Martin Luther Collection: Luther, Martin - Table Talks: 18. Of Excommunication

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Martin Luther Collection: Luther, Martin - Table Talks: 18. Of Excommunication

TOPIC: Luther, Martin - Table Talks (Other Topics in this Collection)
SUBJECT: 18. Of Excommunication

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The ungodly have great power, riches, and respect; on the contrary, we, the

true and upright Christians, have but only one poor, silly, and condemned

Christ. Temporal things, money, wealth, reputation, and power they have

already; they care nothing for Christ. We say to them: Ye are great lords on

earth, we, lords in heaven; ye have the power and riches on earth, we,

heavenly treasure, namely, God's Word and command; we have baptism, and the

sacraments of the Lord's Supper, which is an office celestial. If any man

among us, with the name of a Christian, will exercise unjust power,

insolence, and wickedness, willfully, then we excommunicate such a person,

so that he shall not be present at the baptizing of children, nor shall be

partaker of the holy communion, nor have conversation with other Christians.

But if he abandon and forsake the name of a Christian, and give up his

profession, then we are willing with patience to suffer his tyranny,

insolence, and usurped power; we are content to let him go like the heathen,

or Jews, or Turks, and so commit our cause to God.


Our dealing and proceeding against the pope is altogether

excommunication, which is simply the public declaration that a person is

disobedient to Christ's Word. Now we affirm in public, that the pope and his

retinue believe not; therefore we conclude that he shall not be saved, but

be damned. What is this, but to excommunicate him? Briefly, to put Christ's

Word in execution, and to accomplish and execute his command, this is



I will proceed with excommunication after this manner first, when, I

myself have admonished an obstinate sinner then I will send unto him two

persons, as two chaplains, or two of the aldermen of the town, two church

wardens, or two honest men of the assembly; if then he will not be reformed,

but still runs on in stubbornness, and persist in his sinful life, I will

declare him openly to the church in this manner: Loving friends, I declare

unto you, that N. N. has been admonished, first by myself in private;

afterwards also by two chaplains; thirdly, by two aldermen, or two church

wardens, as it may be, yet he will not desist from his sinful kind of life;

wherefore, I earnestly desire you to assist, and advise you to kneel down

with me, and let us pray against him, and deliver him over to the devil,


Hereby we should doubtless prevail so far, that people would not live

in such public sin and shame; for this would be a strict excommunication,

not like the pope's money-bulls, profitable to the church. When the person

were reformed and converted, we might receive him into the church again.


Christ will have that a sinner be first warned and admonished, not only

once or twice by private and single persons not in office, but also by them

that are in office of public preaching, before the severe sentence of

excommunication be published and declared. But while the ministry of the

Word calls to the Lord's Supper all such of the faithful as repent of their

sins, and admits them to the bosom of Christ's church, it must justly reject

the hardened impenitent, and abandon them to the judgments of God, excluding

them here from the society of the faithful, and, should they die in their

sins, from Christian burial.


Nothing would more hinder excommunication than for men to do what

pertains to a Christian. Thou hast a neighbor whose life and conversation is

well known unto thee, but unknown to thy preacher or minister: When thou

seest this neighbor growing rich by unlawful dealing, living lasciviously,

in adultery, etc.; that he governs his house and family negligently, etc.;

then thou oughtest, Christian-like to warn and earnestly admonish him to

desist from his sinful courses, to have a care of his salvation, and to

abstain from giving offence. Oh, how holy a work wouldst then thou perform,

didst thou in this way win thy neighbor! But I pray, who does this? for,

first, truth is a hateful thing; he that, in these times, speaks the truth,

procures hatred. Therefore, thou wilt rather keep thy neighbor's friendship

and good will, especially when he is rich and powerful, by holding thy peace

and keeping silence, and conniving, than incur his displeasure and make him

thy adversary.

Again, we have less excommunication now, forasmuch as in some sort we

are all subject to blaspheming alike, and therewith are stained; so that we

are afraid to pull out the mote we see in our neighbor's eye, lest we be hit

in the teeth with the beam that appears in our own.

