Jamieson Fausset Brown Commentary - Isaiah 58:13 - 58:13

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Jamieson Fausset Brown Commentary - Isaiah 58:13 - 58:13

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(Isa 56:2; Neh 13:15-22). The Sabbath, even under the new dispensation, was to be obligatory (Isa 66:23).

foot - the instrument of motion (compare Pro 4:27); men are not to travel for mere pleasure on the Sabbath (Act 1:12). The Jews were forbidden to travel on it farther than the tabernacle or temple. If thou keep thy foot from going on thy own ways and “doing thy pleasure,” etc. (Exo 20:10, Exo 20:11).

my holy day - God claims it as His day; to take it for our pleasure is to rob Him of His own. This is the very way in which the Sabbath is mostly broken; it is made a day of carnal pleasure instead of spiritual “delight.”

holy of the Lord - not the predicate, but the subject; “if thou call the holy (day) of Jehovah honorable”; if thou treat it as a day to be honored.

him - or else, it, the Sabbath.

not doing ... own way - answering to, “turn away thy foot from the Sabbath.”

nor finding ... pleasure - answering to, “doing thy pleasure.” “To keep the Sabbath in an idle manner is the sabbath of oxen and asses; to pass it in a jovial manner is the sabbath of the golden calf, when the people sat down to eat and drink, and rose again to play; to keep it in surfeiting and wantonness is the sabbath of Satan, the devil’s holiday” [Bishop Andrewes].

nor speaking ... words - answering to, “call Sabbath a delight ... honorable.” Man’s “own words” would “call” it a “weariness”; it is the spiritual nature given from above which “calls it a delight” (Amo 8:5; Mal 1:13).