Vincent Word Studies - 1 Corinthians 1:21 - 1:21

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Vincent Word Studies - 1 Corinthians 1:21 - 1:21

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This Chapter Verse Commentaries:

After that (ἐπειδὴ)

Rev., correctly, seeing that.

By wisdom (διὰ τῆς σοφίας)

Better, as Rev., giving the force of the article, “through its wisdom.”

Preaching (κηρύγματος)

Not the act, but the substance of preaching. Compare 1Co 1:23.

To save (σῶσαι)

The word was technically used in the Old Testament of deliverance at the Messiah's coming; of salvation from the penalties of the messianic judgment, or from the evils which obstruct the messianic deliverance. See Joe 2:32; Mat 1:21; compare Act 2:40. Paul uses it in the ethical sense, to make one a partaker of the salvation which is through Christ. Edwards calls attention to the foregleam of this christian conception of the word in the closing paragraph of Plato's “Republic:” “And thus, Glaucon, the tale has been saved, and has not perished, and will save (σώσειεν) us if we are obedient to the word spoken, and we shall pass safely over the river of forgetfulness and our soul will not be defiled.”