Vincent Word Studies - John 10:19 - 10:19

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Vincent Word Studies - John 10:19 - 10:19

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This Chapter Verse Commentaries:

There was a division (σχίσμα ἐγένετο)

Rev., more correctly, there arose. The word σχίσμα, division, from σχίζω, to cleave, describes a fact which continually recurs in John's narrative. See Joh 6:52, Joh 6:60, Joh 6:66; Joh 7:12, Joh 7:25 sqq.; Joh 8:22; Joh 9:16, Joh 9:17; Joh 10:19, Joh 10:24, Joh 10:41; Joh 11:37 sqq.; Joh 12:19, Joh 12:29, Joh 12:42; Joh 16:18, Joh 16:19.

Words (λόγους)

Or, discourses.