though John was great among them that are born of women,-yet he that is little is greater than he,-in this that his baptized were again baptized,-in the baptism that was of the Apostles.-Blessed art thou that thy priest is greater than he-in this alone that forever-abides his baptism.
6. The baptism that was of Siloam-did not bring mercy to the man that was laid there-who for thirty and eight years awaited it,-for he was a respecter of the persons of the Levites.-Blessed art thou that thy healing is in thee for all men,-and thy priests are devoted and ready-for all that are in need of thy help.
7. The Prophet healed the waters that were unwholesome,-and cured the disease of the land that was barren,-so that its death was done away and its region resounded, for its offspring increased and its bosom was filled.-Greater is Thy grace, Lord, than Elisha's!-Multiply my lambs and my flocks-at the great stream of my fountain!hyperlink
8. Great is the marvel that is within thy abode;-the flocks together with the Shepherds,-those at the stream of the waters,-two unseen with one manifest who baptizes.-Blessed is he who is baptized in their fountains!-for three arms have upheld him,-and three Names have preserved him!
(Resp.-Blessed is He Who went down and was baptized in Jordan, and turned back the People from error!)
1. In Baptism Adam found again-that glory that was among the trees of Eden.-He went down, and received it out of the water;-he put it on, and went up and was adorned therein.-Blessed be He that has mercy on all!
2. Man fell in the midst of Paradise,-and in baptism compassion restored him:-he lost his comeliness through Satan's envy,-and found it again by God's grace.-Blessed be He that has mercy on all!
3. The wedded pair were adorned in Eden;-but the serpent stole their crowns:-yet mercy crushed down the accursed one,-and made the wedded pair goodly in their raiment.-Blessed be He that has mercy on all!
4. They clothed themselves with leaves of necessity;-but the Merciful had pity on their beauty,-and instead of leaves of trees,-He clothed them with glory in the water.-Blessed be He that has mercy on all!
5. Baptism is the well-spring of life,-which the Son of God opened by His Life;-and from His Side it has brought forth streams.-Come, all that thirst, come, rejoice!-Blessed be He that has mercy on all!
6. The Father has sealed Baptism, to exalt it;-and the Son has espoused it to glorify it;-and the Spirit with threefold seal-has stamped it, and it has shone in holiness.-Blessed be He that has mercy on all!
7. The Trinity that is unsearchable-has laid up treasures in baptism.-Descend, ye poor, to its fountain!-and be enriched from it, ye needy!-Blessed be He that has mercy on all!
Hymn of the Baptized.
(Resp.-Brethren, sing praises, to the Son of the Lord of all; Who has bound for you crowns, such as king's long for!)
1. Your garments glisten, my brethren, as snow;-and fair is your shining in the likeness of Angels!
2. In the likeness of Angels, ye have come up, beloved,-from Jordan's river, in the armour of the Holy Ghost.
3. The bridal chamber that fails not, my brethren, ye have received:-and the glory of Adam's house to-day ye have put on.
4. The judgment that came of the fruit, was Adam's condemnation:-but for you victory, has arisen this day.
5. Your vesture is shining, and goodly your crowns:-which the Firstborn has bound for you, by the priest's hand this day.6. Woe in Paradise, did Adam receive:-but you have received, glory this day.
7. The armour of victory, ye put on, my beloved:-in the hour when the priest, invoked the Holy Ghost.
8. The Angels rejoice, men here below exult:-in your feast, my brethren, wherein is no foulness.
9. The good things of Heaven, my brethren, ye have received:-beware of the Evil One, lest he despoil you.
10. The day when He dawned, the Heavenly King:-opens for you His door, and bids you enter Eden.
11. Crowns that fade not away, are set on your heads:-hymns of praise hourly, let your mouths sing.
12. Adam by means of the fruit, God cast forth in sorrow:-but you He makes glad, in the bride-chamber of joy.
13. Who would not rejoice, in your bridechamber, my brethren?-for the Father with His Son, and the Spirit rejoice in you.
