Martin Luther Collection: Luther, Martin - Table Talks: 10. OF SINS

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Martin Luther Collection: Luther, Martin - Table Talks: 10. OF SINS

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None of the Fathers of the Church made mention of original sin until

Augustine came, who made a difference between original and actual sin;

namely, that original sin is to covet, lust, and desire, which is the root

and cause of actual sin; such lust and desire in the faithful, God forgives,

imputing it not unto them, for the sake of Christ, seeing they resist it by

the assistance of the Holy Ghost. As St Paul, Rom. viii. The papists and

other sinners oppose the known truth. St Paul says: "A man that is an

heretic after the first and second admonition, rejects," knowing that such

an one sins, being condemned of himself. And Christ says: "Let them alone,

they are blind leaders of the blind." If one err through ignorance, he will

be instructed; but if he be hardened, and will not yield to the truth, like

Pharaoh, who would not acknowledge his sins, or humble himself before God,

and therefore was destroyed in the Red Sea, even so will he be destroyed. We

are all sinner by nature - conceived and born in sin; sin has poisoned us

through and through; we have from Adam a will, which continually sets itself

against God, unless by the Holy Ghost it be renewed and changed. Of this

neither the philosophers nor the lawyers know anything; therefore they are

justly excluded from the circuit of divinity, not grounding their doctrine

upon God's Word.


Sins against the Holy Ghost are, first, presumption; second, despair;

third, opposition to and condemnation of the known truth; fourth, not to

wish well, but to grudge one's brother or neighbor the grace of God; fifth,

to be hardened; sixth, to be impenitent.


The greatest sins committed against God, are the violations of the

first table of the law. No man understands or feels these sins, but he that

has the Holy Ghost and the grace of God. Therefore people feeling secure,

though they draw God's wrath upon them, yet flatter themselves they still

remain in God's favor. Yea, they corrupt the Word of God, and condemn it;

yet think they do that which is pleasing and a special service to God. As

for example: Paul held the law of God to be the highest and most precious

treasure on earth, as we do the gospel. He would venture life and blood to

maintain it; and he thought he wanted neither understanding, wisdom, nor

power. But before he could rightly look about him, and while he thought his

cause most sure, then he heard another lesson, he got another manner of

commission, and it was told him plainly, that all his works, actions,

diligence and zeal, were quite against God. Yet his doings carried a fair

favor with the learned and seeming holy people, who said, Paul dealt herein

uprightly, and performed divine and holy works, in showing such zeal for

God's honor and for the law.

But God struck him on the ear, that he fell to the ground, and heard,

Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me? As if he should say, Saul, even with

that wherein thou thinkest to do me service, thou dost nothing but persecute

me, as my greatest enemy. It is true, thou boastest that thou hast my word,

that thou understandest the law, and wilt earnestly defend and maintain it;

thou receivest testimony and authority from the elders and scribes, and in

such they conceit and blind zeal thou proceedest. But know, that in my law I

have commanded, that whoso taketh my name in vain shall die. Thou, Saul,

takest my name in vain; therefore thou art justly punished. Whereupon he

said: Lord, what wilt thou have me to do? Mark, this man was a master in the

law of Moses, and yet he asked what he should do.


We have within us many sins against our Lord God, and which justly

displease him: such as anger, impatience, covetousness, greediness,

incontinence, hatred, malice, etc. These are great sins, which everywhere in

the world go on with power, and get the upper hand. Yet these are nothing in

comparison of condemning of God's Word; yea, all these would remain

uncommitted, if we did but love and reverence that. But, alas! the whole

world is drowned in this sin. No man cares a flip for the gospel, all snarl

at and persecute it, holding it as no sin. I behold with wonder in the

church, that among the hearers, one looks this way, another that; and that

among so great a multitude, few come to hear the sermon. This sin is so

common, that people will not confess it to be like other sins; every one

deems it a slight thing to hear a discourse without attention, and not

diligently to mark, learn and inwardly digest it. It is not so about other

sins; as murder, adultery, thieving, etc. For, after these sins, in due time

follow grief, sorrow of heart, and remorse. But not to hear God's Word with

diligence, yea, to condemn, to persecute it, of this man makes no account.

