The Apostle sets himself to correct certain erroneous impressions which had unsettled the church in Thessalonica. Notice how reverently he speaks of our Savior. Once and again he alludes to Him as the Lord Jesus Christ. He is surely coming, and as surely will His saints be gathered to Him, as the drops of moisture are drawn up from ponds and oceans, to cluster in the clouds in radiant beauty around the sun.
But certain events must take place first. There must be a great apostasy and the unveiling of “the mystery of lawlessness,†which even at that time was already at work. First, the man of sin; then, the Son of man. First, He that set Himself forth as God; then, God manifest in the flesh. First, the revelation of sin; then, the revelation of perfect salvation. Dan 11:36 seems to have suggested Paul’s words, which have been applied to Nero or Caligula, to Judaism or the Papal Church, and to some future manifestation of Satanic hatred toward the Church of God. But whatever form it may assume, the coming of Jesus will absolutely destroy this power of Antichrist. Let us be warned by the doom of those that are involved in this great apostasy, and ever cherish the love of the truth of Christ, that we may be saved.