Martin Luther Collection: Luther, Martin - Table Talks: 14. Of Prayer
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Martin Luther Collection: Luther, Martin - Table Talks: 14. Of Prayer
TOPIC: Luther, Martin - Table Talks (Other Topics in this Collection)
SUBJECT: 14. Of Prayer
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None can believe how powerful prayer is, and what it is able to effect, but
those who have learned it by experience.
It is a great matter when in extreme need, to take hold on prayer. I
know, whenever I have earnestly prayed, I have been amply heard, and have
obtained more than I prayed for; God, indeed, sometimes delayed, but at last
he came.
Ecclesiasticus says: "The prayer of a good and godly Christian availeth
more to health, than the physician's physic."
O how great a thing, how marvellous, a godly Christian's prayer is! how
powerful with God; that a poor human creature should speak with God's high
Majesty in heaven, and not be affrighted, but, on the contrary, know that
God smiles upon him for Christ's sake, his dearly beloved Son. The heart and
conscience, in this act of praying, must not fly and recoil backwards by
reason of our sins and unworthiness, or stand in doubt, or be scared away.
We must not do as the Bavarian did, who, with great devotion, called upon St
Leonard, an idol set up in a church in Bavaria, behind which idol stood one
who answered the Bavarian, and said: Fie on thee, Bavarian; and in that sort
often repulsed and would not hear him, till at last, the Bavarian went away,
and said: Fie on thee, Leonard.
When we pray, we must not let it come to: Fie upon thee; but certainly
hold and believe, that we are already heard in that for which we pray, with
faith in Christ. Therefore the ancients ably defined prayer an Accensus
mentis ad Deum, a climbing up of the heart unto God.
Our Saviour Christ as excellency as briefly comprehends in the Lord's
prayer all things needful and necessary. Except under troubles, trials, and
vexations, prayer cannot rightly be made. God says: "Call on me in the time
of trouble;" without trouble it is only a bald prattling, and not from the
heart; `tis a common saying: "Need teaches to pray." And though the papists
say that God well understands all the words of those that pray, yet St
Bernard is far of another opinion, who says: God hears not the words of one
that prays, unless he that prays first hears them himself. The pope is a
mere tormentor of the conscience. The assemblies of his greased crew, in
prayer, were altogether like the croaking of frogs, which edified nothing at
all; mere sophistry and deceit, fruitless and unprofitable. Prayer is a
strong wall and fortress of the church; it is a godly Christian's weapon,
which no man knows or finds, but only he who has the spirit of grace and of
The three first petitions in our Lord's prayer comprehend such great
and celestial things, that no heart is able to search them out. The fourth
contains the whole policy and economy of temporal and house government, and
all things necessary for this life. The fifth fights against our own evil
consciences, and against original and actual sins, which trouble them. Truly
that prayer was penned by wisdom itself; none but God could have done it.
Prayer in popedom is mere tongue-threshing; not prayer, but a work of
obedience. Thence a confused sea of Horae Canonicae, the howling and
babbling in cells and monasteries, where they read and sing the psalms and
collects, without any spiritual devotion, understanding neither the words,
sentences, nor meaning.
How I tormented myself with those Horae Canonicae before the Gospel
came, which by reason of much business I often intermitted, I cannot
express. On the Saturdays, I used to lock myself up in my cell, and
accomplish what the whole week I had neglected. But at last I was troubled
with so many affairs, that I was fain often to omit also my Saturday's
devotions. At length, when I saw that Amsdorf and others derided such
devotion, then I quite left it off.
From this great torment we are now delivered by the Gospel. Though I
had done no more but only freed people from that torment, they might well
give me thanks for it.
We cannot pray without faith in Christ, the Mediator. Turks, Jews, and
papists may repeat the words of prayer, but they cannot pray. And although
the Apostles were taught this Lord's prayer by Christ, and prayed often, yet
they prayed not as they should have prayed; for Christ says: "Hitherto ye
have not prayed in my name;" whereas, doubtless, they had prayed much,
speaking the words. But when the Holy Ghost came, then they prayed aright in
the name of Christ. If praying and reading of prayer be but only a bare
work, as the papists hold, then the righteousness of the law is nothing
worth. The upright prayer of the godly Christian is a strong hedge, as God
himself says: "And I sought for a man among them that should make up the
hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not
destroy it, but I found none."
