From his high expectations of the Advent, the Apostle turns to the prosaic commonplaces of daily toil. There was need for this, because the expectation of the speedy return of Christ was disarranging the ordinary course of life and duty. People were neglecting the common round of daily tasks, and idlers were imposing on Christian generosity. Against these the Apostle sets his own example of sitting far into the night at his tent-making. See 1Th 2:9. The best attitude for those that look for their Lord is not in pressing their faces against the oriel window, to behold the chariot of their returning Master, but in plying their toil with deft hands and consecrated hearts.
Note that parting salutation, 2Th 3:16, and let us believe that the God of peace is causing peace for us at all times and in all ways. Even storms are forwarding our boat to its haven, and we shall be borne in with the flood tide of His mercy. Every wind is a home wind to the child of God, setting in from the quarter of His love. Every messenger, however garbed, brings God’s salutation and benediction.