Martin Luther Collection: Luther, Martin - Table Talks: 32. Of Princes and Potentates

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Martin Luther Collection: Luther, Martin - Table Talks: 32. Of Princes and Potentates

TOPIC: Luther, Martin - Table Talks (Other Topics in this Collection)
SUBJECT: 32. Of Princes and Potentates

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Government is a sign of the divine grace, of the mercy of God, who has no

pleasure in murdering, killing, and strangling. If God left all things to go

which they would, as among the Turks and other nations, without good

government, we should quickly dispatch one another out of this world.


Parents keep their children with greater diligence and care than rulers

and governors keep their subjects. Fathers and mothers are masters naturally

and willingly; it is a self-grown dominion; but rulers and magistrates have

a compulsory mastery; they act by force, with a prepared dominion; when

father and mother can rule no more, the public police must take the matter

in hand. Rulers and magistrates must watch over the sixth commandment.


The temporal magistrate is even like a fish net, set before the fish in

a pond or a lake, but God is the plunger, who drives the fish into it. For

when a thief, robber, adulterer, murderer, is ripe, he hunts him into the

net, that is, causes him to be taken by the magistrate, and punished; for it

is written: "God is judge upon earth." Therefore repent, or thou must be



Princes and rulers should maintain the laws and statutes, or they will

be condemned. They should, above all, hold the Gospel in honor, and bear it

ever in their hands, for it aids and preserves them, and ennobles the state

and office of magistracy, so that they know where their vocation and calling

is, and that with good and safe conscience they may execute the works of

their office. At Rome, the executioner always craved pardon of the condemned

malefactor, when he was to execute his office, as though he were doing

wrong, or sinning in executing the criminal; whereas `tis his proper office,

which God has set.

St Paul says: "He beareth not the sword in vain;" he is God's minister,

a revenger, to execute wrath upon him that does evil. When the magistrate

punishes, God himself punishes.


It is impossible that where a prince or potentate is ungodly, his

counsellors should not be ungodly. As is the master, such are also his

servants. This follows necessarily and certainly. Solomon says: "A master

that hath pleasure in lying, his servants are ungodly;" it never fails.


The magistracy is a necessary state in the world, and to be held in

honor; therefore we ought to pray for magistrates, who may easily be

corrupted and spoiled. Honores mutant mores, numquam in meliores: Honors

alter a man's manners, and seldom for the better. The prince who governs

without laws, according to his own brain, is a monster, worse than a wild

beast; but he who governs according to the prescribed laws and rights, is

like unto God, who is an erector and founder of laws and rights.


Governors should be wise, of a courageous spirit, and should know how

to rule alone without their counsellors.


Temporal government is preserved not only by laws and rights, but by

divine authority; `tis God maintains governments, otherwise the greatest

sins in the world would remain unpunished. Our Lord God, in the law, shows

what his will is, and how the evil should be punished. And forasmuch as the

law punishes not a potentate, prince, or ruler, therefore our Lord God, one

day, will call him to an account and punish him. In this life, governors and

rulers catch but only gnats and little flies with their laws, but the wasps

and great humble bees tear through, as through a cobweb; that is, the small

offences and offenders are punished, but the abominable extortioners and

oppressors who grind the faces of the poor, the fatherless and widows, go

scotfree, and are held in high honor.


To the business of government appertain, not common, illiterate people,

or servants, but champions; understanding, wise, and courageous men, who are

to be trusted, and who aim at the common good and prosperity, not seeking

their own gain and profit, or following their own desires, pleasures, and

delights; but how few governors and rulers think hereon? They make a trade

and traffic of government; they cannot govern themselves: how, then, should

they govern great territories and multitudes of people. Solomon says: "A man

that can rule and curb his mind, is better than he that assaulteth and

overcometh cities." etc..

I could well wish that Scipio, that much-honored champion, were in

heaven; he was able to govern and overcome himself, and to curb his mind,

the highest and most laudable victory. Frederick, prince elector of Saxony,

was another such prince; he could curb himself, though by nature of an angry

mood. In the song of Solomon, it is said: "My vineyard which is mine, is

before me;" that is, God has taken the government to himself, to the end no

man may brag and boast thereof. God will be the king and ruler; he will be

minister and pastor; he will be master in the house; he alone will be

governor; pastor, espiscopus, Caesar, rex, vir et uxor errant, sed non Deus.


Potentates and princes, nowadays, when they take in hand an enterprise,

do not pray before they begin, but set to work calculating: three time three

makes nine, twice seven are fourteen - so and so will do so and so - in this

manner will the business surely take effect - but our Lord God says unto

them: For whom, then, do ye hold me? for a cypher? Do I sit here above in

vain, and to no purpose? You shall know, that I will twist your accounts

about finely, and make the mall false reckonings.


Pilate was a more honest and just man than any papist prince of the

empire. I could name many of these, who are in no degree comparable with

Pilate; for he kept strictly to the Roman laws. He would not that the

innocent should be executed and slain without hearing, and he availed

himself of all just means whereby to release Christ; but when they

threatened him with the emperor's disfavor, he was dazzled, and forsook the

imperial laws, thinking, it is but the loss of one man, who is both poor and

condemned; no man takes his part; what hurt can I receive by his death?