14. Unto you shall the Father, be a wall of strength:-and the Son a Redeemer, and the Spirit a guard.
15. Martyrs by their blood, glorify their crowns:-but you our Redeemer, by His Blood glorifies.
16. Watchers and Angels, joy over the repentant:-they shall joy over you my brethren, that unto them ye are made like.
17. The fruit which Adam, tasted not in Paradise:-this day in your mouths, has been placed with joy.
18. Our Redeemer figured, His Body by the tree:-whereof Adam tasted not, because he had sinned.
19. The Evil One made war, and subdued Adam's house:-through your baptism, my brethren, lo! he is subdued this day.
20. Great is the victory, but to-day you have won:-if so be ye neglect not, you shall not perish, my brethren.
21. Glory to them that are robed, glory to Adam's house!-in the birth that is from the water, let them rejoice and be blessed!
22. Praise to Him Who has robed, His Churches in glory!-glory to Him Who has magnified, the race of Adam's house.
Hymn concerning our Lord and John.
(Resp.-Glory to Thee, my Lord, for Thee-with joy Heaven and earth worship!)
1. My thought bore me to Jordan,-and I saw a marvel when there was revealed-the glorious Bridegroom who to the Bride-shall bring freedom and holiness.
2. I saw John filled with wonder,-and the multitudes standing about him,-and the glorious Bridegroom bowed down-to the Son of the barren that he might baptize Him.
3. At the Word and the Voice my thought marvelled:-for lo! John was the Voice; -our Lord was manifested as the Word, that what was hidden should become revealed.
4. The Bride was espoused but knew not-who was the Bridegroom on whom she gazed:-the guests were assembled, the desert was filled,-and our Lord was hidden among them.
5. Then the Bridegroom revealed Himself;-and to John at the voice He drew near:-and the Forerunner was moved and said of Him-"This is the Bridegroom Whom I proclaimed."
6. He came to baptism Who baptizes all,-and He showed Himself at Jordan.-John saw Him and drew back,-deprecating, and thus he spake:-
7. "How, my Lord, willest Thou to be baptized,-Thou Who in Thy baptism atonest all?-Baptism looks unto Thee;-shed Thou on it holiness and perfection?"
8. Our Lord said "I will it so;-draw near, baptize Me that My Will may be done.-Resist My Will thou canst not:-I shall be baptized of thee, for thus I will it."
9. "I entreat, my Lord, that I be not compelled,-for this is hard that Thou hast said to me,-'I have need that thou shouldst baptize Me;'-for it is Thou that with Thy hyssop purifiest all."
10. "I have asked it, and it pleases Me that thus it should be;-and thou, John, why gainsayest thou?-Suffer righteousness to be fulfilled,-and come, baptize Me; why standest Thou?"
11. "How can one openly grasp-in his hands the fire that burns?-O Thou that art fire have mercy on me,-and bid me not come near Thee, for it is hard for me!"
12. "I have revealed to Thee My Will; what questionest thou?-Draw near, baptize Me, and thou shalt not be burned.-The bridechamber is ready; keep Me not back-from the wedding-feast that has been made ready."
13. "The Watchers fear and dare not-gaze on Thee lest they be blinded;-and I, how, O my Lord, shall I baptize Thee?-I am too weak to draw near; blame me not!"
14. "Thou fearest; therefore gainsay not-against My Will in what I desire:-and Baptism has respect unto Me.-Accomplish the work to which thou hast been called!"
15. "Lo! I proclaimed Thee at Jordan-in the ears of the people that believed not and if they shall see Thee baptized of me,-they will doubt that Thou art the Lord."
16. "Lo! I am to be baptized in their sight,-and the Father Who sent Me bears witness of Me-that I am His Son and in Me He is well pleased,-to reconcile Adam who was under His wrath."
17. "It becomes, me. O my Lord, to know my nature-that I am moulded out of the ground,-and Thou the moulder Who formest all things:-I, then, why should I baptize Thee in water?"
18. "It becomes thee to know wherefore I am come,-and for what cause I have desired that thou shouldst baptize Me.-It is the middle of the way wherein I have walked;-withhold thou not Baptism."
19. "Small is the river whereto Thou art come,-that Thou shouldst lodge therein and it should cleanse Thee.-The heavens suffice not for Thy mightiness;-how much less shall Baptism contain Thee!"
20. "The womb is smaller than Jordan;-yet was I willing to lodge in the Virgin:-and as I was born from woman,-so too am I to be baptized in Jordan."
21. "Lo! the hosts are standing!-the ranks of Watchers, lo! they worship And if I draw near, my Lord, to baptize Thee,-I tremble for myself with quaking."
