Martin Luther Collection: Luther, Martin - Table Talks: 45. Of The Turks

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Martin Luther Collection: Luther, Martin - Table Talks: 45. Of The Turks

TOPIC: Luther, Martin - Table Talks (Other Topics in this Collection)
SUBJECT: 45. Of The Turks

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The Turk is a crafty and subtle enemy, who wars not only with great power

and boldness, but also with stratagem and deceit; he makes his enemies faint

and weary, keeping them waking with frequent skirmishes, seldom fighting a

complete battle, unless he have tolerable certainty of victory. Otherwise,

when a battle is offered him, he trots away, depending on his stratagems.


The power of the Turk is very great; he keeps in his pay, all the year

through, hundreds of thousands of soldiers. He must have more than two

millions of florins annual revenue. We are far less strong in our bodies,

and are divided out among different masters, all opposed the one to the

other, yet we might conquer these infidels with only the Lord's prayer, if

our own people did not spill so much blood in religious quarrels, and in

persecuting the truths contained in that prayer. God will punish us as he

punished Sodom and Gomorrah, but I would fain `twere by the hand of some

pious potentate, and not by that of the accursed Turk.


They say the famine in the Turkish camp, before Vienna, was so great

that a loaf of bread fetched its weight in gold, whereas Vienna and the

archduke's army had all things in abundance. This victory is evidently the

work of God. The Turk had sworn to conquer Germany within the year, and had

unfurled a consecrated standard, but he was put to the rout without

accomplishing anything of importance.


On the last day of July, 1539, came news that the king of Persia had

invaded the states of the Turk, and that the latter had been obliged to

withdraw his forces from Wallachia. Dr. Luther said: I greatly admire the

power of the king of Persia, who can measure his strength with an enemy so

formidable as the Turk. Truly, these are two mighty empires. Yet Germany

could well withstand the Turks if she would keep up a standing army of fifty

thousand foot, and ten thousand horse, so that the losses by a defeat might

be at once repaired. The Romans triumphed over all their enemies, by keeping

constantly on foot forty-two legions of six thousand men each, disciplined

troops, practiced in war.


News came from Torgau that the Turks had led out into the great square

at Constantinople twenty-three Christian prisoners, who, on their refusing

to apostatize, were beheaded. Dr. Luther said: Their blood will cry up to

heaven against the Turks, as that of John Huss did against the papists. `Tis

certain, tyranny and persecution will not avail to stifle the Word of Jesus

Christ. It flourishes and grows in blood. Where one Christian is

slaughtered, a host of others arise. `Tis not on our walls or our

arquebusses I rely for resisting the Turk, but upon the Pater Noster. `Tis

that will triumph. The Decalogue is not, of itself, sufficient. I said to

the engineers at Wittenberg: Why strengthen your walls - they are trash; the

walls with which a Christian should fortify himself are made, not of stone

and mortar, but of prayer and faith.


The Turks are the people of the wrath of God. `Tis horrible to see

their contempt of marriage. `Twas not so with the Romans.


Let us repent, pray, and await the Lord's will, for human defense and

help is all too weak. Five years since, the emperor was well able to resist

the Turks, when he had levied a great army of horse and foot, out of the

whole empire, Italians and Germans. But then he would not; therefore,

meantime, many good people were butchered by the Turks. Ah, loving God, what

is this life, but death! there is nothing but death, from the cradle unto

old age. I fear all things go not right; the tyranny and pride of the

Spaniards, doubtless, will give us over to the Turks, and make us subject to

them. There is great treachery somewhere. I doubt the twenty thousand men,

and the costly pieces of double cannon are willfully betrayed to the Turk.

It is not usual to carry such great pieces of ordnance into the field. The

emperor Maximilian kept them safe at Vienna. It seems to me, as though he

had said to the Turk: take these pieces of ordnance as a present; slay and

destroy all that cannot escape. This expedition has an aspect of treachery;

for while our men slumber, the Turk constantly watches, attempting all he

can, both with open power and with secret practices.