Yet it is a sin so fearful, that for the committing it both land and people

must be destroyed, as it went with Jerusalem, with Rome, Greece, and other



Christ well knew how to discriminate sins; we see in the gospel how

harsh he was towards the Pharisees, by reason of their great hatred and envy

against him and his Word, while, on the contrary, how mild and friendly he

was towards the woman who was a sinner. That same envy will needs rob Christ

of his Word, for he is a bitter enemy unto it, and in the end will crucify

it. But the woman, as the greatest sinner, takes hold on the Word, hears

Christ, and believes that he is the only Saviour of the world; she washes

his feet, and anoints him with a costly water.


Let us not think ourselves more just than was the poor sinner and

murderer on the cross. I believe if the apostles had not fallen, they would

not have believed in the remission of sins. Therefore, when the devil

upbraids me, touching my sins, then I say; Good St Peter, although I am a

great sinner, yet I have not denied Christ my Saviour, as you did. In such

instances the forgiveness of sins remains confirmed. And although the

apostles were sinners, yet our Saviour Christ always excused them, as when

they plucked the ears of corn; but, on the contrary, he jeered the Pharisees

touching the paying of tribute, and commonly showed his disapprobation of

them; but the disciples he always comforted, as Peter, where he says: "Fear

not, thou shalt henceforth catch men."


No sinner can escape his punishment, unless he be sorry for his sins.

For though one go scot free for awhile, yet at last he will be snapped, as

the Psalm says: "God indeed is still judge on earth."

Our Lord God suffers the ungodly to be surprised and taken captive in

very slight and small things, when they think not of it, when they are most

secure, and live in delight and pleasure, leaping for joy. In such manner

was the pope surprised by me, about his indulgences and pardons,

comparatively a slight matter.


A magistrate, a father or mother, a master or dame, tradesmen and

others, must now and then look through the fingers at their citizens,

children, and servants, if their faults and offences be not too gross and

frequent; for where we will have summum jus, there follows often summa

injuria, so that all must go to wreck. Neither do they which are in office

always hit it aright, but err and sin themselves, and must therefore desire

the forgiveness of sins.

God forgives sins merely out of grace for Christ's sake; but we must

not abuse the grace of God. God has given signs and tokens enough, that our

sins shall be forgiven; namely, the preaching of the gospel, baptism, the

Lord's Supper, and the Holy Ghost in our hearts.

Now it is also needful we testify in our works that we have received

the forgiveness of sins, by each forgiving the faults of his brother. There

is no comparison between God's remitting of sins and ours. For what are one

hundred pence, in comparison with ten thousand pounds? as Christ says,

naught. And although we deserve nothing by our forgiving, yet we must

forgive that thereby we may prove and give testimony that we from God have

received forgiveness of our sins.

The forgiveness of sins is declared only in God's Word, and there we

must seek it; for it is grounded on God's promises. God forgives thee thy

sins, not because thou feelest them and art sorry, for this sin itself

produces, without deserving, but he forgives thy sins because he is

merciful, and because he has promised to forgive for Christ's sake.


When God said to Cain, through Adam: "If thou do well shalt thou not be

accepted? And if thou dost not well sin lieth at the door," he shows the

appearance of sinners, and speaks with Cain as with the most hypocritical

and poisonous Capuchin; `twas as if Adam had said: Thou hast heard how it

went with me in Paradise; I also would willingly have hid my offence with

fig leaves, lurking behind a tree, but know, good fellow, our Lord God will

not be so deceived; the fig leaves would not serve the turn.

Ah! it was, doubtless, to Adam, a heart-breaking and painful task, when

he was compelled to banish and proscribe his first born and only son, to

hunt him out of his house, and to say: Depart from me, and come no more in

my sight; I still feel what I have already lost in Paradise, I will lose no

more for thy sake; I will now, with more diligence, take heed to my God's

commands. And no doubt Adam afterwards preached with redoubled diligence.


