Adam Clarke Commentary - Luke 24:47 - 24:47

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Adam Clarke Commentary - Luke 24:47 - 24:47

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This Chapter Verse Commentaries:

Repentance - See its nature fully explained on Mat 3:1 (note).

Remission of sins - Αφεσιν ἁμαρτιων, The taking away - removal of sins, in general every thing that relates to the destruction of the power, the pardoning of the guilt, and the purification of the heart from the very nature of sin.

Should be preached in his name - See the office of a proclaimer, herald, or preacher, explained in the note on Mat 3:1 (note), and particularly at the end of that chapter.

In his name - On his authority, and in virtue of the atonement made by him: for on what other ground could the inhabitants of the earth expect remission of sins?

Among all nations - Because God wills the salvation of All; and Jesus Christ by his grace has tasted death for Every man. Heb 2:9.

Beginning at Jerusalem - Making the first overtures of mercy to my murderers! If, then, the sinners of Jerusalem might repent, believe, and be saved, none, on this side hell, need despair.