Adam Clarke Commentary - Matthew 14:8 - 14:8

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Adam Clarke Commentary - Matthew 14:8 - 14:8

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Give me here John Baptist’s head in a charger - The word charger formerly signified a large dish, bowl, or drinking cup: the Saxon has a dish, Tindal, a platter; any thing is better than charger, which never conveyed much meaning, and now conveys none. The evangelist says she was instructed before, by her mother, to ask the Baptist’s head! What a most infernal mother, to give such instructions to her child! and what a promising daughter to receive them! What a present for a young lady! - the bloody head of the murdered forerunner of Jesus! and what a gratification for an adulterous wife, and incestuous mother! The disturber of her illicit pleasures, and the troubler of her brother-husband’s conscience, is no more! Short, however, was their glorying! See on Mat 14:3 (note).