These two sins, hatred and pride, deck and trim themselves out, as the

devil clothed himself, in the Godhead. Hatred will be godlike; pride will be

truth. These two are right deadly sins: hatred is killing; pride is lying.


It can be hurtful to none to acknowledge and confess his sins. Hast

thou done this or that sin? - what then? We freely, in God's name,

acknowledge the same, and deny it not, but from our hearts say: O Lord God!

I have done this sin.

Although thou hast not committed this or that sin, yet, nevertheless,

thou art an ungodly creature; and if thou hast not done that sin which

another has done, so has he not committed that sin which thou hast done;

therefore cry quits one with another. `Tis as the man said, that had young

wolves to sell; he was asked which of them was the best? He answered: If one

be good, then they are all good; they are all like one another. If thou hast

been a murderer, an adulterer, a drunkard, etc., so have I been a blasphemer

of God, who for the space of fifteen years was a friar, and blasphemed God

with celebrating that abominable idol, the mass. It had been better for me I

had been a partaker of other great wickednesses instead; but what is done

cannot be undone; he that has stolen, let him henceforward steal no more.


The sins of common, untutored people are nothing in comparison with the

sins committed by great and high persons, that are in spiritual and temporal


What are the sins done by a poor wretch, that according to law and

justice is hanged, or the offences of a poor strumpet, compared with the

sins of a false teacher, who daily makes away with many poor people, and

kills them both body and soul? The sins committed against the first table of

God's ten commandments, are not so much regarded by the world, as those

committed against the second table.


Original sin, after regeneration, is like a wound that begins to heal;

though it be a wound, yet it is in course of healing, though it still runs

and is sore.

So original sin remains in Christians until they die, yet itself is

mortified and continually dying. Its head is crushed in pieces, so that it

cannot condemn us.


All natural inclinations are either without God or against him;

therefore none are good. I prove it thus: All affections, desires, and

inclinations of mankind are evil, wicked, and spoiled, as the Scripture


Experience testifies this; for no man is so virtuous as to marry a

wife, only thereby to have children, to love and to bring them up in the

fear of God.

No hero undertakes great enterprises for the common good, but out of

ambition, for which he is justly condemned: hence it must needs follow, that

such original, natural desires and inclinations are wicked. But God bears

with them and lets them pass, in those that believe in Christ.


Schenck proceeds in a most monstrous manner, haranguing, without the

least discernment, on the subject of sin. I, myself, have heard him say, in

the pulpit at Eisenach, without any qualification whatever, "Sin, sin is

nothing; God will receive sinners; He himself tells us they shall enter the

kingdom of heaven." Schenck makes no distinction between sins committed,

sins committing, and sins to be committed, so that when the common people

hear him say, "Sin, for God will receive sinners;" they very readily repeat,

"Well, we'll sin then." `Tis a most erroneous doctrine. What is announced as

to God's receiving sinners, applies to sinners who have repented; there is

all the difference in the world between agnitum peccatum, attended by

repentance, and velle peccare, which is an inspiration of the devil.




The very name, Free-will, was odious to all the Fathers. I, for my part,

admit that God gave to mankind a free will, but the question is, whether

this same freedom be in our power and strength, or no? We may very fitly

call it a subverted, perverse, fickle, and wavering will, for it is only God

that works in us, and we must suffer and be subject to his pleasure. Even as

a potter out of his clay makes a pot or vessel, s he wills, so it is for our

free will, to suffer and not to work. It stands not in our strength; for we

are not able to do anything that is good in divine matters.


I have often been resolved to live uprightly, and to lead a true godly

life, and to set everything aside that would hinder this, but it was far

from being put in execution; even as it was with Peter, when he swore he

would lay down his life for Christ.

I will not lie or dissemble before my God, but will freely confess, I

am not able to effect that good which I intend, but await the happy hour

when God shall be pleased to meet me with his grace.