If the Turk were to cause proclamation to be made, that every man

should be free from taxation and tribute for the space of three years, the

common people would joyfully yield to him. But when he had got them into his

claws, he would make use of his tyranny, as his custom is, for he takes the

third son from every man; he is always father of the third child. Truly, it

is a great tyranny, which chiefly concerns the princes of the empire

themselves. I ever held the emperor in suspicion, yet he can deeply

dissemble. I have almost despaired of him, since he opposed the known truth,

which he heard at the Diet at Augsburg. The verse in the second Psalm holds

ever good: "Why do the heathen so furiously rage together, and why do the

people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth stand up, and the rulers

take counsel together, against the Lord, and against his anointed," etc.

David complained thereof, Christ felt it, the apostles lamented it; we feel

it too. `Twas therefore St Paul said: "Not many wise even after the flesh,

not many mighty, not many noble are called." Let us call upon God the Father

of our Lord Jesus Christ; let us pray, for it is high time.


The admirable great constancy of John, prince elector of Saxony, is

worthy of everlasting memory and praise; who personally and steadfastly held

over the pure doctrine of the Gospel at the imperial diet at Augsburg, 1530.

And, unhappily, Germany is a prey to discord all this time. See how furious

a hate the papists bear to the partisans of the Gospel. They have put their

faith in the emperor against us, but they will come to confusion. A certain

count had a great bonfire lighted in the night, when he learned the arrival

of the emperor in Germany; and a popish priest, near Eisenach, said, he

would bet all the cows he should have in the year, that Martin Luther and

his adherents would be hanged before Michaelmas. These fellows thought it

only needed for the emperor to march against the Lutherans, and they

cherished horrible projects; but they were finely disappointed.

The emperor of the Turks maintains great pomp in his court. You have to

traverse three vestibules before you reach the apartment wherein he sits. In

the first vestibule are twelve chained lions; in the second, an equal number

of panthers. He has under his rule very rich and populous countries; even

within the last ten years, the number of his subjects has greatly increased.

The 21st of December, 1536, George, marquis of Brandenburg came to

Wittenberg, and announced that the Turks had obtained a great victory over

the Germans, whose fine army had been betrayed and massacred; he said that

many princes and brave captains had perished, and that such Christians as

remained prisoners, had been treated with extreme cruelty, their noses being

slit, and themselves used most scornfully. Luther said: We, Germans, must

consider hereupon that God's anger is at our gates, that we should hasten to

repentance while there is yet time; by degrees, he subjugated the Saracens,

who before were the lords of Syria, Asia, the Land of Promise, Assyria,

Greece, and a portion of Spain. These Solyman utterly overthrew and well

nigh annihilated. `Tis thus God plays with kingdoms, as in Isaiah, it is

threatened: "I the Lord am a strong God over kingdoms; whoso sinneth I

destroy." The Venetians made no resistance. They are effeminate and pretend

not to be warriors. `Tis wonderful what progress the Turk has made in the

last hundred years, yet that is nothing in comparison with the progress the

Roman empire made in fifty years, though, during twenty-three years of the

fifty, it had to maintain a terrible war with Hannibal. Such was its

aggrandizement, that Scipio declared it advisable that in the public prayers

the petition for extended domination should be omitted, it being his opinion

that now they had better see to the taking care of what they had got. Yet

God overthrew this mighty empire by the hands of barbarians.


The elector of Saxony wrote to Dr. Luther that the Turks had gained a

great victory. Cazianus, Ungnad, Schlick, had all been brided by the enemy,

and their names were now placarded all over Vienna, as condemned traitors.

These generals led the German army close to the Turkish camp; a Christian

who had made his escape from the infidels, cane and warned them to be on

their guard, but they treated his counsel with contumely. When the enemy

approached, these traitors took to flight, with the cavalry, abandoning the

infantry to slaughter. The Turks next feigned a retreat, whereupon the

Christian generals ordered the cavalry, eleven hundred in number, to return

to the charge, but the Turks surrounding them, cut them in pieces also.