22. "The hosts and multitudes call thee happy,-all of them, for that thou baptizest Me.-For this I have chosen thee from the womb:-fear thou not, for I have willed it
23. "I have prepared the way as I was sent:-I have betrothed the Bride as I was commanded.-May Thy Epiphany be spread over the world-now that Thou art come, and let me not baptize Thee!"
24. "This is My preparation, for so have I willed;-I will go down and be baptized in Jordan,-and make bright the armour for them that are baptized,-that they may be white in Me and I not be conquered."
25. "Son of the Father, why should I baptize Thee?-for lo! Thou art in Thy Father and Thy Father in Thee.-Holiness unto the priests Thou givest;-water that is common wherefore askest Thou?"
26. "The children of Adam look unto Me,-that I should work for them the new birth.-A way in the waters I will search out for them,-and if I be not baptized this cannot be."
27. "Pontiffs of Thee are consecrated,-priests by Thy hyssop are purified;-the anointed and the kings Thou makest.-Baptism, how shall it profit Thee?"
28. "The Bride thou betrothedst to Me awaits Me,-that I should go down, be baptized, and sanctify her.-Friend of the Bridegroom withhold Me not-from the washing that awaits Me."
29. "I am not able, for I am weak,-Thy blaze in my hands to grasp.-Lo! Thy legions are as flame;-bid one of the Watchers baptize Thee!"
30. "Not from the Watchers was My Body assumed,-that I should summon a Watcher to baptize Me.-The body of Adam, lo! I have put on,-and thou, son of Adam, art to baptize Me."
31. "The waters saw Thee, and greatly feared ;-the waters saw Thee, and lo! they tremble!-The river foams in its terror;-and I that am weak, how shall I baptize Thee?"
32. "The waters in My Baptism are sanctified,-and fire and the Spirit from Me shall they receive;-and if I be not baptized they are not made perfect-to be fruitful of children that shall not die."
33. "Fire, if to Thy fire it draw near,-shall be burnt up of it as stubble.-The mountains of Sinai endured Thee not,-and I that am weak, wherein shall I baptize Thee?"
34. "I am the flaming fire;-yet for man's sake I became a babe-in the virgin womb of the maiden.-And now I am to be baptized in Jordan."
35. "It is very meet that Thou shouldst baptize me,-for Thou hast holiness to purify all.-In Thee it is that the defiled are made holy; but Thou that art holy, why art Thou to be baptized?"
36. "It is very right that thou shouldst baptize Me,-as I bid, and shouldst not gainsay.-Lo! I baptized thee within the womb;-baptize thou me in Jordan!"
37. "I am a bondman and I am weak.-Thou that freest all have mercy on me! Thy latchets to unloose I am not able;-Thy exalted head who will make me worthy to touch?"
38. "Bondmen in My Baptism are set free;-handwritings in My washing are blotted out ;-manumissions in the water are sealed ;-and if I be not baptized all these come to nought."
39. "A mantle of fire the air wears,-and waits for Thee, above Jordan;-and if Thou consentest to it and willest to be baptized,-Thou shall baptize Thyself and fulfil all."
40. "This is meet, that thou shouldst baptize Me,-that none may err and say concerning Me,-'Had He not been alien from the Father's house,-why feared the Levite to baptize Him?' "
41. "The prayer, then, when Thou art baptized,-how shall I complete over Jordan?-When the Father and the Spirit are seen over Thee,-Whom shall I call on, as priest?"
42. "The prayer in silence is to be completed:-come, thy hand alone lay thou on Me.-and the Father shall utter in the priest's stead-that which is meet concerning His Son."
43. "They that are bidden, lo! all of them stand;-the Bridegroom's guests, lo! they bear witness-that day by day I said among them,-'I am the Voice and not the Word.' "
44. "Voice of him that cries in the wilderness,-fulfil thou the work for which thou camest,-that the desert whereunto thou wentest out may resound-with the mighty peace thou preachedst therein."
45. "The shout of the Watchers has come to my ears;-lo! I hear from the Father's house-the hosts that sound forth the cry,-'In Thy Epiphany, O Bridegroom, the worlds have life.' "
46. "The time hastes on, and the marriage guests-look to Me to see what is doing.-Come, baptize Me, that they may give praise-to the Voice of the Father when it is heard!"
