Through the Bible Day by Day - Leviticus 9:1 - 9:1

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Through the Bible Day by Day - Leviticus 9:1 - 9:1

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This Chapter Verse Commentaries:

Aaron’s Offerings for Himself and the People

Lev 9:1-21

In the concluding verses of Lev 8:1-36 we read of Aaron and his sons feeding together on the flesh of the consecration-offering; and that for seven days, during which time they were not permitted to leave the Tabernacle-a striking figure of the present position of our Lord and His own, during this dispensation, shut in with God, and awaiting the manifestation of His glory.

May not this eighth day, on which the glory of the Lord appeared, be an emblem of that bright millennial morning when the congregation of Israel shall behold the true Priest issuing from the sanctuary, where He is now hidden from the eyes of men; and with Him, when He is manifested, we shall be manifested also, “the companions of His retirement, and the happy participators of His glory?” Oh, that none of us may miss that share in His epiphany, and that now our life may be hidden with Christ in glory! See Col 3:1-4.