Cazianus had received eighteen thousand ducats from the Turks through a Jew,

to betray the Christian army, and had promised to deliver the king himself

into the enemies hands. Luther, on hearing this news, said: Auri sacra

fames, quid non mortalia pectora cogis? This traitor must everlastingly burn

in hell. I would not betray a dog. I much fear it will go ill with

Ferdinand, who has allowed so great an army to be thrust into the throat of

the Turk, by the hands of a perjured Mameluke, who heretofore fell from the

Turk to the Christians, and now has fallen again from the Christians to the


Our princes and rulers ought to march in person against the enemy, and

not have him thus encountered; the Turk is not to be condemned. Truly, we

Germans are jolly fellows; we eat, and drink, and game at our ease, wholly

heedless of the Turk. Germany has been a fine and noble country, but `twill

be said of her, as of Troy, fuit Llium. Let us pray to God, that, amidst

such calamities, he will preserve our consciences. I dread lest the money

and forces of Germany become exhausted, for then, perforce, we must yield to

the Turk. They reproach me with all this; me, unhappy Martin Luther. They

reproach me, too, with the revolt of the peasants, and with the

sacramentarian sects, as though I had been their author. Often have I felt

disposed to throw the keys before God's foot.

The Turks pretend, despite the Holy Scriptures, that they are the

chosen people of God, as descendants of Ishmael. They say that Ishmael was

the true son of the promise, for that when Issac was about to be sacrificed,

he fled from his father, and from the slaughter knife, and, meanwhile,

Ishmael came and truly offered himself to be sacrificed, whence he became

the child of the promise; as gross a lie as that of the papists concerning

one kind in the sacrament. The Turks make a boast of being very religious,

and treat all other nations as idolaters. They slanderously accuse the

Christians of worshipping three gods. They swear by one only God, creator of

heaven and earth, by his angels, by the four evangelists, and by the eighty

heaven-descended prophets, of whom Mohammed is the greatest. They reject all

images and pictures, and render homage to God alone. They pay the most

honorable testimony to Jesus Christ, saying that he was a prophet of

preeminent sanctity, born of the Virgin Mary, and an envoy from God, but

that Mohammed succeeded him, and that while Mohammed sits, in heaven, on the

right hand of the Father, Jesus Christ is seated on his left. The Turks have

retained many features of the law of Moses, but, inflated with the insolence

of victory, they have adopted a new worship; for the glory of warlike

triumphs is, in the opinion of the world, the greatest of all.

Luther complained of the emperor Charles negligence, who, taken up with

other wars, suffered the Turk to capture one place after another. `Tis with

the Turks as heretofore with the Romans, every subject is a soldier, as long

as he is able to bear arms, so they have always a disciplined army ready for

the field; whereas we gather together ephemeral bodies of vagabonds, untried

wretches, upon whom is no dependence. My fear is, that the papists will

unite with the Turks to exterminate us. Please God, my anticipation come not

true, but certain it is, that the desperate creatures will do their best to

deliver us over to the Turks.


Luther wrote a letter to the emperor's chief general in Hungary,

admonishing him that he had against him four powerful enemies; he had not

only to do with flesh and blood, but with the devil, with the Turk, with

God's wrath, with our own sins; therefore he should remember to humble

himself and to call upon God to help.

Luther heard that the emperor Charles had sent into Austria eighteen

thousand Spaniards against the Turk. Whereupon he sighed, and said: `Tis a

sign of the last day when those cruel nations, the Spaniards and Turks, are

to be our masters: I would rather have the Turks for enemies than the

Spaniards for protectors; for, barbarous tyrants as they are, most of the

Spaniards are half Moors, half Jews, fellows who believe nothing at all.

The great hope I have is, that the Turkish empire will be brought to an

end by intestine dissensions, as it has been with all the kingdoms of the

world, the Persian, the Chaldean, the Alexandrian, the Roman: I hope the

four brothers, the son of the great Turk, will dispute the sovereignty among

themselves. Whoso climbs high, is in danger to fall; the best swimmer may be

drowned. If it be the will of God, though the Turk has climbed high, he may

fall to pieces in a moment.


The Turk will go to Rome, as Daniel's prophecy announces, and then the

last day will not be very distant. Germany must be chastised by the Turks. I

often reflect with sorrow, how utterly Germany neglects all good counsel.

Victory, however, depends not on ourselves. There is a time for conquering

the Turks, and a time for being conquered. The king of France long exalted

himself in his pride, but in the end he was abased and made captive. The

pope long despised God and man, but he too is fallen. They say the pope

lately celebrated the circumcision of four of his sons, and invited the

great khan, the king of Persia, and the chiefs of the Venetians, to the

ceremony. He is extremely venerated by his subjects. He gives the people a

passport, called vich, the bearer of which passes safely throughout the

Turkish dominions, and is freely lodged wherever he goes.