47. "I hearken, my Lord, according to Thy Word:-come to Baptism as Thy love constrains Thee!-The dust worships that whereunto he has attained,-that on Him Who fashioned him he should lay his hand."
48. The heavenly ranks were silent as they stood,-and the Bridegroom went down into Jordan;-the Holy One was baptized and straightway went up,-and His Light shone forth on the world.
49. The doors of the highest were opened above,-and the voice of the Father was heard,-" This is my Beloved in Whom I am well pleased."-All ye peoples, come and worship Him.
50. They that saw were amazed as they stood, at the Spirit Who came down and bare witness to Him.-Praise to Thy Epiphany that gladdens all,-Thou in Whose revelation the worlds are lightened!
1. In the Birth of the Son light dawned,-and darkness fled from the world,-and the earth was enlightened; then let it give glory-to the brightness of the Father Who has enlightened it!
2. He dawned from the womb of the Virgin,-and the shadows passed away when He was seen,-and the darkness of error was strangled by Him,-and the ends of the earth were enlightened that they should give glory.
3. Among the peoples there was great tumult,-and in the darkness the light dawned,-and the nations rejoiced to give glory-to Him in Whose Birth they all were enlightened.
4. His light shone out over the east;-Persia was enlightened by the star:-His Epiphany gave good tidings to her and invited her,-" He is come for the sacrifice that brings joy to all."
5. The star of light hasted and came and dawned-through the darkness, and summoned them-that the peoples should come and exult-in the great Light that has come down to earth.
6. One envoy from among the stars-the firmament sent to proclaim to them,-to the sons of Persia, that they might make ready-to meet the King and to worship Him.
7. Great Assyria when she perceived it-called to the Magi and said to them,-"Take gifts and go, honour Him-the great King Who in Judea has dawned."
8. The princes of Persia, exulting,-carried gifts from their region;-and they brought to the Son of the Virgin-gold and myrrh and frankincense.
9. They entered and found Him as a child-as He dwelt in the house of the lowly woman;-and they drew near and worshipped with gladness,-and brought near before Him their treasures.
10. Mary said, "For whom are these?-and for what purpose? and what is the cause-that has called you to come from your country-to the Child with your treasures?"
11. They said, "Thy Son is a King,-and He binds crowns and is King of all;-and great is His power over the world,-and to His Kingdom shall all be obedient."
12. "At what time did this come to pass,-that a lowly woman should bring forth a King? I who am in need and in want,-how then could a king come forth from me?"
13. "In thee alone has this come to pass-that a mighty King from thee should appear;-thee in whom poverty shall be magnified,-and to thy Son shall crowns be made subject."
14. "Treasures of Kings I have not;-riches have never fallen to my lot.-My house is lowly and my dwelling needy;-why then proclaim ye that my Son is King?"
15. "Great treasure is in thy Son,-and wealth that suffices to make all rich;-for the treasures of kings are impoverished,-but He fails not nor can be measured."
16. "Whether haply some other be for your-the King that is born, enquire ye concerning Him.-This is the son of a lowly woman,-of one who is not meet to look on a King."
17. "Can it be that light should ever miss-the way whereon it has been sent? It was not darkness that summoned and led us;-in light we walked, and thy Son is King."
18. "Lo! ye see a babe without speech,-and the house of His mother empty and needy,-and of that which pertains to a king nought is in it:-how then in it is a king to be seen?"
19. "Lo! we see that without speech and at rest-is the King, and lowly as thou hast said:-but again we see that the stars-in the highest He bids haste to proclaim Him."
20. "It were meet, O men, that ye should enquire-who is the King, and then adore him;-lest haply your way has been mistaken,-and another is the King that is born."
21. "It were meet, O maiden, that thou shouldst receive it,-that we have learned that thy Son is King,-from the star of light that errs not,-and plain is the way, and he has led us."
22 "The Child is a little one, and lo! he has not-the diadem of a king and of a throne;-and what have ye seen that ye should pay honour to Him,-as to a king, with your treasures?"
23. "A little one, because He willed it for quietness' sake,-and meek now until He be revealed.-A time shall be for Him when all diadems-shall bow down and worship Him."
24. "Armies he has none;-nor has my Son legions and troops:-in the poverty of His mother He dwells;-why then King is He called by you?"
25. "The armies of thy Son are above;-they ride on high, and they flame,-and one of them it was that came and summoned us,-and all our country was dismayed."
