This is not meant to relate a reappearance of Jesus in public. The close of His public ministry is noted at Joh 12:36. It is in continuation of the Evangelist's own remarks, and introduces a summary of Jesus' past teaching to the Jews.
Believeth - on Him that sent Me (πιστευÌει - εἰς τὸν πεÌÎ¼ÏˆÎ±Î½Ï„Î±Ì Î¼Îµ)
This is the first and almost the only place in the Gospel where the words believe on are used with reference to the Father. This rendering in Joh 5:24 is an error. See Joh 14:1. The phrase is constantly associated with our Lord. At the same time it is to be noted that it contemplates the Father as the source of the special revelation of Christ, and therefore is not absolutely an exception to the habitual usage. The same is true of Joh 14:1.