Vincent Word Studies - Colossians 1:6 - 1:6

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Vincent Word Studies - Colossians 1:6 - 1:6

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This Chapter Verse Commentaries:

Which is come unto you (τοῦ παρόντος εἰς ὑμᾶς)

Lit., which is present unto you. Has come and is present. Compare Luk 11:7, “are with me into bed.”

In all the world

Hyperbolical. Compare Rom 1:8; 1Th 1:8; Act 17:6. Possibly with a suggestion of the universal character of the Gospel as contrasted with the local and special character of false Gospels. Compare Col 1:23.

And bringeth forth fruit (καὶ ἔστι καρποφορούμενον)

Lit., and is bearing fruit. The text varies. The best texts omit and. Some join ἔστι is with the previous clause, as it is in all the world, and take bearing fruit as a parallel participle. So Rev. Others, better, join is with the participle, “even as it is bearing fruit.” This would emphasize the continuous fruitfulness of the Gospel. The middle voice of the verb, of which this is the sole instance, marks the fruitfulness of the Gospel by its own inherent power. Compare the active voice in Col 1:10, and see Mar 4:28, “the earth bringeth forth fruit αὐτομάτη of herself, self-acting. For a similar use of the middle, see show, Eph 2:7; worketh, Gal 5:6.

Increasing (αὐξανόμενην)

Not found in Tex. Rec., nor in A.V., but added in later and better texts, and in Rev. “Not like those plants which exhaust themselves in bearing fruit. The external growth keeps pace with the reproductive energy” (Lightfoot). “It makes wood as well” (Maclaren).