Vincent Word Studies - John 10:12 - 10:12

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Vincent Word Studies - John 10:12 - 10:12

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This Chapter Verse Commentaries:

Hireling (μισθωτὸς)

From μισθός, hire. See on 2Pe 2:13. Wyc., merchant.

Seeth (θεωρεῖ)

Very graphic. His gaze is fixed with the fascination of terror on the approaching wolf. Compare Dante:

“But not so much, that did not give me fear

A lion's aspect which appeared to me.

. . . . .

And a she wolf, that with all hungerings

Seemed to be laden in her meagerness,

And many folk has caused to live forlorn!

She brought upon me so much heaviness,

With the affright that from her aspect came,

That I the hope relinquished of the height.”

“Inferno,” i., 44 54.

Westcott cites Augustine on this word: fuga animi timor est, the flight of the mind is cowardice; with which again compare Dante:

“So did my soul, that still was fleeing onward,

Turn itself back,” etc.

“Inferno,” i., 25.

Leaveth (ἀφίησι)

See on Joh 4:3.

Catcheth (ἀρπάζει)

Better, as Rev., snatcheth; though catch is doubtless used by the A.V. in its earlier and stronger sense, from the low Latin caciare, to chase, corrupted from captare, to snatch or lay hold of. Compare the Italian cacciare, to hunt. The same word is used at Joh 10:28, of plucking out of Christ's hand. See on Mat 11:12.

The sheep

The best texts omit. Read, as Rev., scattereth them.