26. "The Child is a babe, and how is it possible-He should be King, unknown to the world?-And they that are mighty and of renown,-how can a babe be their ruler?"
27. "Thy babe is aged, O Virgin,-and Ancient of Days and exalted above all and Adam beside Him is very babe,-and in Him all created things are made new."
28. "It is very seemly that ye should expound-all the mystery and explain it;- who it is that reveals to you the mystery of my Son,-that He is a King in your region."
29. "It is likewise seemly for thee to accept this,-that unless the truth had led us we had not wandered hither from the ends of the earth,-nor come for the sake of thy Son."
30. "All the mystery as it was wrought-among you there in your country,-reveal ye to me now as friends.-Who was He that called you to come to me?"
31. "A mighty Star appeared to us-that was glorious exceedingly above the stars,-and our land by its fire was kindled;-that this King had appeared it bore tidings to us."
32. "Do not, I beseech you, speak of--these things in our land lest they rage,-and the kings of the earth join together-against the Child in their envy."
33. "Be not thou dismayed, O Virgin!-Thy Son shall bring to nought all diadems, and set them underneath his heel;-and they shall not subdue Him Whom they envy."
34. "Because of Herod I am afraid,-that unclean wolf, lest he assail me,-and draw his sword and with it cut off-the sweet cluster before it be ripe."
35. "Because of Herod fear thou not;-for in the hands of thy Son is his throne placed:-and as soon as He shall reign it shall be laid low,-and his diadem shall fall on the earth beneath."
36. "A torrent of blood is Jerusalem,-wherein the excellent ones are slain;-and if she perceives Him she will assail Him.-In mystery speak ye, and noise it not abroad."
37. "All torrents, and likewise swords,-by the hands of thy Son shall be appeased;-and the sword of Jerusalem shall be blunted,-and shall not desire at all to kill."
38. "The scribes of the priests of Jerusalem-pour forth blood and heed not.- They will arouse murderous strife-against me and against the Child; O Magi, be silent!"
39. "The scribes and the priests will be unable-to hurt thy son in their envy;-for by Him their priesthood shall be dissolved,-and their festivals brought to nought."
40. "A Watcher revealed to me, when I received-conception of the Babe, that my Son is a King;-that His diadem is from on high and is not dissolved,-he declared to me even as ye do."
41. "The Watcher, therefore, of whom thou hast spoken-is he who came as a star,-and was shown to us and brought us good tidings-that He is great and glorious above the stars."
42. "That Angel declared to me-in his good tidings, when he appeared to me,-that to His Kingdom no end shall be-and the mystery is kept and shall not be revealed."
43. "The Star also declared again to us-that thy Son is He that shall keep the diadem.-His aspect was something changed,-and he was the Angel and made it not known to us."
44. "Before me when the Watcher showed himself,-he called Him his Lord before He was conceived;-and as the Son of the Highest announced Him to me:-but where His Father is he made not known to me."
45. "Before us he proclaimed in the form of a star-that the Lord of the Highest is He Who is born;-and over the stars of light thy Son is ruler,-and unless He commands they rise not."
46. "In your presence, lo! there are revealed-other mysteries, that ye may learn the truth;-how in virginity I bare my Son,-and He is Son of God; go ye, proclaim Him!"
47. "In our presence the Star taught us-that His Birth is exalted above the world and above all beings is thy Son,-and is Son of God according to thy saying."
48. "The world on high and the world below bear witness to Him,-all the Watchers and the stars,-that He is Son of God and Lord.-Bear ye His fame to your lands!"
49. "All the world on high, in one star,-has stirred up Persia and she has learnt the truth,-that thy Son is Son of God,-and to Him shall all peoples be subject."
50. "Peace bear ye to your lands:-peace be multiplied in your borders apostles of truth may ye be believed-in all the way that ye shall pass through."
51. "The peace of thy Son, it shall bear us-in tranquillity to our land, as it has led us hither;-and when His power shall have grasped the worlds,-may He visit our land and bless it!
52. "May Persia rejoice in your glad tidings!-may Assyria exult in your coming-And when my Son's Kingdom shall arise,-may He plant His standard in your country!"
53. Let the Church sing with rejoicing,-" Glory in the Birth of the Highest,-by Whom the world above and the world below are illumined!"-Blessed be He in Whose Birth all are made glad!