Better it is that one man die, than that the whole nation be against me.

Dr. Mathesius and Pomer debated this question, why Pilate scourged

Christ, and asked: What is truth? The former argued that Pilate did i out of

compassion; but the other, that it was done out of tyranny and contempt.

Whereupon Luther said: Pilate scourged Christ out of compassion, to the end

he might still thereby, the insatiable wrath and raging of the Jews. And in

that he said to Christ: What is truth: he meant: Why wilt thou dispute

concerning truth in these wicked times? Truth is here of no value. Thou must

think of some other plan; adopt some lawyer's quiddity, and then, perchance,

thou mayest be released.


Philip Melancthon and myself have justly deserved at God's hands, as

much riches in this world as any one cardinal possesses; for we have done

more in his business than a hundred cardinals. But God says unto us: Be

contented that ye have me. When we have him, then have we also the purse;

for although we had the purse and had not God, so had we nothing.

God said to Ezekiel: "Thou son of man, Nebuchadnezzar caused his army

to serve a great service against Tyre, yet he had no wages; what shall I

give him? I will give the land of Egypt to Nebuchadnezzar, that shall be his

wages." So plays God with great kingdoms, taking them from one, and giving

them to another.


At the imperial diet, at Augsburg, certain princes there spoke in

praise of the riches and advantages of their respective principalities. The

prince elector of Saxony said: He had, in his country, store of silver

mines, which brought him great revenues. The prince elector palatine

extolled his vineyards on the Rhine. When it became the turn of Eberhard,

prince of Wirtemberg, he said: "I am, indeed, but a poor prince, and not to

be compared with either of you; yet, nevertheless, I have also in my country

a rich and precious jewel; namely, that if at any time I should ride astray

in my country, and were left all alone in the fields, yet I could safely and

securely sleep in the bosom of any one of my subjects, who all, for my

service, are ready to venture body, goods, and blood." And, indeed, his

people esteemed him as a pater patrice. When the other two princes heard

this, they confessed that, in truth, his was the most rich and precious



I invited to dinner, at my house at Wittenberg, prince Ernest of

Luneburg, and prince William of Mecklenburg, who much complained of the

immeasurable swilling and drinking kind of life at courts; and yet they will

all be good Christians. I said: The potentates and princes ought to look

into this. Then prince Ernest said: Ah! sir, we that are princes do even so

ourselves, otherwise `twould have gone down long since; confessing that the

intemperance of princes caused the intemperance of the people. And truly,

when the abbot throws the dice, the whole convent will play. The example of

governors greatly influences the subjects.


Some one asked, whether Sir Thomas More was executed for the Gospel's

sake or no? I answered: No, in no wise; he was a cruel tyrant; he was the

king's chief counsellor; a very learned and wise man, doubtless, but he shed

the blood of many innocent Christians that confessed the Gospel; he

tormented them with strange instruments, like a hangman; first, he

personally examined them under a green tree, and then cruelly tortured them

in prison. At last, he opposed the edict of the king and kingdom. He was

disobedient, and was punished.


We have this advantage; no council has condemned us for heretics; the

laws of the empire define a heretic to be one who obstinately maintains

errors, which we have never done, but have shown and produced witnesses out

of God's Word, and the Holy Scriptures; we willingly hear the opinions of

others, but we will not endure the pope to be judge; we make him a party.


The emperor Maximilian in his campaigns was very superstitious. In

times of danger, he would make a vow to offer up as sacrifice what first met

him. One of his captains had taken captive a very fair virgin of an ancient

family in Germany, and of the protestant religion, whom he loved

exceedingly; but he was forced by the emperor to kill her with his own

hands. We Christians have a great advantage in war against our enemies, that

of faith in prayer, whereas the infidels know nothing of faith or prayer.


Not long since king Ferdinand came into a monastery where I was, and

going over it was attracted by these letters, written in large characters on

a wall: "M.N.M.G.M.M.M.M" After reflecting for some time on their meaning,

he turned to his secretary, and asked him what he thought they signified:

the secretary replied: "No, truly," said the king. "Well, then," returned

the secretary, I expound the letters thus: M.N. Mentitur Nausea (the

archbishop of Vienna); M.G. Mentitur Gallus (the court preacher); M.M.M.M.

Mentiuntur Majores (the Franciscans); Minores, (the Carmelites); Minotaurii

(monks of the Alps); all are liars." The king hit his lips, and passed on.

`Twas a very ingenious explanation of Mr. Secretary's.


Princes, nowadays, have no order in the administration of their

household. Four imperial towns spend more in luxuries and junkettings in one

day, than Solomon spent, throughout all his kingdom, in a month. They are

poor creatures, these princes, well entitled to our compassion.


God deals with great potentates, kings, and princes, even as children

with playing cards. While they have good cards, they hold them in their

hands; when they had bad, they get weary of them, and throw them under the

chair; just so does God with great potentates; while they are governing

well, he holds them for good; but so soon as they exceed, and govern ill, he

throws them down from their seat, and there he lets them lie.