When Moses, with the children of Israel, came to the Red Sea, then he
cried with trembling and quaking; yet he opened not his mouth, neither was
his voice heard on earth by the people; doubtless he cried and sighed in his
heart, and said: Ah, Lord God! what course shall I now take? Which way shall
I now turn myself? How am I come to this strait? No help or counsel can save
us; before us is the sea; behind us are our enemies the Egyptians; on both
sides high and huge mountains; I am the cause that all this people shall now
be destroyed. Then answered God, and said: "Wherefore criest thou unto me?"
as if God should say: What an alarm dost thou make, that the whole heavens
ring! Human reason is not able to search this passage out. The way through
the Red Sea is full as broad and wide, if not wider, than Wittenberg lies
from Coburg, that so, doubtless, the people were constrained in the night
season to rest and to eat therein; for six hundred thousand men, besides
women and children, would require a good time to pass through, though they
went one hundred and fifty abreast.
It is impossible that God should not hear the prayers which with faith
are made in Christ, though he give not according to the measure, manner, and
time we dictate, for he will not be tied. In such sort dealt God with the
mother of St Augustine; she prayed to God that her son might be converted,
but as yet it would not be; then she ran to the learned, entreating them to
persuade and advise him thereunto. She propounded unto him a marriage with a
Christian virgin, that thereby he might be drawn and brought to the
Christian faith, but all would not do as yet. But when our Lord God came
thereto, he cam to purpose, and made of him such an Augustine, that he
became a great light to the church. St James says: "Pray one for another,
for the prayer of the righteous availeth much." Prayer is a powerful thing,
for God has bound and tied himself thereunto.
Christ gave the Lord's prayer, according to the ideas of the Jews -
that is, he directed it only to the Father, whereas they that pray, should
pray as though they were to be heard for the Son's sake. This was because
Christ would not be praised before his death.
Justice Jonas asked Luther if these sentences in Scripture did not
contradict each other; where God says to Abraham: "If I find ten in Sodom, I
will not destroy it;" and where Ezekiel says: "Though these three men, Noah,
Daniel, and Job, were in it, yet would I not hear," etc.; and where Jeremiah
says: "Therefore pray not thou for this people." Luther answered; No, they
are not against one another; for in Ezekiel it was forbidden them to pray,
but it was not so with Abraham. Therefore we must have regard to the Word;
when God says: thou shalt not pray, then we may well cease.
When governors and rulers are enemies to God's Word, then our duty is
to depart, to sell and forsake all we have; to fly from one place to
another, as Christ commands. We must make for ourselves no tumults, by
reason of the Gospel, but suffer all things.
Upright Christians pray without ceasing; though they pray not always
with their mouths, yet their hearts pray continually, sleeping and waking;
for the sigh of a true Christian is a prayer. As the Psalm saith: "Because
of the deep sighing of the poor, I will up, saith the Lord," etc. In like
manner a true Christian always carried the cross, though he feel it not
The Lord's prayer binds the people together, and knits them one to
another, so that one prays for another, and together one with another; and
it is so strong and powerful that it even drives away the fear of death.
Prayer preserves the church, and hitherto has done the best for the
church; therefore, we must continually pray. Hence Christ says: "Ask, and ye
shall have; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto
First, when we are in trouble, he will have us to pray; for God often,
as it were, hides himself, and will not hear; yea, will not suffer himself
to be found. Then we must seek him; that is, we must continue in prayer.
When we seek him, he often locks himself up, as it were, in a private
chamber; if we intend to come in unto him, then we must knock, and when we
have knocked once or twice, then he begins a little to hear. At last, when
we make much knocking, then he opens, and says: What will ye have? Lord, say
we, we would have this or that; then, say he, Take it unto you. In such sort
must we persist in praying, and waken God up.