Martin Luther Collection: Luther, Martin - Table Talks: 17. Of The Church

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Martin Luther Collection: Luther, Martin - Table Talks: 17. Of The Church

TOPIC: Luther, Martin - Table Talks (Other Topics in this Collection)
SUBJECT: 17. Of The Church

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The true church is an assembly or congregation depending on that which does

not appear, nor may be comprehended in the mind, namely, God's Word; what

that says, they believe without addition, giving God the honor.


We tell our Lord God plainly, that if he will have his church, he must

maintain and defend it; for we can neither uphold nor protect it; if we

could, indeed, we should become the proudest asses under heaven. But God

says: I say it, I do it; it is God only that speaks and does what he

pleases; he does nothing according to the fancies of the ungodly, or which

they hold for upright and good.


The great and worldly-wise people take offence at the poor and mean

form of our church, which is subject to many infirmities, transgressions,

and sects, wherewith she is plagued; for they say the church should be

altogether pure, holy, blameless, God's dove, etc. And the church, in the

eyes and sight of God, has such an esteem; but in the eyes and sight of the

world, she is like unto her bridegroom, Christ Jesus, torn, spit on,

derided, and crucified.

The similitude of the upright and true church and of Christ, is a poor

silly sheep; but the similitude of the false and hypocritical church, is a

serpent, an adder.


Where God's word is purely taught, there is also the upright and true

church; for the true church is supported by the Holy Ghost, not by

succession of inheritance. It does not follow, though St Peter had been

bishop at Rome, and at the same time Christian communion had been at Rome,

that, therefore, the pope and the Romish church are true; for if that should

be of value or conclusive, then they must needs confess that Caiaphas,

Annas, and the Sadducees were also the true church; for they boasted that

they were descended from Aaron.


It is impossible for the Christian and true church to subsist without

the shedding of blood, for her adversary, the devil, is a liar and a

murderer. The church grows and increases through blood; she is sprinkled

with blood; she is spoiled and bereaved of her blood; when human creatures

will reform the church, then it costs blood.


The form and aspect of the world is like a paradise; but the true

Christian church, in the eye of the world, is foul, deformed, and offensive;

yet, nevertheless, in the sight of God, she is precious, beloved, and highly

esteemed. Aaron, the high priest, appeared gloriously in the temple, with

his ornaments and rich attire, with odoriferous and sweet-smelling perfumes;

but Christ appeared most mean and lowly.

Wherefore I am not troubled that the world esteems the church so

meanly; what care I that the usurers, the nobility, gentry, citizens,

country-people, covetous men, and drunkards, condemn and esteem me as dirt?

In due time, I will esteem them as little. We must not suffer ourselves to

be deceived or troubled as to what the world thinks of us. To please the

good is our virtue.


The church is misery on earth, first, that we may keep in mind we are

banished servants, and exiled out of Paradise for Adam's sake. Secondly,

that we may always remember the misery of the Son of God, who, for our sake,

was made man, walked in this vale of misery, suffered for us, died, and rose

again from the dead, and so brought us again to our paternal home, whence we

were driven. Thirdly, that we may remember our habitation is not of this

world, but that we are here only as strangers and pilgrims; and that there

is another and everlasting life prepared for us.


The very name, the church, is the highest argument and proof of all

hypocrites. The pharisees, the scribes, yea, the whole senate of Jerusalem,

cried out against Stephen, and said: "This man ceaseth not to speak

blasphemous words against this holy place and the law." Cain, Ishmael, Saul,

the Turks, and Jews, bore and do bear the name and title of the church. But

Moses finely solves this agreement: "They have moved me to jealousy with

that which is not God, they have provoked me to anger with their vanities;

and I will move them to jealousy with those which are not a people: I will

provoke them to anger with a foolish nation." Here was quid pro quo; as if

God should say: "Could ye find in your hearts to forsake me? so can I again

forsake you;" for God and nation, the Word and the church, are

correlativea;" the one cannot be without the other.


The amaranth is a flower that grows in August; it is more a stalk than

a flower, is easily broken off, and grows in joyful and pleasant sort; when

all other flowers are gone and decayed, then this, being sprinkled with

water, becomes fair and green again; so that in winter they used to make

garlands thereof. It is called amaranth from this, that it neither withers

nor decays.

I know nothing more like unto the church than this flower, amaranth.

For although the church bathes her garment in the blood of the Lamb, and is

colored over with red, yet she is more fair, comely, and beautiful than any

state and assembly upon the face of the earth. She alone is embraced and

beloved of the Son of God, as his sweet and amiable spouse, in whom only he

takes joy and delight, and whereupon his heart alone depends; he utterly

rejects and loathes others, that condemn or falsify his gospel.

