Adam Clarke Commentary - Matthew 25:8 - 25:8

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Adam Clarke Commentary - Matthew 25:8 - 25:8

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Our lamps are gone out - Σβεννυνται, are going out. So then it is evident that they were once lighted. They had once hearts illuminated and warmed by faith and love; but they had backslidden from the salvation of God, and now they are excluded from heaven, because, through their carelessness, they have let the light that was in them become darkness, and have not applied in time for a fresh supply of the salvation of God.

A Jewish rabbin supposes God addressing man thus: - I give thee my lamp, give thou me thy lamp; if thou keep my lamp I will keep thy lamp; but if thou extinguish my lamp I will extinguish thy lamp. That is, I give thee my Word and testimonies to be a light unto thy feet and a lanthorn to thy steps, to guide thee safely through life; give me thy Soul and all its concerns, that I may defend and save thee from all evil: keep my Word, walk in my ways, and I will keep thy Soul that nothing shall injure it; but if thou trample under foot my laws, I will cast thy soul into outer darkness.