Only in John's Gospel and First Epistle (Joh 14:16, Joh 14:26; Joh 15:26; Joh 16:7; 1Jo 2:13. From παÏαÌ, to the side of, and καλεÌω, to summon. Hence, originally, one who is called to another's side to aid him, as an advocate in a court of justice. The later, Hellenistic use of παÏακαλεῖν and παÏαÌκλησις, to denote the act of consoling and consolation, gave rise to the rendering Comforter, which is given in every instance in the Gospel, but is changed to advocate in 1Jo 2:1, agreeably to its uniform signification in classical Greek. The argument in favor of this rendering throughout is conclusive. It is urged that the rendering Comforter is justified by the fact that, in its original sense, it means more than a mere consoler, being derived from the Latin confortare, to strengthen, and that the Comforter is therefore one who strengthens the cause and the courage of his client at the bar: but, as Bishop Lightfoot observes, the history of this interpretation shows that it is not reached by this process, but grew out of a grammatical error, and that therefore this account can only be accepted as an apology after the fact, and not as an explanation of the fact. The Holy Spirit is, therefore, by the word παÏαÌκλητος, of which Paraclete is a transcription, represented as our Advocate or Counsel, “who suggests true reasonings to our minds, and true courses of action for our lives, who convicts our adversary, the world, of wrong, and pleads our cause before God our Father.†It is to be noted that Jesus as well as the Holy Spirit is represented as Paraclete. The Holy Spirit is to be another Paraclete, and this falls in with the statement in the First Epistle, “we have an advocate with God, even Jesus Christ.†Compare Rom 8:26. See on Luk 6:24. Note also that the word another is ἀÌλλον, and not ἑÌτεÏον, which means different. The advocate who is to be sent is not different from Christ, but another similar to Himself. See on Mat 6:24.
With you (μεθ' ὑμῶν)
Notice the three prepositions used in this verse to describe the Spirit's relation to the believer. With you (μεταÌ), in fellowship; by you (παÏαÌ), in His personal presence; in you (ἐν), as an indwelling personal energy, at the springs of the life.