Vincent Word Studies - Galatians 5:18 - 5:18

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Vincent Word Studies - Galatians 5:18 - 5:18

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The question is, which of these two powers shall prevail. If the Spirit, then you are free men, no longer under the law. Comp. Rom 6:11, Rom 6:14.

Under the law (ὑπὸ νόμον)

The Mosaic law. We might have expected, from what precedes, under the flesh. But the law and the flesh are in the same category. Circumcision was a requirement of the law, and was a work of the flesh. The ordinances of the law were ordinances of the flesh (Heb 9:10, Heb 9:13); the law was weak through the flesh (Rom 8:3). See especially, Gal 3:2-6. In Phi 3:3 ff. Paul explains his grounds for confidence in the flesh as his legal righteousness. The whole legal economy was an economy of the flesh as distinguished from the Spirit.