It is only when we reach the fire that we become aware of the presence of the divine Companion, walking beside us as if treading the dew-besprinkled glades of Paradise. The Good Shepherd was there with His rod and staff. Loose, Dan 3:25, that is, the fire had consumed their bonds and nothing else. Hair would soonest catch the flame, but not a hair perished, Luk 12:7; Luk 21:18. The yielded body of Dan 3:28 reminds us of Rom 6:13; Rom 12:1-2. Let us yield our bodies and souls to our faithful Creator for Him to use as He will. He made and redeemed, let Him have; and when we are possessed by His Spirit, all other fires, whether physical or temperamental, fail to hurt. Of the martyrs, it may be said that upon them also the fire had no power, Isa 43:2!