The will of mankind is either presumptuous or despairing. No human

creature can satisfy the law. For the law of God discourses with me, as it

were, after this manner: Here is a great, a high, and a steep mountain, and

thou must go over it; whereupon my flesh and free-will say, I will go over

it; but my conscience says, Thou canst not go over it; then comes despair,

and says, If I cannot, then I must forbear. In this sort does the law work

in mankind either presumption or despair; yet the law must be preached and

taught, for if we preach not the law, then people grow rude and confident,

whereas if we preach it, we make them afraid.


Saint Augustine writes, that free-will, without God's grace and the

Holy Ghost, can do nothing but sin; which sentence sorely troubles the

school-divines. They say, Augustine spoke hyperbolice, and too much; for

they understand that part of the Scripture to be spoken only of those people

who lived before the deluge, which says: "And God saw that the wickedness of

man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of

his heart was only evil continually," etc.; whereas he speaks in a general

way, which these poor school-divines do not see any more than what the Holy

Ghost says, soon after the deluge, in almost the same words: "And the Lord

said in his heart, I will not again curse the ground any more for man's

sake, for the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth."

Hence, we conclude in general, that man, without the Holy Ghost and

God's grace, can do nothing but sin; he proceeds therein without

intermission, and from one sin falls into another. Now, if man will not

suffer wholesome doctrine, but condemns the all-saving Word, and resists the

Holy Ghost, then through the effects and strength of his free-will he

becomes God's enemy; he blasphemes the Holy Ghost, and follows the lusts and

desires of his own heart, as examples in all times clearly show.

But we must diligently weigh the words which the Holy Ghost speaks

through Moses: "Every imagination of the thoughts of his heart is evil

continually:" so that when a man is able to conceive with his thoughts, with

his understanding and free-will, by highest diligence, is evil, and not once

or twice, but evil continually; without the Holy Ghost, man's reason, will,

and understanding, are without the knowledge of God; and to be without the

knowledge of God, is nothing else than to be ungodly, to walk in darkness,

and to hold that for best which is direct worst.

I speak only of that which is good in divine things, and according to

the holy Scripture; for we must make a difference between that which is

temporal, and that which is spiritual, between politics and divinity; for

God also allows of the government of the ungodly, and rewards their virtues,

yet only so far as belongs to this temporal life; for man's will and

understanding conceive that to be good which is external and temporal - nay,

take it to be, not only good, but the chief good.

But when we divines speak of free-will, we ask what man's free-will is

able to accomplish in divine and spiritual matters, not in outward and

temporal affairs; and we conclude that man, without the Holy Ghost, is

altogether wicked before God, although he were decked up and trimmed with

all the virtues of the heathen, and had all their works.

For, indeed, there are fair and glorious examples in heathendom, of

many virtues, where men were temperate, chaste, bountiful; loved their

country, parents, wives, and children; were men of courage, and behaved

themselves magnanimously and generously.

But the ideas of mankind concerning God, the true worship of God, and

God's will, are altogether stark blindness and darkness. For the light of

human wisdom, reason, and understanding, which alone is given to man,

comprehends only what is good and profitable outwardly. And although we see

that the heathen philosophers now and then discoursed touching God and his

wisdom very pertinently, so that some have made prophets of Socrates, of

Xenophon, of Plato, etc., yet, because they knew not that God sent his Son

Christ to save sinners, such fair, glorious, and wise-seeming speeches and

disputations are nothing but mere blindness and ignorance.


Ah, Lord God! why should be boast of our free-will, as if it were able

to do anything ever so small, in divine and spiritual matters? when we

consider what horrible miseries the devil has brought upon us through sin,

we might shame ourselves to death.

For, first, free-will led us into original sin, and brought death upon

us: afterwards, upon sin followed not only death, but all manner of

mischiefs, as we daily find in the world, murder, lying, deceiving,

stealing, and other evils, so that no man is safe the twinkling of an eye,

in body or goods, but always stands in danger.

And, besides these evils, is afflicted with yet a greater, as is noted

in the gospel - namely, that he is possessed of the devil, who makes him mad

and raging.

We know not rightly what we become after the fall of our first parents;

what from our mothers we have brought with us. For we have altogether, a

confounded, corrupt, and poisoned nature, both in body and soul; throughout

the whole of man is nothing that is good.