Moreover, the church willingly suffers herself to be plucked and broken

off, that is, she is loving, patient, and obedient to Christ her bridegroom

in the cross; she grows and increases again, fair, joyful, and pleasant,

that is, she gains the greatest fruit and profit thereby; she learns to know

God aright, to call upon him freely and undauntedly, to confess his word and

doctrine, and produces many fair and glorious virtues.

At last, the body and stalk remain whole and sound, and cannot be

rooted out, although raging and swelling be made against some of the

members, and these be torn away. For like as the amaranth never withers or

decays, even so, the church can never be destroyed or rooted out. But what

is most wonderful, the amaranth has this quality, that when it is sprinkled

with water, and dipped therein, it becomes fresh and green again, as if it

were raised and wakened from the dead. Even so likewise the church will by

God be raised and wakened out of the grace, and become living again; will

everlastingly praise, extol, and laud the Father of our Lord and Saviour

Jesus Christ, his Son and our Redeemer, together with the Holy Ghost. For

though temporal empires, kingdoms, and principalities have their changings,

and like flowers soon fall and fade away, this kingdom, which is so

deep-rooted, by no power can be destroyed or wasted, but remains eternally.


An olive tree will live and bear fruit two hundred years; `tis an image

of the church; oil symbolizes the gentle love of the Gospel, as wine emblems

the doctrine of the law. There is such a natural unity and affinity between

the vine and the olive tree, that when the branch of a vine is grafted upon

an olive tree, it bears both grapes and olives. In like manner, when the

church, which is God's Word, is planted in people's hearts, then it teaches

both the law and the Gospel, using both doctrines, and from both winning

fruit. The chestnut tree, in that it produces all the better fruit when it

is soundly beaten, shadows forth man submissive to the law, whose actions

are not agreeable to God, until he has been tried by tribulation. The lemon

tree, with its fruit, figures Christ; the lemon tree has the property of

bearing fruit at all seasons; when its fruits are ripe, they drop off, and

are succeeded by a fresh growth; and this fruit is a sure remedy against

poison. Jesus Christ, when his ministers and champions depart from earth,

replaces them by others; his produce is ever growing, and it is a sure

remedy against the poison of the devil.


I much marvel that the pope extols his church at Rome as the chief,

whereas the church at Jerusalem is the mother; for there the doctrine was

first revealed, and set forth by Christ, the son of God himself, and by his

apostles. Next was the church at Antioch, whence the Christians have their

name. Thirdly, was the church at Alexandria; and still before the Romish

were the churches of the Galatians, of the Corinthians, Ephesians, of the

Philippians, etc. Is it so great a matter that St Peter was at Rome? which,

however, has never yet been, nor ever will be proved, whereas our blessed

Saviour Christ himself, was at Jerusalem, where all the articles of our

Christian faith were made; where St James received his orders, and was

bishop, and where the pillars of the church had their seat.


The papists rely upon this: the church cannot err; we are the church,

ergo, we cannot err. To the major, I make this answer: true, the church

cannot err in doctrine, but in works and actions she may easily err, yea,

and often does err; and therefore she prays: "Forgive us our trespasses,"

etc. The minor I utterly deny. Therefore when they argue and say: What the

church teaches uprightly and pure, is true, this we admit; but when they

argue and say: what the church does is upright and true, this we deny.


Many boast of their title to the church, whereas they know not the true

church; the holy prophets much opposed the false church. The prophet Isaiah,

in the beginning of his first chapter, describes two sorts of churches. The

upright and true church is a very small heap and number, of little or no

esteem, and lying under the cross. But the false church is pompous,

boasting, and presuming; she flourishes, and is held in high repute, like

Sodom, of which St Paul complains, Romans viii. and ix. The true church

consists in God's election and calling; she is powerful and strong in



One of the juggling of the sophists, wherewith the ungodly wretches

deceive simple people, is this: a kingdom, say they, which is plagued and

tormented, is a temporal kingdom. The Christian church is plagued and

tormented: ergo, Christ's kingdom is a temporal kingdom. But I answer them:

No, not so; the kingdom of Christ is not plagued, but our bodies, by reason

of our sins, are plagued and tormented. As St Paul says: "We must through

much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God." He says not that the

kingdom of God suffers externally. It is equally false when they say, God is

love, God justifies, therefore love justifies.

Such, and the like fallacies, may sometimes puzzle even understanding

minds, well exercised and practiced; therefore we must take time to answer

them, for every one cannot so suddenly detect them.