But the chief cause why excommunication is fallen, is that the number

of upright and true Christians in every place is very small; for, if from

our hearts we loved and practiced true and upright godliness and God's Word,

as we all ought, then we should regard the command of Christ our blessed

Saviour for above all the wealth, welfare, or favor for this temporal life.

For this command of Christ, touching the admonishing and warning a sinning

brother, is even as necessary as this: "Thou shalt do no murder, thou shalt

not commit adultery, not steal," etc., seeing that when, either out of fear

or for some other worldly respect, thou omittest this admonition, there

depends thereon, not thy neighbor's body and goods, but the salvation of his



Take heed, I say, that in any case thou condemn not the communication

of the true church; a contempt certainly involving the displeasure of God;

for Christ says: "Verily I say unto you, what ye bind on earth, shall be

also bound in heaven," etc. The pope, however, in his tyranny, abuses the

power of excommunication. If a poor man, at a certain appointed day, cannot

make payment of the taxation the pope imposes upon him, he is

excommunicated; and in the same way he thunders his bulls and his

excommunications against us, because we avow the all-saving doctrine of the

Gospel; yet our Saviour Christ comforts us, saying: "Happy are ye when men

revile and persecute you for my sake, and speak all manner of evil against

you," etc. And again; "They will excommunicate you or put you out of the


Most assuredly the pope's bull is not Christ's excommunication, by

reason it is not done or taken in hand according to Christ's institution; it

is of no value in heaven, but to him, who thus abuses it against Christ's

command, it brings most sure and certain destruction, for it is a sin

wherewith God's name is blasphemed.


Like as this external and visible excommunication is used against those

only that live in public sins, even so the hidden and invisible

excommunication, which is not of men, or done by men visibly, but is of God

himself, and done by him only, often excludes from the kingdom of Christ,

invisibly, persons whom we take to be fair, upright, good, and honest

Christians. For God judges not according to outward works or kind of life,

as men do, but views the heart; he judges hypocrites whom the church can

neither judge nor punish; the church judges not what is hidden and


All are not stained so grossly with open offences, that we can tax them

in public, as were fitting, with any one particular sin and transgression.

For although many covetous persons, adulterers, etc., are among us, yet they

proceed so craftily, and in such sort act their sins, that we can not detect

them. Yet although such be with us in the church, among the Christian

assembly, hear sermons and God's Word, and, with upright and godly

Christians, receive the holy sacrament, yet, de facto, they are

excommunicated by God, by reason they live in sin against their own

consciences, and amend not their lives. Such sinners may deceive men, but

they cannot deceive God; he at the day of judgment will cause his angels to

gather all offenders together, and will cast them into unquenchable fire.


Christ says: "Receive ye the Holy Ghost, whosesoever sins ye remit,

they are remitted unto them; and whosesoever sins ye retain, they are

retained." And "If thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him

his fault between thee, and him alone; if he shall hear thee, thou hast

gained thy brother. But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or

two more," etc.; and "If he shall neglect to hear them, tell it unto the

church. But if he neglect to hear the church, let him be unto thee as an

heathen man, and a publican." And St Paul: "If any man that is called a

brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolder, or a railer, or a

drunkard, or an extortioner, with such an one, eat not, etc.; put away from

you that wicked person." Also: "If there come any to you, and bring not this

doctrine, receive him not unto your house, neither bid him God speed; for he

that biddeth him God speed, is partaker of his evil deeds."

These, and such like sentences, are the unchangeable will, decrees, and

ordinances of the high Majesty of God; we have no power to alter or omit

them, much less to abolish them; but on the contrary, have earnest command,

with true diligence to hold thereunto, disregarding the power or reputation

of any person whatsoever. And although excommunication in popedom has been

and is shamefully abused, and made a mere torment, yet we must not suffer it

to fall, but make a right use of it, as Christ has commanded, to the raising

of the church, not to exercise tyranny, as the pope has done.