Was leaning on Jesus' bosom (ἦν ἀνακείμενος ἐν τῷ κόλπῳ τοῦ Ἱησοῦ)
The Rev. renders, “there was at the table reclining,” etc. At the table is added because the verb is the general term equivalent to sitting at table. “In Jesus' bosom,” defines John's position relatively to the other guests. As the guests reclined upon the left arm, the feet being stretched out behind, the head of each would be near the breast of his companion on the left. Supposing that Jesus, Peter, and John were together, Jesus would occupy the central place, the place of honor, and John, being in front of Him, could readily lean back and speak to Him. Peter would be behind him.
See on Luk 6:38. The Synoptists do not give this incident.