This is my absolute opinion: he that will maintain that man's free-will

is able to do or work anything in spiritual cases be they never so small,

denies Christ. This I have maintained in my writings, especially in those

against Erasmus, one of the learnedest men in the whole world, and thereby

will I remain, for I know it to be the truth, though all the world should be

against it; yea, the decree of Divine Majesty must stand fast against the

gates of hell.

I confess that mankind has a free-will, but it is to milk kine, to

build houses, etc., and no further; for so long as a man is at ease and in

safety, and is in no want, so long he things he has a free-will, which is

able to do something; but when want and need appear, so that there is

neither meat, drink, nor money, where is then free-will? It is utterly lost,

and cannot stand when it comes to the pinch. Faith only stands fast and

sure, and seeks Christ. Therefore faith is far another thing than free-will:

nay, free-will is nothing at all, but faith is all in all. Art thou bold and

stout, and canst thou carry it lustily with thy free-will when plague, wars,

and times of dearth and famine are at hand? No: in time of plague, thou

knowest not what to do for fear; thou wishest thyself a hundred miles off.

In time of dearth thou thinkest: Where shall I find to eat; Thy will cannot

so much as give thy heart the smallest comfort in these times of need, but

the longer thou strivest, the more it makes thy heart faint and feeble,

insomuch that it is affrighted even at the rushing and shaking of a leaf.

These are the valiant acts our free-will can achieve.


Some few divines allege, that the Holy Ghost works not in those that

resist him, but only in such as are willing and give consent thereto, whence

it would appear that free-will is only a cause and helper of faith, and that

consequently faith alone justifies not, and that the Holy Ghost does not

alone work through the Word, but that our will does something therein.

But I say it is not so; the will of mankind works nothing at all in his

conversion and justification; Non est efficiens causa justificationis sed

marerialis tantum. It is the matter on which the Holy Ghost works (as a

potter makes a pot out of clay), equally in those that resist and are

averse, as in St Paul. But after the Holy Ghost has wrought in the wills of

such resistants, then he also manages that the will be consenting thereunto.

They say and allege further, That the example of St Paul's conversion

is a particular and special work of God, and therefore cannot be brought in

for a general rule. I answer: even like as St Paul was converted, just so

are all others converted; for we all resist God, but the Holy Ghost draws

the will of mankind, when he pleases, through preaching.

Even as no man may lawfully have children, except in a state of

matrimony, though many married people have no children, so the Holy Ghost

works not always through the Word but when it pleases him, so that free-will

does nothing inwardly in our conversion and justification before God,

neither does it work with our strength - no, not in the least, unless we be

prepared and made fit by the Holy Ghost.

The sentences in Holy Scripture touching predestination, as, "No man

can come to me except the Father draweth him," seem to terrify and affright

us; yet they but show that we can do nothing of our own strength and will

that is good before God, and put the godly also in mind to pray. When people

do this, they may conclude they are predestinated.

Ah! why should we boast that our free-will can do aught in man's

conversion? We see the reverse in those poor people, who are corporally

possessed of the devil, how he rends, and tears, and spitefully deals with

them, and with what difficulty he is driven out. Truly, the Holy Ghost alone

must drive him out, as Christ says: "If I, with the finger of God, do drive

out devils, then no doubt the kingdom of God is come upon you." As much as

to say, If the kingdom of God shall come upon you, then the devil must first

be driven out, for his kingdom is opposed to God's kingdom, as ye yourselves

confess. Now the devil will not be driven out through God's finger, then the

kingdom of the devil subsists there; and where the devil's kingdom is, there

is not God's kingdom.

And again, so long as the Holy Ghost comes not into us, we are not only

unable to do anything good, but we are, so long, in the kingdom of the

devil, and do what is pleasing unto him.

What could St Paul have done to be freed from the devil, though all the

people on earth had been present to help him? Truly, nothing at all; he was

forced to do and suffer that which the devil, his lord and master, pleased,

until our blessed Saviour Christ came, with divine power.

