Adam Clarke Commentary - Leviticus 3:2 - 3:2

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Adam Clarke Commentary - Leviticus 3:2 - 3:2

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Lay his hand upon the head of his offering - See this rite explained in Exo 29:10 (note), and Lev 1:4 (note). “As the burnt-offering, (Leviticus 1).,” says Mr. Ainsworth, “figured our reconciliation to God by the death of Christ, and the meat-offering, (Leviticus 2)., our sanctification in him before God, so this peace-offering signified both Christ’s oblation of himself whereby he became our peace and salvation, (Eph 2:14-16; Act 13:47; Heb 5:9; Heb 9:28), and our oblation of praise, thanksgiving, and prayer unto God.”