Only here and Eph 6:10. Commonly τὸ λοιποÌν. The genitive is temporal; at any time in the future as distinguished from throughout the future.
Trouble me (κοÌπους μοι - παÏεχεÌτε)
Lit. give me troubles; make it necessary for me to vindicate my apostolic authority and the divine truth of my gospel.
Bear in my body
Comp. 2Co 4:10.
Marks (στιÌγματα)
N.T.o. The wounds, scars, and other outward signs of persecutions and sufferings in the service of Christ. Comp. 2Co 11:23 ff. The metaphor is the brands applied to slaves in order to mark their owners. Hence Rev., I bear branded. Brands were also set upon soldiers, captives, and servants of temples. See on Rev 13:16, and comp. Rev 7:3; Rev 14:1, Rev 14:9, Rev 14:11. The scars on the apostle's body marked him as the bondservant of Jesus Christ. The passage naturally recalls the legend of Francis of Assisi.