Now, if he could not be quit of the devil, corporally from his body,

how should he be quit of him spiritually from his soul, through his own

will, strength, and power? For the soul was the cause why the body was

possessed, which also was a punishment for sin. It is a matter more

difficult to be delivered from sin than from the punishment; the soul is

always heavier possessed than the body; the devil leaves to the body its

natural strength and activity; but the soul he bereaves of understanding,

reason, and power, as we see in possessed people.

Let us mark how Christ pictures forth the devil. He names him a strong

giant that keeps a castle; that is, the devil has not only the world in

possession, as his own kingdom, but he fortifies it in such a way that no

human creature can take it from him, and he keeps it also in such

subordination that he does even what he wills to have done. Now, as much as

a castle is able to defend itself against the tyrant which is therein, even

so much is free-will and human strength able to defend itself against the

devil; that is, no way able at all. And even as the castle must first be

overcome by a stronger giant, to be won from the tyrant, even so mankind

must be delivered and regained from the devil through Christ. Hereby, we see

plainly that our doings and righteousness can help nothing towards our

deliverance, but only by God's grace and power.

O! how excellent and comfortable a gospel is that, in which our Saviour

Christ shows what a loving heart he bears towards us poor sinners, who are

able to do nothing at all for ourselves to our salvation.

For as a silly sheep cannot take heed to itself, that it err not, nor

go astray, unless the shepherd always leads it; yea, and when it has erred,

gone astray, and is lost, cannot find the right way, nor come to the

shepherd, but the shepherd must go after it, and seek until he find it, and

when he has found it, must carry it, to the end it be not scared from him

again, go astray, or be torn by the wolf: so neither can we help ourselves,

nor attain a peaceful conscience, nor outrun the devil, death and hell,

unless Christ himself seek and call us through his Word; and when we are

come unto him, and posses the true faith, yet we of ourselves are not able

to keep ourselves therein, nor to stand, unless he always holds us up

through the Word and spirit, seeing that the devil everywhere lies lurking

for us, like a roaring lion, seeking to devour us.

I fain would know how he who knows nothing of God, should know how to

govern himself; how he, who is conceived and born in sin, as we all are, and

is by nature a child of wrath, and God's enemy, should know how to find the

right way and to remain therein, when, as Isaiah says: "We can do nothing

else but go astray." How is it possible we should defend ourselves against

the devil, who is a Prince of this world, and we his prisoners, when, with

all our strength, we are not able so much as to hinder a leaf or a fly from

doing us hurt? I say, how may we poor miserable wretches presume to boast of

comfort, help, and counsel against God's judgment, his wrath and everlasting

death, when we cannot tell which way to seek help, or comfort, or counsel,

no, not in the least of our corporal necessities, as daily experience

teaches us, either for ourselves or others?

Therefore, thou mayest boldly conclude, that as little as a sheep can

help itself, but must needs wait for all assistance from the shepherd, so

little, yea, much less, can a human creature find comfort, help, and advice

of himself, in cases pertaining to salvation, but must expect and wait for

these only from God, his shepherd, who is a thousand times more willing to

do every good thing for his sheep than any temporal shepherd for his.

Now, seeing that human nature, through original sin, is wholly spoiled

and perverted, outwardly and inwardly, in body and soul, where is then

free-will and human strength? Where human traditions, and the preachers of

works, who teach that we must make use of our own abilities, and by our own

works obtain God's grace, and so, as they say, be children of salvation? O!

foolish, false doctrine! - for we are altogether unprepared with our

abilities, with our strength and works, when it comes to the combat, to

stand or hold out. How can that man be reconciled to God, whom he cannot

endure to hear, but flies from to a human creature, expecting more love and

favor from one that is a sinner, than he does from God. Is not this a fine

free-will for reconciliation and atonement?

The children of Israel on Mount Sinai, when God gave them the Ten

commandments, showed plainly that human nature and free-will can do nothing,

or subsist before God; for they feared that God would suddenly strike among

them, holding him merely for a devil, a hangman, and a tormentor, who did

nothing but fret and fume.