Vincent Word Studies - 2 Peter 1:11 - 1:11

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Vincent Word Studies - 2 Peter 1:11 - 1:11

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This Chapter Verse Commentaries:

Shall be ministered abundantly (πλουσίως ἐπιχορηγηθήσεται)

On the verb see 2Pe 1:5. Rev., shall be richly supplied. We are to furnish in our faith: the reward shall be furnished unto us. Richly, indicating the fulness of future blessedness. Professor Salmond observes that it is the reverse of “saved, yet so as by fire” (1Co 3:15).

Everlasting kingdom (αἰώνιον βασιλείαν)

In the first epistle, Peter designated the believer's future as an inheritance; here he calls it a kingdom. Eternal, as Rev., is better than everlasting, since the word includes more than duration of time.